Scrolling through the photographs taken in Jeddah I found a photograph of me watching me. Beautifully clad in my gifted gorgeous colorful Nigerian abaya (I cannot recall the Nigerian name it at the moment) I was watching me on television. It was definitely a celebrity moment. I have not yet managed to coordinate my YouTube personality with my blogging self. I am going to merge those two aspects of myself in this blog. Fasten your seat belt to ready yourself for this, shoulder harness, not just lap belt.
The photo in question is most interesting. The television star, (perhaps soon to be star of stage and screen) Alexis McBride is is wearing a polka dot face mask left over from coronavirus days. Her white locks covered with a black wool scarf. It is a selfie. No cameraman could be found, so it is a selfie . I am sitting on a stool provided by Prophet’s Mosque sweeper speaking of my impressions of the ‘use’ of the Prophet’s Mosque deciding, after a lengthy soliliquy that the pilgrims worship in their own way and I worship in my own way.
By the way, the difference between a monologue and a soliloquy is this. A monologue is to a long speech delivered by a character during a conversation whereas a soliloquy is speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of listeners. Personally I am convinced that it is a profound soliloquy and I KNOW profound. I rather do not care what you think. Hahaha. The reel got a surprising number of views. I will now see how many.
What is profound? Three definitions, all are applicable.
1 (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense. For example: profound social changes
2 (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight. For example, a profound philosopher or a profound blogger, Alexis McBride (hahaha) .
• (of a subject or thought) demanding deep study or thought. For example, expressing profound truths in simple language.(I try)
3. at, from, or extending to a great depth; very deep
In the past I had emailed Computer Guru Chris requesting access to my YouTube stuff. He provided me with links which I am passing onto you. Here they come.
The first link, to several videos includes the one to the Prophet’s Mosque , previously mentioned. It has received 776 views. There are other soliloquies, they should be combined. I have recently found someone who will help me with that. While you are there watch.
Boxing Day in Bahrain, it is touching and rather profound. Listen to Mariachi. The are major technical problems for two reasons – I sing, and it is too dark, one cannot see the band. I definitely need help, not with the singing, it is beyond rescuing. In the Lobby, takes place in the lobby of the Ritz in Bahrain on New Years Eve. Watch Magical View, it is about flowers. My Ritz cooking class is in different segments. Again should be merged. Watch them all. You got something better to do with your time??? Hahaha
When you go to the following link you will see a professional reel, April 15,2024 Dinner. Obviously I did not do this one, I am in it and it is too perfect to be me. I am going to put this guy in the payroll. He is cute too. Get your hands off of him. He is mine!! Hahaha This the link that will find the professional one as well as my rank amateur ones.
There is yet another link. The star of this show is The First Time I Ever Saw This Blessed Sight receiving 425 views. It is me just standing there in awe looking at the Kaaba for the first time. It is not professional, it is profound, all three definitions. Mecca at Night has few views on YouTube but the one posted on Instagram has an amazing number. While you are there look at Golden Hours Over the Years and Portraits Over the Years. You’r gonna love it, and If you do not? Who cares!! Not me! Hahaha
I feel like a star, a very busy star refugee with no supporting staff, temporarily in Saudi Arabia, about to travel first to the Bahrain Ritz Carlton (obviously temporarily because it is expensive but would not you love to live there???)
After that it is onward to Malaysia to giggle, drink coffee and shop at IKEA with Noor. I do love the way Noor talks. I was scrolling through our very long conversation of today.
She: I am now crazy laughing alone in a coffee shop. I’m so happy we have each other.
Me: We are blessed by Allah. I need and needed a sister like you. And now I have one. I absolutely know you always wanted a blue eyed sister. I said one wife is enough. Not two yet. I will keep him busy. If he comes to Malaysia we will laugh so much If he does not arrive in Malaysia – you and I will still laugh all the time,
She Wish come true. Inshallah.
Me: Inshallah I always forget. That
She: Cheers (with an Avatar_
Me: I am now cheered (with my Avatar)
We spoke of some troubles
She: He is a beautiful kind of man. I mean he is really a good macho man. .
Me: Yeah! Whatever that might be.
So we texted for a while – with me saying.
Me: Talking to you has REALLY helped me. I feel clearer now. Phew. Thanks Alhamdullah
We are on different time zones.
Me: GO to bed NOW. I am the older sister. Just remember that!!!
SheL Ya Ya Ya Yes mam I know u r my big sister. That’s u I luv u
Me: The big blue-eyed sister says good nite.
She: This is small sister Roger n out.
Me: I am laughing at Roger n out.
She is the best friend I have every had. We have great conversations. It is a miracle we met. It is all because I became a Muslim. I wonder if guys have friends they talk to? Who knows? Maybe one of their many Muslim cousins?
By the way. Noor lives in George Town. Penang Malaysia. Definitely going to Google it to learn more. Recently did a major Google search learning about Nigeria. I made notes in a book so I will remember the details. Learning a great fun and most enlightening.
Back to Malaysia.
“ Georgetown, on Penang Island, is the must-visit spot of Malaysia. The stunning colonial streets of Georgetown are a center for culture, street art, and the country’s best street food. The differences between Chinese houses and skyscrapers, side by side, give this town a unique atmosphere.”
This nos the next day. I have learned SO much more. WOW! 5 star hotels for less money than this Kohbar Hilton Garden Hotel. (Which by the way does not even have a garden) False advertising to say that your Hilton has a garden and it does not. Litigation here I come. Hahahaha Not worth it. Sometimes when I think about getting even I say: For example, litigation may loom with Saudi Airlines.
I cannot believe them. I try to buy a business class ticket to replace the one I did not use because I was in the hospital. The direct connection provided does not work. Decide I will purchase a new ticket and seek refund at the airport. Saudi says there is no business class on the Jeddah to Dammam flight. Minutes later they say that if I pay a upgrade I can sit in business class. The upgrade fee is, of course, much more expensive than the regular business class would have been. That is called greed Saudi Air. Never have I EVER heard of anything like that in all the years I have flown. Saudis are SO greedy. Not all of course, but many, And it is unchecked.
The day of the flight I got to the airport early to see if this could be sorted out. NO. Was able to talk to a supervisor and then another – his boss. The Supervisors were very accommodating. Was able to get a superior seat in Economy – the first row. The wheel chair pusher took me to the First Class Lounge before the flight. While waiting for the flight met Majeed, a great guy who helped me with everything, switching seats so that we could chat on the flight talking about narcissists – I have been married to them. I specialize in narcissists, You cannot cure them. But I do think get them under control using contract law. The Islamic Faith uses contracts instead of “I dos” at their wedding ceremonies. I have some ideas for my future spouse which would make him laugh. My Intended is funny.
In the meantime I did find that I do have Wives of the Prophet, even with me at this moment. The book spoken of in yesterday’s blog. He and I have the same book – what is the likelihood of that??? The photos will contain a photograph of the humble book.
Trying to get in touch with him to tell him but he is still sleeping. Hmmm. The marriage contract shall read.
504. The Intended will wake up for Fajr prayer and then remain alert.The Bride may occasionally let him go back to bed briefly at her direction. If he does not obey he will immediately pay her the equivalent of $100 US cash. A jar for collection shall be provided by the bedside.
This contract formation is going to be fun. Hahaha
But back to me. A more interesting topic of conversation. I was speaking with a friend, a woman from my Medina Oberio days. I suggested she read my blog as a way of staying in touch. She replied her response totally and completely surprised me.
She: Your blog is a story that moves emotion.
Me: Wow! Mashallah I am crying you said that. Not tears of sorrow but tears of joy. Seriously WOW Mashallah Alhamdulillah See I learned some Arabic Hahaha
Then I stopped being funny, which I admit is a defense mechanism. Then said, incredulously.
Me: I realized that it is something I always wanted to hear someone say about the blog . But did not realize it. Before you said it.
Then we had a very serious personal conversation. I, being very honest with her, about something not said before. Not sure she wanted to hear what I said. I ended the conversation in this manner.
Me: Troubles never go away when you are a victim.
She: You are right Alexis
Me: That was the second nicest thing you said to me
Left a voice message as I was tired of typing. Not exactly in these words.
Me: Just remember. Good always prevails over evil. I promise. The Quran promises. Allah promises.