Tennyson’s The Death of an Old Year ; My Instagram Image Has Radically Changed; The Evolving Islamic Faith of Sheikha Fatimah; Fillip Defined; Covid Tests for Chinese Travelers Welcomed; Mail Brings Covid-19 Guidance by the Government of Canada: Snow Removal Information Proves Edmonton is Well Planned and Organized

This is a new day, this is a new year. “I love my coffee black and my mornings bright” is a quote that comes to mind. Not altogether accurate – the bright is right but…

We Are the Dreamers, Or is it Schemers? Revised and Revived Thoughts on Qatar and the FIFA World Cup 2022; The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back: Audacious Defined; Mocking Defined; Fact Checked New Yorker Paragraph;  Bribery a Distinct Possibility; Quran Forbids Rivalry and Abundance; Some Positivity With Qatar Remains; Why Me? 

I do admit to being angry at Qatar for several reasons but this particular incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Straw breaking came’s back is an idiom, maybe a Middle East one,…

Postponing Killing Qatar for a Day or Two; Don’t Fence Me In; Instead a Light Hearted Blog About the Search for a Husband for Sheikha Fatimah (aka Alexis McBride); An Enlightening Article About Free Speech from The Economist; Exchanges Between My Old Cousin and Old Me: Agoraphobia Defined as I Have It; Photos of Food by the Chef at the Riyadh Hilton

Well, I was not, of course, going to kill Qatar but am going to say some not very nice things about them – founded on fact. I was a huge fan to Qatar. Go into…

Home But Look What I Face; So Safe in Saudi Arabia But Not Here; The Canadian Islamophobia Industry, A Four Year Study Reported; Far Too Close to Home with Premier Smith’s Silly Act: Act Called Dangerous By Thinking Persons; A Possible Solution Not Yet Considered; World Wide Need to Counter Islamophoba; Photos of Sheikha Fatimah In Muslim Attire and Christmas Lights on Alberta Legislative Grounds

Would not you know? In utterly safe Saudi Arabia knowing I would be homeward bound soon ,, accidentally found an online article Toronto Star, very well written, but so scary to a Muslim woman, which…