A Rather Ignoble Beginning to a Great Day; Leaking Hot Water Bottle but Afterwards a Glorious Accomplish Filled Day with Great People; News of an October Jab; Took the Road Less Traveled, An Idiom and a Book by Scott Peck; Peace Garden Park; Ikebana Again; Ready for Winter With the Help of Winner’s; A Video Lesson from Iraq Illustrating Hijab Tying; Guide Us On the Straight Path; Photo of Peace Garden Sign

Let us first define ignoble: not honorable in character or purpose.  Appropriate synonyms for this particular situation are: unworthy, base, shabby,  low, improper, unprincipled, unchivalrous, uncharitable. The antonym is noble. The very beginning of the…

Learning Something New and Amazing Everyday; A Legislative Library Visit Yields Knowledge of Diverse Subjects; Books on Homelessness, Studies Completed in Canada; But Perhaps Even Better The Knowledge That There are Women Directed Mosques in China Led; The Truth Shall Set You Free Origins Explored; One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Origins of Word and a Picture; I Guess I Should Have Gone to China

It was entirely by accident that I discovered, what was to me, a starting, unbelievable  fact. First I shall reveal the startling fact, which is incredibly encouraging. This from Wikipedia, the path to its discovery…

It is a New Dawn of a New Day for Me After What Seemed like an Interminably Long Week Silent From Most Social Media I Most Busy with the Discard of People, Places and Things; Discard Defined; It is a New Dawn of a New Day, Listen to Nina Simone Sing; A ‘Rejection Slip’ Texted to the (Maybe) Crown Prince of Dubai (and Others); Distinction Between Opinion, Fact, Ignorance and Stupidity; Photo of Fake Fall.

This is being written on the morning of September 19, 2022. I have accomplished what has been an horrendous task – getting a 2021 1099 tax form for my gifted marvelous US tax accountant. Just…

Time for A Little Humour Or I Shall Lose All My Viewers; Andy Borowitz to the Rescue Along With Other Humour From The New Yorker About the Non Existent Nineteenth Amendment; Some Amy Schummer Humor But it Became Too Vulgar; The Combination Eye and Psych Exam For The Under insured; Lat But Not Least Should I Have Kids These Days of Climate Change

This has been a dreadful week for Canadians and the world in general with the death of our Queen. If I was laughing, joking and making merry in the midst of it – it would…

Getting My Feet Back on the Ground; Good New: I am Eligible for Another Booster; The Southern Poverty Law Center Explores the Enduring Effects of 9/11; Publisher’s Notes in My Quran Explain The True Picture of the Islamic Faith; An Instagram Reel Brought the Thinking of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Which Was Brilliantly Relevant; Tickle Your Funny Bone Described: Two Cartoons to Bring Cheer.

The terror of the Saskatchewan mass murders and then the death of Queen Elizabeth II has been electrifying, well for me anyway. A number of issues got lost, were not addressed or even considered during…

I am Not Alone: Mourning the Death of Queen Elizabeth II; Delay in Blog Posting Finally Resolved; Me Being Calm, Cool and Collected; Sacrilege Defined; Being Tough With Your Feelings; Grief Is the Price We Pay for Love: Flower Bed of Impatience Less to Miraculous Events; Signing of the Book of Condolence; Conversations on Instagram Less to Catharsis; Photographs Illustrating the Day

On Thursday when first learned of Queen Elizabeth II’s death I did what I usually do. I began to write. Within about an hour and a half the blog that proceeds this blog, the one…

An Example of Dead Wrong: The Canadian Parole Board Hearing and Release of Sanderson; Details of Their Findings; A Sliver of Relief; Email and Response to My Regina Cousin; Conversation with Black Taxi Driver About Prejudice; Trip to Winners Gains Many Treasures, Some Pictured

The following is a finding of the Canada Parole Board. : “It is the Board’s opinion that you will not present an undue risk to society,” the panel concluded, releasing Sanderson from custody, “and that…

The Aftermath of the Saskatchewan Tragedy; Aftermath Defined; Amateur Reel on Instagram; Anomaly Defined; Easy Come, Easy Go Defined and Explored; Freud’s Repetition Compulsion Explored as Perpetuators Were Abused as Children; Protocol Defined and Not Illustrated; Facing Retraumatization But With a Happy Ending; Photo of An Omelet

What is an aftermath? It is the the consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant  event. It is the aftereffects, byproduct, fallout, backwash, ; reverberations, consequences, effects, results, fruits; end result, outcome, upshot. . There…

This Has to Be the Weirdest Morning of My Life and It is Only 7:25 a.m; Al Jazeera Reports Mass Murders in Saskatchewan, Fantastic Coverage of this Horrible Occurrence; Mass Killings in Canada Not Common; Quebec City Mosque Killing One of Three; One Survivor An Absolute Hero: More Examples of Islamophobia; I Shall Not Visit India, No Thanks; Improbable Defined and Amply Illustrated Using My Life and Times; Photos of a Bad Make Up Application Upon My Face.

Honest to goodness it as been, with details to follow. The topic of today’s blog was going to be violence against women in Canada, using data from a Star article. After strange events took place,…