Back to Palestine, Thanks to the Auspices of Al Jazeera; US Deeply Dismayed, But Not Really; Withdrawal of UN Resolution Drafted by the UAE; UAE Criticized; Diplomatic Advice to Blinken; News of More Tremors in Turkey and Syria; Not Going to California Relying on November 2022 Blog; Photos of Art by Jean Paul Langlois; Photographs of UAE Friends; Family Day in Canada

I was sorely attempting to refocus my energies and attention. My aim was no politics, no United States politics and particularly no Middle East politics. But I am but back at it again. This morning,…

Integration The Topic Yet Again: February 3, 2023 Blog Incorporated and Enlarged Upon; Now Trying to Integrate My ‘Secular Self’ and My ‘Spiritual Self”; Recent Discovery of Old Photos Brings Back Ikebana Memories; Serenity Defined and Discussed Quoting Martin Lings’ Book; Loving Sangfroid; Photos of Three ‘Made by Alexis’ Ikebana Arrangements, in Times Long Ago and Far Away

For various reasons which shall be explored, it is time to reintegrate, I have spoken of integration in an earlier blog. The beginning words of the February 2, 2023 blog shall be repeated following after…

691 Blog Visits in One Day; Analyzing This Phenomena  Shown to be Difficult, If Not Impossible; No Clue Found on Instagram; Perhaps Ignorance is Bliss:  Deductive Reasoning Used to Perhaps Pinpoint Language in July 29, 2022 Blog Leading to Spike in Viewers; Seeking Knowledge Incumbent on Every Muslim with Link Provided; Albert Einstein and the Quran Quoted: Photo of Graphic Spike 

Received an email from Computer Guru Chris. These days, LOL has been doing the (almost) daily posting leaving Chris time to do the previously ignored statistical analysis. I am beginning to think that ignorance might…

The Funniest Story of All Time, Alas and Alack Not Written by Me; Simon Rich’s “Punishment”; Back of the Garden of Eden Starring Adam and Eve; TMI Explained and Illustrated: Alas and Alack Explored; Search Engine Used to Review The Status of Women in the Islamic Faith; Photos of Valentine’s Received Not Now But in Saudi Arabia Days 

This is about to be one of the funniest stories of all time. However, alas and alack, written not by me but Simon Rich, a comedy writer employed by my favorite ‘go find humor,’ The New…

My Life Near and Far; Grocery Delivery Becomes Extraordinary; Friday Muslim App Message; Cognitive Basis of Creativity Coming Soon; An Invitation to the Saudi Cup (regretfully declined); Tragedies Beset the Muslim World Yet Again; A Reel Brings Hope; I Tripped, Stumbled and Fell; Photos of the Resulting Damage; Then a Reel on Boredom, Distraction and Vanity;  

I am building a life here in Edmonton, rather slowly and with a few (shall we say) ups and downs. But it is an increasingly comfortable existence with the basic necessities of life (and many…

The Good Emanating From Instagram; Catastrophic Defined;  Warning: Don’t Do Instagram When Bored: Several Examples Showing That Positive Posts Deserve Positive Responses Which are Appreciated by Many; All Work and No Play Makes For Dull; Liveliness Shown By Cartoons and Two Instagram Photos

Instagram is like life – ike our existence in this world.  Instagram is both good and evil. It can promote and encourage good – it can promote and encourage evil. There are definitely evil individuals/corporations,…

Raucous Caught My Eye; Raucous From The New Yorker The Tale of an Iranian Artist Tala Madini; Fascinating Life But She Needs Ordinary Life Now; So Do I;  Photographs From an Ordinary Saturday Depicting a Statue of Chief Crowfoot and a Painting of an Indigenous Alberta Lt. Governor;  Word of The Present Alberta Lt. Governor; Ending With an Unlikely and Improbable Meeting Between a World Famous Jockey and an Old Lady

The title of an article in the January 22, 2023 New Yorker caught my eye: A Raucous Assault: How the Iranian Artist Tala Madini sees Men – and Women.  It was riveting because, to be quite honest, I did not…