Began the morning by looking at the prospective temperatures for the week and almost fainted dead away. How does 15,18,14,16 sound to you? This is Celsius silly, like 59.64,57,56 in Fahrenheit. That is downright tropical for these parts, particular the 64 one.
Then this is the utterly magnificent news. Faithful readers will know that I managed to leave a suitcase filled with my summer clothes at the Riyadh Hotel and Residences in Saudi Arabia. It was on purpose actually because I was planning to return for Ramadan. I decided not to go for Ramadan, thinking I would return later and retrieve the treasures then. It seemed a good idea in December to just leave the summer clothes there. However, during the early days of my Edmonton Ramadan decided that going back to the Middle East at this time would not be a good idea. The other day I texted the manager (somehow I had his number). He was so gracious, my possessions shall be shipped back to me. WOW. I am feeling totally blessed. So summer clothes, abayas and hijabs, couple of pairs of glasses and some shoes shall arrive. Not sure when but I can pay when it gets here with my Canadian money. I also purchased (and left in the luggage room) a wall hanging for my prayer room. It shall be hung in splendor. My prayer room is my individual mosque, a prayer rug bought in Edmonton, photosfrom the window of my Makkah hotel as well as photos from Medinah and Saudi Arabia. I could charge admission. Hahaha I shall not remind myself about the winter coat also left at the Hilton – I will wear it next year. Winter is bound to arrive again soon. I did, of course, replace the winter coat from Winners, an inexpensive Edmonton store. I feel like dancing in the streets but will not as it is Ramadan, my energy shall not be wasted on dancing. Thank you very much.
This has been a tremendous morning. I did not take the call from Saudi Arabia initially as I was on the phone with Apple Support. A fabulous woman by the name of Alicia assisted in the installation of an upgrade. The inability to install it was preventing my online banking – rather essential in these terrible tax times. But she was so incredibly helpful. At first, do admit, that I was reluctant to speak with her because of her name. I have not had much luck with Alicias in my recent life – one tried to have me killed. (Alicia Tiah), the other an unreliable, self-centered, administrative assistant (Alicia Pham). But this Alicia restored my faith in the name. The attempt on my life is chronicled in the blog – the news category system (not in place at this time) will make it easy to find. This will be no surprise, it will entered under Enemies. More about that later.
It has in many ways been a great day but thee was some very sad news. Learned, from my Australian Second Cousin that my beloved aunt Mary died. She was such a wonderful woman, cheerful, positive and funny in the midst of adversity. Lived with her daughter, my cousin, bringing joy to everyone’s life. The man she was married to, the youngest of the Dryburgh boys, was not an easy man to live with. But Mary was not a victim, just sort of shook her head at his antics – did not give in to his stuff but also did not put up with it, trying to make her life and the life of her two children better. She was a role model – in a different era, in a different circumstance. We were planning to celebrate my 80th birthday in the Brazen Bar located in Alix Residences located in Malaysia. But its completion date was delayed until 2024 because of the bankruptcy of the owners. The owners, the Tiah’s declared bankruptcy of both the parent company and of Holburn Group (the Canadian subsidiary). They owned Trump Hotel and Towers, which was shut down, its doors locked and the Trump sign removed. It was a magical bankruptcy however – the doors of the hotel are open again, now called the Paradox Hotel. Who owns it now? The Tiahs – how did they manage that? Who knows? Multibillionaires can do wonders. Am I angry at this, as it did negatively impact my personal safety and left me in fear? Actually not. Being of the Islamic Faith can be most helpful at a time like this. That It is because one of Allah’s (SWT)’s 99 names is Al Muntiqim, the Avenger. I shall leave it in Allah’s capable hands.
I did wonder at the meaning of Paradox – naming the hotel this is most paradoxical actually. Paradoxical is seemingly absurd or self-contradictory. These are some of the synonyms: inconsistent, incongruous, anomalous, improbable, impossible, odd, illogical, confusing, absurd, puzzling, baffling, bewildering, incomprehensible, inexplicable. Is it not impossible, odd, confusing, and incomprehensible that rich people can shut down a hotel, not pay money owed to workers, have it ‘forgiven’. Then turn around and reopen the place. Well, at least they gave it an appropriate name. Hahaha
It is with some trepidation I write about this but, on the other hand, someone has to speak out against evil – as a Muslim I have that responsibility. The Tiahs, like all incredibly rich Malaysians are born again Christians. Do read Rich and Crazy Asians if you do not believe me. It is fiction, but founded on fact. It did read it back then when I was a fixture in the Tiah’s life.
“Rich and Crazy Asians is a funny fiction novel written by Kevin Kwan that highlights and ridicules the lifestyle of upper-class Asian families and society. The book is about three wealthy, upper-class Chinese families, and how they undermine those who are not as rich and influential as them.” It was made into a movie that did not ‘get it’ – believe me meeting people like that is not a romantic comedy. It did not turn out well between Joo Kim Tiah and myself. Thank Allah (SWT) for that. Hahaha
But onto humor, this fourteenth day of Ramadan. It is supplied by my old faithful Andy Borowitz. It satirizes the wife of Clarence Thomas, the US Supreme Court (so-called) Justice.
“WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Fresh controversy swirled around Ginni Thomas as reports emerged that a Republican megadonor paid for her fur pelts and horns. According to the reports, Thomas also accepted a set of red, white, and blue face paints from the same donor.”
That is so funny, the addition of the red, white and blue face paints from the megadonor, but it goes on. “A combative Thomas told reporters that the fur pelts and horns she received were not luxury items but were derived from budget-priced rabbit and bison. She said that she would “not let this latest tempest in a teapot interfere with all the good work I am doing on the United States Supreme Court.” Her husband, Clarence Thomas, had no comment.”
To those readers who are neither lawyers nor from the USA – this may take some explanation. She is ABSOLUTELY forbidden to be doing any work at all on the United States Supreme Court.” It is in violation of all the rules, regulations and ethics of that formerly noble Institution.
I really must start using satire in my political commentaries, those addressing the foibles of Premier Danielle Smith. But suggesting that solar panels should be placed on West Edmonton Mall instead of using them to grow needed crops – that does not actually require humor to be comical.
Photographs are of my glory days being the first (and last) long term hotel guest at the Trump International Hotel and Tower (Now the Paradox Hotel). An explanation of some of the photos. That is not my orange car, it is a Lamborghini, I think. A typical vehicle outside the hotel. There is a photo of me on the bed in my room. The champagne greeted me at the door, I had been on a trip to Edmonton to say goodbye to my ‘wished for’ Dad. One photo was not taken by me – I was not there. It pictures the delayed opening of the hotel, the Trump family in attendance, Joo Kim Tiah is cutting the ribbon. His mother Alicia is on the left hand side wearing a very short skirt. It was so strange looking at those photos – those were the glory days, not just for me.
I did not declare bankruptcy, get hopelessly intwined with my father Donald’s Trump presidency, go on and marry a Chinese woman although it was not desired or wanted. I just reverted to the Islamic Faith, left Marin County in fear, lived in Abu Dhabi but am now safe in Edmonton. I also was blessed by an Umrah in Makkah. I did not leave any clothes at the Paradox Hotel (nee Trump Hotel and Tower). Hahaha