Homelessness Continued from Prior Blog; Excellent Detailed Definition: Homelessness Seems Impossible to Count Much Less to Remedy; Homelessness not on Agenda of Alberta’s New Premier Smith; Fled the USA and the UAE to Find Myself in Another Situation of Discrimination; Fifth Jab Scheduled for Tuesday; Photograph of “Protest” Pin and Autumn Leaves

This is a continuation of my October 6, 2022 blog which began a discussion of Edmonton’s huge problem – that of homelessness. A definition of homelessness began there and will be continued. This definition of…

Waking to an Amazingly Gratifying Message; Gratifying Defined; Warmed the Cockles of My Heart; LARGE Gets a Nickname; Good to My Word Defined and Illustrated: Patience Now Part of my Arsenal; Arsenal Defined and Arsenal Football Club Owner Under Investigation; Link to Article Provided, Some UAE Repercussions May Arise From Investigation; Back to Me Kicking Autumn Leaves with No Hijab

This October 12, 2022 morn I awoke to a text message that made my heart sing. It was so amazingly gratifying. I suppose we should, at this point, define gratify.  Its ‘nice’ definition is give…

October 10, 2022, The Best Thanksgiving Ever Along With Glimpses of Olde Thanksgivings; Some Humor and Some Pathos; Pathos Defined and Illustrated: A Glorious Sunrise Photograph From My Window; Posted on Instagram With a Conversation: Humor From Andy Borowitz From a 2021 Blog; Wallet Carelessly Left in Land Rover; An Instagram Link to the Most Beautiful Poem Ever Written; Photo of View and Me in Turquoise

Well, this has been the best Thanksgiving of memory. Memory has been buttressed by the blog so we can go back eons of years. But first, fittingly, do let us define pathos, as there was…

Gratitude; A Lengthy Definition From Wikipedia Including Empirical Studies Showing Benefit; Gratitude Central to the Islamic Faith; Gratitude a Topic in Forty-One Prior Blogs; Idiom Ahead of the Game Defined; A Instagram Tribute to a Dead Friend by Jean Paul Langlois; Estrangement Defined, Estrangement Can Make Death Easier; Photo of JPL and Alexis and His Painting

Gratitude is going to be the theme of today’s blog. You can read about it or not, it is totally up to you. That is what I want to write about, it gives my life…

News Just Out The Pandemic Changed Our Personalities; More Seriously It Starved Young Brains According to The Economist; Unintelligible Defined, Explained With Examples; It is Definitely Getting Cold Here Using Both Fahrenheit and Celsius; Danielle Smith Soon to be Alberta Premier; Some Justified Fears Concerning Her Aims and Abilities; Proof That Alexis McBride is Not Perfect

Yes, this is true! The pandemic changed our personalities and not for the good. That was not exactly a sunny way to begin the day but NPR .org brought news of a study conducted by…

Feeling Powerless in the Land of My Birth; The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth; Its Origins Explored and Explained. My Birthday is the Date of Next Alberta Election; You are Quite Welcome: Off on a New Phase of Life; Homelessness Shall Be Studied; Announcement Made on Instagram; Definition of Homelessness; Paradoxical Defined; Back to the Practice of Ikebana Flower Arranging; Being at the Right Place at the Right Time

Major decisions will be made in Alberta, probably already have by the time you read this. These decisions made by the Alberta Conservative party may affect my life but at this moment I am completely…

Promised News of the Beatific Day; First a Description of the Exalted. Paradisiacal Day; Knee Jerk Reaction Defined and Describes Media Coverage of Most Events; How I Found Out About the Truth and Reconciliation Ceremony; the Link to the Professional Version of the Moving Ceremony; My Instagram Photo and Caption; Don’t Plant Me; Photo of Unveiling of Photo of Plan for Reconciliation garden

As promised I spent yesterday reflecting upon the blessed and happy events of September 30, 2022 to put them into perspective, rather than just a knee jerk reaction. A knee jerk reaction It usually denotes…

Feedback as it Relates to Blog; Feedback Defined; Two Examples of Feedback From Fans; Inveterate Defined; Why Only Women are Inveterate Shoppers Unknown and Unexplained; Peace and Innter Happiness of Islamic Faith Explained and explored; Instagram and Negative Traditional Muslims Can Interfere with Promised Peace and Inner Happiness ; Warts and All Defined with an YouTube Video Linked; Beatific Defined; Day to Be Described in Subsequent Blog; Cartoons Laughing at Those with Dogs and Children

Faithful readers will know that I receive no feedback whatsoever from this blog. Comments appear to be invited but are never received. They are blocked by my Computer Guru, that was our understanding from the…

Close to Home; Unspecified Problems in Iran Leads to Concerns and Demonstrations in Other Countries: Dealing with Problems at Home not Practiced by Effective Altruism Movement it Seems; Truth and Reconciliation Day is September 30. 2022 in Canada; Truth Defined; Reconciliation Defined: Tune Yourself In To Song by Bonnie Tyler

Now that the Ukraine sort of seems to be somewhat under control – now all sorts of distressing news about Iran.  So now that is forest on everyone’s minds – people that know nothing about…

Anticipation Shall Be The Topic of the Day; Pass With Flying Colors Defined; Wikipedia Definition of Anticipation; Anticipation Can Be a Defense Mechanism; The Allin Eye Clinic Gets Five Stars; Preventative Self Care Care Practiced; Photograph of a page from the Edmonton Journal and Carefully Arranged Gifts

I was dreading, absolutely dreading a medical procedure. It was the last of a long series of medical procedures prescribed by my Alberta physician to establish a base line in order to ensure my chronic…