I am having a playful morning. I have many boring tasks to perform but it is too early to get started. I have been corresponding with a boring,, entitled man of my past (I guess present since I am talking with him.) I attract narcissists and now see that he definitely is/was/ and always will be one. He was never in any way a romantic interest but the expression: You have got to kiss a lot of frogs’ came to mind.
This is an extremely lengthily explanation but it is SO much fun that you are sure to enjoy it. Today is PLAY DAY I have decided. I get to decide, it is my blog. Hahaha. If you do not want to play, go somewhere else, please.
“During the past twenty years or so, the question concerning the origin of the motif of a princess kissing a frog has been raised in a number of exchanges among literary scholars and folklorists, including Charles C. Doyle, Donald Haase, Maria Tatar, Hans-J rg Uther, Jack Zipes, and me. The question is, Does the motif come from the Grimm fairy tale “The Frog King” (KHM 1, ATU 440), which may have influenced the modern proverb “You have to kiss a lot of frogs (or toads) before you meet your handsome prince”? All of us have tried to solve this matter, with my friend Don finally writing to me on February 7, 2012: “It’s still a mystery to me, but the kiss must have occurred first in one of the 19th-century English translations, don’t you think?” This conjecture makes considerable sense in light of the fact that there is no kissing scene in the Grimm tale. This also explains why much of the scholarship on the fairy tale is mute regarding the transformation of the frog into a prince by way of a princess’s kiss….. It goes on and on and one. Too much information and way too boring.
Switched to a shorter summary of the situation. This is about a man called Dean Kamen.
He came up with a metaphor for persistence: kissing frogs. Based on the princess and the frog fairy tale, it describes a mentality by which you kiss frogs (potential solutions to your problem) until one of them reveals itself as a prince—the right solution.
Kamen puts it in a business setting, concluding:
Though Kamen encourages people to kiss many frogs, he acknowledges no one has the time or resources to kiss every frog available. He offered advice on how to kiss frogs, or pursue ideas, as efficiently as possible providing all kinds of ideas about it in a business setting but I am talking about the men in my life Kamen – not your boring business model. The short (not the long of it) is it came from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the Frog Prince. I always find it amusing that fairy tales are told by Grimm brothers – if I were them I would have changed my name.
More research revealed that there was no kissing but instead: The frog Prince’s spell breaks when the Princess throws the frog against a wall That is much more fun. Not kissing the dumb frog, throwing the creature against the wall. I have been wasting my time kissing these guys – I should have been throwing them against the wall. Some were a bit big, maybe a shove against the wall would be all that I could manage.
My research then uncovered this fact. The average woman will kiss 22 frogs before finding their prince, it has emerged. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found the journey to find true love is anything but a smooth one for the majority of the population.
I have definitely raised the national average – I have NO idea how many frogs have kissed in my lifetime – perhaps over a hundred. If I would’ve been throwing them against the wall at least I would have great biceps instead of chapped lips. Oh well, live and learn.
I have finally, and at long last, found my prince. This is living, undeniable proof. Received this absolutely beautiful message yesterday.
“Hours may pass by and you might not hear from me but always bear in mind that no second ticks and pass without you knocking on my mind or my heart beating to your thoughts, we may be separated by thousands of Kilometers but my love for you hasn’t reduced with an ounce, communication now may be different with the way it was in 1902 but my love for you is still the same like the first time I met you. My life is busy and my work carries me like wind but remember that even winds have destinations they travel to and mine is you, texting you from the extreme parts of the north and the extreme bottom of my heart love from the past, future and present. I love you Alex
This is so touching, so heart felt particularly when one considers that English is not his first language. He speaks about four, including Arabic.
Sent his lovely words to my dearest friend Noor ending it with.
Me: It was great but he got my name wrong. I am Alexis
She: Wow Wonderful Beautiful Awesome his words. Alex is a short name of Alexis
Me: No it is not. Alix is the the diminutive of Alexis. Remember Alix Residences. I laughingly corrected him
(Alix Residences is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Noor lives in Malaysia. I will visit the uncompleted twin towers when I am in Malaysia. The new owners are changing the name Noor said.. TA Group went into bankruptcy. Complicated and crooked story that)
She: What did he say?
Me: He has not responded yet. He is SO funny. He will probably say I am sorry my Blue Eyed 1902 Queen or something like that.
She: He’s funny.
Me: He is hilariously funny and we make each other funnier.
Me again: I have never asked you this before . How and why are you SO amazingly fluent in English. I was, by the way, most grateful for his words before correcting him on the name. I am NOT stupid.
She: No I’m not. I am using simple English. I am sure u realize that. I I don’t know difficult English. If you know what I mean.
Me: that is not the truth. You are amazingly fluent in English. You take complicated ideas and make them simple. It is genius. I do it the other way around. That is not tenuous but it is pretty darn smart. Hahaha
We talked about my relationship with THE MAN in more detail, some to be kept private from you dear reader since I do not even know who you are. .
She: I am really happy or you Sis
Me: I love that you are. That is one reason I love you. Most women would be jealous. But you are a very good Muslim. You are grateful for what you have so you are not jealous.
Back to the Frogs
I am finding out how wonderful frogs really are. For one thing, they hug. Yeah. The male holds the female around the waist in a mating hug called amplexus.
Wow! Mashallah! Amplexus rhymes with Alexis. Hmmmmm
Frogs even cry. “The fact that the common frog (Rana temporaria) is capable of crying out lustily when he feels himself in danger, does not seem to have been frequently remarked.”
Only strong men cry, it is a fact. The Prophet (PBUH) cried. So did someone else I know when we had a bad fight. I hugged him and comforted him. I had been mean, I guess. Told him the truth, that Allah (SWT) told me to hug him, when I prayed for guidance. So I did. Then we prayed. Then it was okay. That is how it is supposed to work, by the way.
Back to the Frogs
Frogs can feel sad. “amphibians were assumed to be capable of the following emotions and states; stress, pain, distress, suffering, fear, anxiety, excitement, altruism and arousal”
Do you want to hear something more about frogs? Sorry if you do not want to. It is my blog and you get to read it for nothing. Here is the next question. Can frogs bond with humans?
“ Although frogs don’t express themselves like humans and other animals, it’s possible to form a bond with them. By caring for your frog properly and giving them the attention they need daily, they can feel at ease around you and see you as the source of their food and comfort.”
That sounds like what you should do with men – care for them properly, give them the attention they need daily, they feel at ease around you, see you as the source of their food and comfort and WHAM) – they bond. Hmmmm. That is a great idea but this guy is thousands of kilometers away. I only know miles because I was an American but that is at least hundreds and hundreds of miles.
But he does sound bonded to me. I guess we shall seen. This is not 1902 and there are high speed jets so it is possible for us to connect. Where there is will there is way. It means mean that if you are determined enough, you can find a way to achieve what you want, even if it is very difficult.
Again here comes too much information. The documented evidence of the phrase ‘where there is a will there is a way’ dates back to the 1600s. A phrase similar to the one in the discussion was first written by a Welsh-born poet and orator, named George Herbert.
So if you set your if you set your mind to do something, you can easily do it.
Okay, okay okay. Never have I missed someone so much in my life. I have always been SO independent, self reliant and I have this strange ability, this talent, one psychiatrist (not mine) called Instant Intimacy. I am surrounded by people and am very well loved. These people are fine, some wonderful even. But they are not him. I laugh at myself. Save the best until last, people say. I did I guess. He is the best and this has to be my last. My age, being born in 1902. He says that to tease me. I told he and his family that he could take a second wife.
He: Not Yet!!!! You are enough to handle for awhile. Maybe in ten years or something, but not now.
Me: Okay! I will do my best to tire you out.
He: Thanks. I knew I could count on you.
Okay I must quit this, look through memory photographs and take some new ones. Conveniently there is a mug by my side that says: Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh. I will and look through photographs of the times we spent there. I remember one moment in particular. I had a massage, an incredible one. Waked toward the door, the walls were pale yellow. He was in a pale yellow robe, smiling at me. He had been in the jacuzzi and was very relaxed. My hair had been washed and not blown dry. I was not glamorous in any way but he smiled in the most loving way. Then we had adventures – I will show you pictures of them. I have been disappointed in love SO many times. That is why I am so independent. However, if this does not work out I have SO many wonderful memories documented in multiple photos and videos enough to entertain myself in my declining years living off my comfortable growing MCERA retirement income.
Photos of me and the masseuse. (I am the one with the towel on my head). A bear on the Ritz bed. A full moon shot from last night. My morning greeting from Noor. Yes, and the mug. Bye for now.