Ramadan is not just about fasting, as mentioned earlier, it is only one aspect. I formed Intentions, during Ramadan 2022 and again this year. Some Intentions have remained the same, one in particular: Retreat from World Politics and Focus on the Faith. 2022 Ramadan found me faithfully following that Intention I was living in the UAE at that time – not following the local politics was an excellent idea and most probably contributed to my over all safety. But this year I find myself in an entirely different situation. The impetus to my involvement in all things Canadian was my Instagram reel of the somber, dignified, immense funeral procession honoring the two slain Edmonton police officers. I became determined to rid this country of guns.
A March 30,2023 Al Jazeera article was incredibly timely. In the past received the news of the world through an online subscription to the Economist and the Toronto Star. Both of these have been abandoned. I now rely solely upon Al Jazeera, for daily news.
The article reported on the findings of a commission that examined in great depth the mass murder that occurred in Nova Scotia. A mass murder in Canada is 20 people, which is absolutely nothing in comparison with the USA. The commission, a public inquiry, made several recommendations. My focus is on gun control in light of the recent killing of the two Edmonton police officers.
This article began: “ A public inquiry into the worst mass shooting in Canada’s history has found widespread failures in how the federal police force responded to the deadly 2020 attack, calling for reforms to policing, better public communication, and stricter gun regulations.”
It was an extensive report, seven volumes, not seven pages, seven volumes. “In a seven-volume report released on Thursday, the Mass Casualty Commission said the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) missed red flags in the years leading up to the fatal rampage in the eastern province of Nova Scotia.”
Seven volumes. Can you imagine if such a public inquiry was conducted in the USA for the mass murders that have taken place in that country since 2020. There is not enough paper to print such reports. As I said, during my emotional commentary to the reel: “We must dissociate ourselves with the so-called United States of America. Tout de suite (that is French for immediately – my French is most.limited but do have recall of some important phrases. (For example – Voulez-vous couche avec moi se soir – or something like that).
The report, of course, centered its findings upon the actions of the killer, Wortnum.
“The inquiry found that Wortman illegally owned at least five firearms – three of which were smuggled into Canada from the United States, which could have been prevented with better police oversight and coordination between enforcement agencies.
“There is a lack of community knowledge about the Canadian firearms regime. It is influenced by the United States discourse centred on a right to bear arms which does not exist in our constitutional and legal structure,” the commission said.
Weeks after the Nova Scotia rampage, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a ban on more than 1,500 models and variants of “assault-style” firearms across the country. Last year, Ottawa also introduced legislation to freeze handgun ownership.
On Thursday, the commission urged federal, provincial and territorial governments to adopt “legislation affirming that gun ownership is a conditional privilege”.
It also recommended that possessing ammunition and buying firearm magazines should require a licence and that the federal government should establish limits on the stockpiling of ammunition.”
How succinctly stated: There is a lack of knowledge in the Canadian community about Canada’s firearm regime” In my words, some Canadians seem to think that they live in the USA where there is a so-called ‘right to bear arms.’ It is a so-called right as it is a ridiculous interpretation of the United States Constitution. Please bear in mind that I was a US attorney, familiar with the US Constitution. Thinking individuals find it ridiculous, unfortunately the United States Supreme Court has, had, and probably will continue to have those who do not think at all, and if they do it is not with their head but with another part of their anatomy.
The report urges action, immediate action. “On Thursday, the commission urged federal, provincial and territorial governments to adopt “legislation affirming that gun ownership is a conditional privilege”. Will Alberta adopt such legislation? That is the question. Probably not if Premier Danielle Smith as any say. “Why is that?” you might say. It is because she caters to and desperately needs the support of rural communities to win the upcoming election. Her support stems from those who see gun ownership as a right. They do not want anyone messing with their rights – even though they often do not know what their rights are and seemingly are ignorant of the fact that with rights come responsibilities.
With rights come responsibilities. “It is irresponsible to say and do things merely because you have a right to say and do them, particularly when you completely disregard the harm it causes.” “Rights and responsibilities help make our communities better. Rights are freedoms we have that are protected by our laws, while responsibilities are duties or things that we should do. In order to be good citizens, or members of a community, we must understand our rights and responsibilities.” “Laws help protect citizens’ rights. If a law is unfair, it is the community’s responsibility to change the law. Laws can be amended or changed when responsible citizens take action.” Who has the responsibility to enforce human rights? “The Federal Government and each province has a prime responsibility and duty to protect, promote and implement all human rights and fundamental freedoms, inter alia , by adopting such steps as may be necessary to create all conditions necessary in the social, economic, political and other fields, as well as the legal guarantees required to ensure.”
Ethics come into to play as there are ethical responsibility is critical – Ethical responsibility is the ability to recognize, interpret and act upon multiple principles and values according to the standards within a given field and/or context.
This from the Calgary Herald, reporting on the ‘antics’ of Premier Danielle Smith. “ It no longer matters so much whether Premier Danielle Smith directly tried to influence Crown prosecutors over COVID protest charges. Her video call with pastor Artur Pawlowski, released Wednesday by the CBC and the NDP, steps over so many other boundaries that the initial uproar seems almost quaint.” We knew the conversation happened earlier this year. Smith has acknowledged as much. But it’s one thing to be aware that they spoke, and quite another to hear what they said.It makes for a breathtaking 11 minutes. Pawlowski even hints at annoyance with the premier for not getting him off the hook for his activities at the Coutts border crossing.
One issue is Smith’s extreme favouritism toward people who were facing charges brought by her own prosecution service. Others accused all over the province would be thrilled by such consideration from their premier. Smith said she’s “frustrated” because she can’t drop charges. As a leadership candidate she promised amnesty. But, gosh darn, when she became premier she found out that’s an American thing, not Canadian.“I thought we probably had the same power of clemency that they did in the U.S. . . . I’m not a lawyer by training,” Smith said.
You don’t have to be a lawyer to understand this. Nearly everybody in political life knows it. When did a premier ever pardon anybody? This promise was either utter cluelessness or a cynical leadership promise she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep. Neither option is attractive.”
Premier Smith is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the laws of this land. Everyone, even common criminals, know that ignorance of the law is no defense, no excuse.
Obeying the law — “One of Canada’s founding principles is the rule of law. Individuals and governments are regulated by laws and not by arbitrary actions. No person or group is above the law.”
Was in London, England during most of Trump’s reign. At the expiration of my student visa returned to live in Vancouver, rather than the US. I return to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to find a Trump in the highest of offices – their differences are slight – he is a man, she is a woman.
She governs from the Alberta Legislative Building, steps from my apartment. It was built by my ancestor, William Dryburgh. He came all the way from Scotland in 1910, finding employment building this magnificent edifice.
I am both shocked and dismayed. Not sure of my course of action to prevent this atrocity from continuing. There is an impediment – it is Ramadan. I am so weary by early afternoon, it is almost impossible to think.
I described Premier Smith’s activities as antics: foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior. There is nothing amusing about her. She takes no responsibility for her actions. Some synonyms are:
tricks, horseplay tomfoolery, foolery, buffoonery, monkey tricks, harlequinades. My favorites are buffoonery, monkey tricks and harlequinades. No idea what harlequinades are – but I have no idea what Premier Smith might be about either.
Back to gun control to conclude this blog. Al Jazeera is so incredibly thorough – including articles that went back to May of 2020. It spoke of the immediate actions taken by Prime Minister Trudeau. Imagine President Biden (or the guy that came before him) making this bold move. There would NO WAY, it would happen.
“Citing numerous mass shootings in the country, including the killing of 22 people in Nova Scotia on April 18 and 19, Trudeau said: “Canadians need more than thoughts and prayers.”
The Cabinet order does not forbid owning any of the military-style weapons and their variants but it does ban the trade in them. He said the order has a two-year amnesty period for current owners, and there will be a compensation programme that will require a bill passed in Parliament. “You do not need an AR-15 to take down a deer,” Trudeau said. “So, effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade, assault weapons in this country.”He said the weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: To kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time.
“There is no use – and no place – for such weapons in Canada,” Trudeau said.”
That is responsible leadership – responsible and ethical. I very much doubt that Premier Smith will listen and learn – by his example nor by the reading of this blog.
Photographs of the building that my ancestor built will be attached to this blog. I have scheduled another tour of the building on April 8. One or two photos of the interior, showing my ancestors handiwork will be attached as well. I am so proud to be a Canadian, of Scottish ancestry.