Goodness Gracious etc etc suddenly came to mind – it must be the words to a song or something. I am now in a state of ecstasy – more or less – more rather than less. I was immobilized, it happens every once in a while. I was in urgent need of a reliable driver to pick me up at the Kohbar HHH and drive me over the causeway to the Bahrain Ritz Carlton. This should not be a difficult task. I have a reservation at the Ritz, emailed the able, efficient and funny Front Desk Manager to inform me of my arrival, made him a happy man. Located the business card of Sunny of the Concierge Desk. All of that was easy, then typed the number into my iPhone, but got something in Arabic which was mercifully translated into English.
He: You number cannot be completed as dialed.
Panic set in. I (somewhat) calmly went down to the lobby. Wonderful Roza – a beautiful woman manager performed some magic and I was speaking to Reception at the Ritz Bahrain.
Me: This is Alexis McBride. I am coming back to stay with you . I need to speak to the Concierge Desk as I need to arrange transportation.
She: Ms. McBride! I am so happy you are coming back to stay with us. I remember you and your face. I will put you through to the concierge desk.
Me: Oh my goodness I cannot believe this! My face is even prettier than before. Hahaha.
Well, they have not called back but I am okay. They are probably having some kind of stupid meeting or hiring the band to welcome me back. (That was a joke). The reason why I am panicked about the ride is that there was a crook, gotten through this hotel whose name is Andhul Khan (Driver), his number is 966566915781. Don’t call him, he is a scammer. Wanted me to contact him directly, changed me extra for the Lexus he was driving. He showed me photos of his grandfather at Mecca on the way over. But somehow I paid money for entrance back to Bahrain for three months because he was my son (which he was not). Sometimes one has to speak the language which I do not. Then another guy said he would pick me up at the airport, did not show, could not get the Bahrain date correct even though told him twice. The wonderful concierges at the Shangri-La suggested I get in touch with the concierge desk at the Bahrain Ritz.
Me: Why did I not think of that? It is a great idea. They love me there. I will do it.
So I tried but the phone did not work. (See paragraph one) .
I am SO looking forward to my return to Bahrain for several reasons. I love the Ritz Carlton. They are SO good to me. Everyone except for one particular man who happens to be a Canadian. I am treated like Royalty. Bahrain has an amazing history, dating back in time, prior to 1902. Hahaha. I purchased two tour books while in Bahrain in January, looking forward to planning my exceptions, seeing the sights. The Ritz has such able and efficient concierge staff, but I prefer to chart my own course. This plan has proven impossible in Saudi Arabia. No English English tour book coupled with NO trained concierge staff.(except for the Shangri-La) . Most of the tour guides one can (hopefully) find are scammers. It is total chaos, tourists are fair game for drivers, tour guides, tour companies. Every company and individual you can think of. The almost ten months spent in Saudi Arabia has given me insights into how and why this rather untenable situation exists. At one point in time felt that a remedy could be effected but decided that my energies would be better spent studying and living the Faith. There is a void which has been, unfortunately, filled with those with a profit motive, all other considerations are secondary. The tourist industry needs to be totally revamped and cleaned up to meet the goals of MBS. It is dirty work, but somebody has got to do it, but that somebody is not me. Instead I am planning to visit other Muslim countries to observe and to participate in their worship.
I am one of those rare individuals who can admit that I made a mistake. Thinking I could live in Saudi Arabia and participate in a meaningful way to life here provided to be an impossibility. I do not blame myself because there was no way to learn the lay of the land – so to speak – unless you are on the ground – so to speak. The lay of the land is an assessment or analysis made with regard to a particular situation, to gain further knowledge and insight. On the ground is the place where something important is happening.
That does describe Saudi Arabia, something important is happening here but no analysis can possibly be made from afar. You have be here to make an assessment or analysis on your own. From afar one sees that the Quran forms the constitution of Saudi Arabia I had great expectations of the system of justice that would result from this. However I have determined that few, if any people, even people have power here in Saudi Arabia have read the Quran, much less be government by it. Extremely surprising, but unfortunately true. I have completed preliminary research, my analysis has not been thoroughly completed but I can write and think from afar. All that glitters is not gold as they say. Lots of money here, no doubt about it. Lots of fabulous technology, no doubt about it. Infrastructure exemplary but a beating compassionate heart coupled with an objective mind not obsessed with greed. NO, an extreme rarity. Therefore, my curiosity curiosity leads me to other Muslim majority countries receiving a perspective and knowledge of their practices.
It is difficult, if not downright impossible for me to reside here and I shall leave within days. I may be back again but, as I have said, only as pilgrim. Perhaps a student for a short period of time. At this precise moment in time I just want to get on with my life. Eagerly anticipate my return to Bahrain with plans to be with my incredible friend and sister Noor. Perhaps Malaysia shall offer a place of permanent residence. The ultimate irony would be to find me residing in Alix Residences. I just shake my head in amazement. Who knew?????
My strange and unusual personal life continues in rare form. The other day I received a WhatsApp text, soon to be featured as a photo. A page from Wives of the Prophet., strangely enough it is a book that I have. It is an Hadith. Aishuh said that the Messenger would never leave the house without mentioning Khadeejiah, praising her highly. Aishuh became jealous, calling the Messengers first wife an old woman. The Prophet (PBUH) became extremely angry and said:
“No by Allah, Allah has not given me one better than she. She believed in me when the people belied me. She shared her wealth with me when the people prevented me, and and Allah blessed me with children from her when the other women did not give me any. “
The words of the Prophet (PBUH) were outlined in red, with this message.
He: Be like her.
I immediately responded.
Me: Be like Him
He: I will try, I will try so hard to be like Him
Me: I love you for saying that!
At this moment, he is not trying hard enough, it seems to me. But I laugh. I am not going to be blessing him with children, absent a miracle. No one is perfect.
Just when you think nothing else could possibly go wrong – something inevitably does go wrong. I have a dreadfully sore throat. I dimly recall that it is the first symptom of the ‘common cold.’ I woke up the middle of the night in pain and sent a pathetic text message. Not received any response yet. Whatever. I am staying in bed, allowing my immune system to kick in. Noor and I are cheering each other. Got up for a quickie at the breakfast buffer. I was laughing so loud, people must of wondered what was going on that was so funny. She said something I did not understand.
She: Uuuuuu Keching Keching?
Me: Indeed a new word.
She: How much is it?
Me: Not telling. The Islamic Faith says not to share such information. I am religious remember, and know the rules and follow them.
She: U r lucky. Very lucky u b4, Really happy for you. Even happier that you are coming to c me here. Can I jump high to the sky.
Me: With a parachute please.
She: Definitely
We exchanged Avatars. It is so much fun. Hers looks like her, mine look like me.
Me: I love you my Sister We never would have met if except I became a Muslim. And followed my faith in the midst of so many hardships. Bur the benefits!!!! I met you in Medina and someone else.
She: Yes I know.
Me: Mr. Bank Balance. Hahaha
I found a funny laughing emoji.
Me: But he is handsomer than this.
She: of coz
Me: And richer
She: of coz
She: My Sis. My only Sis with the blue eyes is coming. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it!!!!
Me: I FINALLY have Sister, It is perfect, absolutely perfect. You and I share this wondrous faith. If I had a sister before you – she would not be Muslim and probably neither would I. Alhamduillah!
She: Alhamduillah times five.
Me: Alhanduillah time a hundred.
My Sister is so talented. She edits my work. I sent her the draft of a blog I was writing called Intended. Got a date wrong, she circled it, sent it back. Apparently it is not yet 2924. Hahaha
A strange collection of photos will follow. You should be able to figure them out. In one I am happy, wearing a gift from his blessed, wonderful mother. Another shows me in a blue abaya looking very unhappy – a result of the abuse heaped upon me by this Kohbar Hotel. Of course I look sad – ever been defiled, dehumanized by people who have a duty of care toward you? I was! Their names or positions appear in prior blogs. I delayed my return to this place until I had my strength back. They never had the joy of seeing me upset – well briefly they did. But not now. I am triumphant and leaving here. They have to stay, those evil staff members. I have pity for all of the good, and kind staff. When I was most unhappy, I was cheered by this.
He: At the end the kindhearted always win.
Me: Yes the Quran says that Good Always Prevails Over Evil. And goodness knows they are evil.
I will bring more news of my triumphs over the Horrible Hilton in an upcoming blog. These people are SO pathetic, so stupid actually.
Me: They are so stupid. I just smiled at Tony (the GM) and said that is so stupid. Why get mad at a stupid person. They cannot help it.
He Exactly!!!
Me: You taught me about not getting mad. And laughing at them and not trusting them and not asking them for hugs because they do not have arms. I am being nice to the many wonderful staff members here, laughing with them but laughing at the managers who harmed me.
This is what is SO stupid, Their unlawful humiliating discrimination was based on an unwritten policy, unique they said to this Hilton hotel. When I my strength returned after escaping this prison I did research. There is NOT SUCH THING AS AN UNWRITTEN POLICY, A POLICY HAS TO BE WRITTEN, if not it is not a policy – perhaps a guideline but never a policy.
I laugh at Tony, the GM, and Shady the lesser manager. I call them both Mr. Unwritten Policy and have spoken to Shady when he was trying to ‘to business’.
Me: Who wants to do business with a stupid person who actually thinks there is such a thing as an unwritten policy???
On that note I will stop and go to sleep. I am not leaving my room, just in case ignorance and stupidity is contagious. Hahaha