I am for some obscure and unremembered reason Alexis McTwit on Instagram. Although it was amusing, it was rather stupid. I communicate with important people sometimes even Royalty trough Instagram and it is the only way that people can reach me as a fortified wall surrounds this blog. The inspiration for the name change came from a second cousin living in Australia. Much to my delight he began following me and we have struck up an ongoing conversation. His Instagram name is his name, and he is inspiring me to finish the biography of Uncle Dave Dryburgh. Therefore I feeling most Dryburgh this days – my birth name abandoned upon the occasion of my first marriage. I intend to remain Alexis McBride – not embracing my Muslim name of Fatimah (in the manner of Muhammed Ali.) I am used to being Alexis McBride – Fatimah Dryburgh would be unique but a bit too idiosyncratic, quirky, eccentric, strange and odd – even for me. Changing one’s passports and all formal identification would be a hassle and not worth the trouble
Quite brilliantly decided on a compromise – I would become Alexis Dryburgh on Instagram. LOL, here for his weekly Administrative Assistant duties, was put on the task and within seconds I became Instagram Alexis Dryburgh. I am loving it.
Two days ago this Instagram message, spoke to me: “The confused Ramadan, the clumsy Ramadan, the sad and-lonely-Ramadan the epic-Ramadan, the fumbling-around-lost Ramadan, the I-can’t-take-this Ramadan, the-grief-stricken Ramadan, the compassionate Ramadan, the-first-time-doing-this Ramadan – no matter what Ramadan you have Islam has space for it. Never forget this”
Your Ramadan is your unique journey. No matter what your journey may be its not large enough to not be explored with this vast tradition of Love. May this month be a month of immense healing and wholeness for us, Inwardly and outwardly.”
I responded: Thank you for this. I am deciding which Ramadan this will be for me. In the past it has been a confused Ramadan, never had an epic Ramadan. I do need healing and a cure for my fragmented self. Thank you for this. I shall focus. Perhaps have a focused Ramadan.
Eleven, so far, have liked my message.
One woman kindly replied. May Allah accept Your actions
Me: Thank you. My prayer as well it seems to be working.
At the time of this writing I am only four hours ‘into Ramadan’. I began fasting at sunrise. But already I have made a major decision. In my public life, I am going to become a submarine Muslim, not tell strangers, passerbys, or new acquaintances that I am of the Islamic Faith.
It suddenly occurred to me. What is the difference between an acquaintance and a friend?
An acquaintance is a contact, an associate, connection, ally, colleague. Used in a sentence: Mr. Barnet was no more than a business acquaintance.
A friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. There are many synonyms: intimate, confidante, confidant, familiar, soul mate, alter ego, second self, shadow, playmate, ally, comrade; pal , bosom buddy,, main man; mate, amigo, compadre, paisan, homie, bro.
I reached out to Ghana Guy, (my pal, my confident, my ally)telling him of my decision. The following conversation ensued.
Me: I have decided to become a submarine Muslim in my public life. If people as me (and they do) why I am so happy then I tell them otherwise not. I do not want to expose myself to criticism any more. What do yo u think?
He: Yes. I believe that should be the way forward, If they ask you tell them otherwise you keep quiet.
Me: I am very pleased with your response. Very hoary with it actually. Of course if they go to my blog it is evident from the photo.
He: Exactly
Me: It is interesting that your opinion if very important to me. Just realized that. I did, of course, ask you for advice.
He: No more MUSAG (laughing emoji)
Me: Nope now you are GAG Ghana Awesome Guy. Hahaha
I am entering Ramadan with peace of mind, an essential. Have met with tax people, gathered together all of my documents, had my teeth cleaned, seen my physician, have had all of my prescriptions filled, either made peace with vexatious folks or cut them out of my life. Stocked my pantry with dates and physician ordered Gatorade. In preparation watched thirty episodes of Meeting Muhammed presented by Dr. Omar Sulieman, an excellent presentation, leaving me with the distinct feeling that I had met the Prophet Muhammed. It enhances the knowledge I had received from reading Martin Lings biography.
Ramadan is not just fasting, it is a time to renew and enhance one’s faith. Today formed a list of eight intentions in the same book used for this purpose in 2022. Last year found me journalling my progress each and every day. One of my 2023 intentions is to see what I was up to in 2022. The conditions are entirely different, none of the people in my life then are in my life now. It is a wake up call, showing how transitory human relationships can be. These people are gone, and for the most part forgotten, not missed. Faithful readers know that everyone in my life has nicknames, mention is made of now mystery men – have no idea of who they are. But at the time they loomed large. It does speak of the importance of living in the present.
Islam places a heavy emphasis on intention. In order for any deed to be considered as an act of worship, it must be done with sincere intention. Umrah is no exception. Umrah loses its true value and becomes just another journey if the intentions are not pure. Right intention, which is sincerity, is the foundation of everything done in Islam. Every act of worship, charity, or any good deed will be judged by the intention behind it. One cannot get away with anything as Allah knows the true and secret inner-motives of all deeds. Allah said: “Verily, the people will be raised for judgment only according to their intentions.” Ibn Mājah. Sunan Ibn Mājah. (Bayrūt: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-’Arabī), 2:1414 #4229; declared authentic (ṣaḥīḥ) by Al-Albānī in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Jāmi’ al-Ṣaghīr, (Bayrūt: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-’Arabī, 1969), 1:468 #2379.
This is only the very first day but am feeling spacey and disconnected from things. Therefore, short blog that will not get posted until Friday.
The snow is almost all gone. The photograph is a sculpture found in the Alberta Legislative Park, taken when there was snow on the ground. Then to bring a trace of humour there are two New Yorker cartoons. One talks about the joys of car ownership and maintenance. Blessedly I no longer drive, catching cabs to my various destinations. I do not have a car and no longer see a shrink, although there were a a staple in my everyday existence. You should be able to distinguish between the two cartoons.