The Walrus Brings Us One of the Last Studies of the After Effects of the Pandemic; The Walrus Mission Statement Finds Favor; It Seems My Brain was Affected by the Effects of the Pandemic But I SnapedBack; Staunch,Shoals and Intuitive Defined; Two Bulletin Boards Photographed with Their Paraphernalia Explained. 

I have a new source of news and views which will guide me through the shoals of misinformation and the trivialities that we social medians face on a daily basis. Many definitions of shoals but…

Back to My Original Inspiration and Goal; Feminism and the Right of Women: Alexis’Idiomatic Explanation of the Rise and Fall of the USA; Not Fleishman in Trouble But the Stripping of Women’s Selves: A Remedy for Angst; Photo Taken in Khrome Nail’s New Location. 

I read extensively, the reading is not limited to the Islamic faith although that my major concentration. A source of, shall we shall call,  more earthly ‘delights,’ is The New Yorker, the magazine edition is delivered weekly…

What a Difference a Year Makes; The Rather Accidental Discovery of the Alexis (aka Sheikha Fatimah) of a Year Ago; What a Difference a Day Makes, the Song and the Truth Behind it, Drivel Defined with Its Fabulous Synonyms; Quotes from January 1, 2022 Blog; True Circumstances Revealed; Hypocrite Defined and Illustrated: A Great Fish and Chip Meal at the Legislative Cafeteria. Photos of Food, Me and ATM machine 

Do admit that I took the title from that terribly romantic song: “What a Difference a Day Makes”. It is actually utter drivel  but it inspiring (if you lack education and credibility.) First,  we shall…

Epiphany Defined, Illustrated with Possible Sources Explored: Common Sense Perhaps; MissMash Defined and Illustrated by this Blog; The Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms Explored; The Right to Abortion; Then Unexpected Humor From and About the USA; A Hodgepodge of Photos:

At sunrise yesterday morning I was struck with an extremely strong, positive feeling. I earnestly searched for a word to describe it, finally deciding that this came close – epiphany. It has several meanings but…

Saudi Arabia Visited; Not Revisited As Yet; This is Saudi Arabia Has No Sponsors as Yet; A Response to an Instagram Post; Urban Planning in Riyadh, not in Dubai; Book on Saudi Arabia Pictured; 20 Steps From Lounge to Room; Photos of View from Riyadh Hotel; A Photo Of Makkah and the 1943 Dirt Road that was Riyadh 

I promised myself (and others) that upon my return to Canada I would speak of Saudi Arabia, as I found it, and it really was. Not the way it is portrayed in Western media –…

I Beg To Differ: Beg to Differ Used as a Hedge to Help Receiver of Message; Ponderous Defined; Book Review of an Amazing Book Only Just Begun; New Times Demand New Forms of Study and Worship; Canadian Magazine The Walrus, So Informative and Timely; Two Unusual Photos from a Shopping Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; My Life is Unusual 

I am about to differ with many, if not most of those, of the Islamic faith. It shall run the gambit from learned Islamic scholars, to ‘wanna be ‘Islamic scholars, right down to lazy Muslims…

So Much is Happening; So Many Blessings; Almost Impossible to Count; Entirely Impossible to Quantify; Examples of Good Leading to More Good; My Amazing Physician; the Joys and Sorrows of a Shingles Vaccination; The Complex Task of Posting the Blog Revealed: Photos of a Veggie Burger and Puffed Wheat Squares.

This morning began this blog with the title, sometimes that is the last addition, but not today. Trying to express the magnitude of blessings coming from so many sources, the only word I could come…