Well that got your attention didn’t It? I will proceed in the order of the title you see before you.
Back in the saddle refers to the fact that I am back in Vancouver following a trip that anyone would call eventful. But here is the good news – eventful in a positive way. First of all, Alaska Air shone, particularly on the way home. I praise one particular man on Instagram (alexismctwit) but everyone was so friendly and welcoming and efficient.
The personal, when we reached Vancouver, waved and said: “Bye, Alexis!” I was only one of many and they remembered my name which was most impressive. Very unlike personal at Air Canada who can best be described as lazy (or worse). Liars actually as there is a First Class on Air Canada, which is probably shoddy at best. (see blog of December 21,2017) Readers will note that when I hate, I hate and I never get over it. Everyone thinks I am sweet and I am – but f**k with me? I never get over it – never. I walk away (as that is best) but I harbor revenge for ever!
But if Air Canada is bad, wait until you hear this story of American Airlines! Precious Jordan left SF to go to Arizona – Flagstaff to be exact. To begin with the plane was late and she missed her connection. But THEN, they put her on a plane and she ends up in Albuquerque. Honest Injun!
She FINALLY got to where she was going, at least twelve hours behind schedule. They gave her vouchers – big deal! People, critical ones, might say she should have figured it out for herself, that she was going to the wrong place. Well, EXCUSE ME, she is a New Zealander and most Americans do not even know where New Zealand is, or even if it is a country. Donnez-moi a break. So my advice to all of you? Shun American Airlines and fly Alaska Air. You heard it here first!
So “back in the saddle” is a horse analogy I guess. Horses seem to be playing a prominent place in my life, please see blog of December 19th, 2017. I did tell a certain man:”F**k you and the horse you rode in on!” Who you ask? I am not telling you, but here is a hint – he is awfully rich. See what I mean about revenge?
But ‘back in the saddle” in this instance means that I am so extremely happy to be back home in Vancouver. I had such happy-and-at-home feelings as I walked to Equinox for my appointment with Hottie. Believe this one (or not) but it was not raining so Hottie and I trained outside (upon my suggestion). Holy cow (to switch animals) is it beautiful here – the most beautiful city in the whole world, I do believe. Hottie and I had not seen each other for about ten days and we had a great time getting caught up.
Then I was starving so I went across the street to The Keg for lunch. One thing I love about The Keg is that there are no windows so it is impossible to see the Rump International Prison, which is directly across the street – see what I mean about revenge. Lunch was great, Brendon, the waiter and his trainee, so courteous.
I did an Instagram video from there (alexismctwit). I was so tired and so then it was homeward because I had a ‘date” – a volunteer opportunity with VAG. We got a pink beanie (to keep) and a pink umbrella (not to keep). Then we stood along the route from VAG to the Commodore for the artist’s birthday bash,
WELL, I got Granville Street in front of Payless Shoe Store. Those of you not from Vancouver would not know this, but, Granville is the sort of street you pick up things unsavory and it is usually lined with beggars. There I am 74 years of age, with a pink umbrella and a beanie. I said:
Me: This is the weirdest experience of my whole life and that is saying something.
They: What is this anyway?
Me: (laughinly) Hell if I know!
I put a picture on Instagram with some commentary (alexismctwit) but then I continued to rise to the occasion. So I did comment to others.
They: What is this?
Me: Well it is a special event for VAG but I have decided that I will see if any man will come along and volunteer to pay for sex with me because this is the street that such activity takes place, I think.
Him: Well, not right now. But I will be by later.
I would not make a very good prostitute because I did not negotiate a price nor did I find out when later might be. How many careers is a woman supposed to have, anyway?
I spoke to cousin Gail this morning and we discussed the abandonment of the book about our Uncle Dave Dryburgh.
Me: So I did it again. I gave up the book. I am not to be trusted.
She: No you are not to be trusted.
Me: Well, I can be trusted to be crazy!
She: Yes, you can be trusted to be crazy.
Me: Gail, you slay me! I am going to blog this.
She: OK, but it is not that I could stop you anyway.
The picture is the one I posted on Instagram. Today is a Play Day which is the same as Pajama Day but I get dressed. I need to return books to the library and wearing pajamas outside seem a little silly.