I cannot be happier – it would be impossible. At this moment in time. I am not sitting in the Premier Lounge of the Penang Airport waiting for my flight to Singapore – it will take one and a half hours. I am going Economy – seemed a wise choice considering it is so close by. It was a brilliant idea – checked in got a wheelchair, then had to pay to come to the Premium Lounge but it was worth every cent. My wheel chair pusher is handsome. So all is well.
There is Wifi access.
Andy Borowitz’ satire is in my Inbox. I will share, so funny as it concerns lawyers, payment of fees, Trump, and Giuliani. Here goes.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Urging him “not to take that freaking job,” on Wednesday Rudolph Giuliani warned Rep. Matt Gaetz that Donald J. Trump never pays his attorneys. “I know what you’re thinking—’I’ll get paid millions and then I’ll be swimming in hooch and broads,’” the former New York mayor said. “Not gonna happen!” “When Trump cans your ass—and he will—you’ll be in the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot with me drinking Two-Buck Chuck straight from the bottle.” For his part, Trump said that by choosing Gaetz he was keeping his campaign promise of creating jobs for unskilled white men.
My many readers from around the globe will not get some of the humor – like drinking Two-Buck Chuck from the bottle but some humor is universal. For example, Giuliani thinking he would be swimming in ‘hooch and broads’. And do you not love thought of Gaetz being hired because Trump is creating jobs for unskilled white men?
I do love laughing at the US. I am grateful to the disunited states. Just now checked the exchange rate. I love the bigger numbers. 10,000 USD equals MYR. 44,548.88 That is called a good return for your money. My pension is paid in US dollars. A man of my acquaintance, knowing my deficient math skills, asked me how much money I made in Malaysian money. I gave him the basics in US dollars saying
Me; Math guy, you figure it out.
He: Wow. That is BEEEG Will you marry me?
Me: No I think we should be friends.
He: Well what about our old agreement?
Me: You never came up with the dowry right. By the way I do not want camels.
He: Okay. If you do not want cryptocurrency you will get land and goats, our country’s tradition.
Me: Goats???
He: I will bring the goat with me when I come and visit you in Malaysia Inshallah
Me: How will I be able to know which is which?
He: I will be the one that is bleating.
This sounds like an unbelievably bizarre fairy tale conversation but it is not. Met his mother and his sister and his nephews when we were in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Stranger things have happened. Muslims end ad any and all intentions for the future, saying Inshallah. Spoke of Inshallah in my October 28, 2024 blog.
“Muslims often repeat Inshallah constantly and continually. It means IF Allah wills it. What would my blog be without another quote from Wikipedia.? Here we go again.
Inshallah… is an Arabic-language expression meaning “if God wills” or “God willing”.[1] Its use is mentioned in the Quran[2] which required the use of it when speaking on future events.[3][4] In an Islamic context, it expresses the belief that nothing happens unless God wills it, and that his will supersedes all human will;[5] however, more generally the phrase is commonly used by Muslims, Arab Christians and Arabic speakers of other religions to refer to events that one hopes will happen in the future, having the same meaning as the English word “hopefully”
Therefore we refer to our future plans acknowledging that nothing can take place unless God is willing.
At this moment I have no definite plans for Singapore. I am not a typical tourist but I was ecstatic to learn there is a concierge at gate f at the Singapore Hilton. Concierges are unknown in Saudi Arabia, netiher is there one at Lexis Suites Penang. So I shall see. My chief and perhaps only destination shall be the Apple Store which is conveniently located in the airport. It looks like a super store. Huge with classes, trained staff, helpfulness. I have many issues that require attention. Of course I intend to visit the Merlion wherever it may be. Hahaha
Everything is going great at the moment but there were times in the past when feelings of anger overtook me. An email from Yaqueen Institute addressed the topic.
“Anger is a normal and often healthy emotion in response to injustice. However, our Prophet commanded us to not let our anger overcome us. Explore five actionable tips from the Prophetic tradition, along with a du’a, that can help with anger management and guide us all towards righteousness, inshAllah.”
“It is precisely because of the difficulty of controlling anger that “the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘Who do you consider to be a fighter among you?’ We said, ‘One who men cannot wrestle down.’ The Prophet said, ‘It is not so. Rather, it is one who controls himself when angry.’” (Sahih Muslim, no. 2608) Abu Hurayrah (rA) narrated that “a man said to the Prophet ﷺ, ‘Advise me.’ He said, ‘Do not get angry.’ He repeated his question several times and he said (each time) ‘Do not get angry.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 6166)”
Here are the five tips provided.
Tip 1: Seek refuge with Allah from Satan
Tip 2: Know when to walk away, This handy instruction was provided. The Prophet ﷺ said, “If any of you becomes angry and he is standing, let him sit down so his anger will go away; if it does not, then let him lie down.” (Sahih Ibn Hibban, no. 5688)
Tip 3: Keep silent. The Prophet ﷺ said, “If any of you becomes angry, let him keep silent.” (Musnad Ahmad, no. 2137)
Tip No. 4: Make wudu The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Verily, anger comes from Satan, and Satan was created from fire. Fire is extinguished with water, so if you become angry, perform ablution with water.” (Sunan Abi Dawud, no. 4784)
Tip No. 5: Remember the reward for controlling anger Abu Darda (rA) narrated, “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, tell me about a deed that will admit me into Paradise. The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Do not be angry and you will enter Paradise.’” (al-Mu’jam al-Awsat lil-Tabarani, no. 2353.
When able to control my anger there are so many blessings. Peace of mind comes and the ability to negotiate and make better plans for the future. A Malaysian friend made a commitment to come with me to Singapore – but changed her mind. Let go of my anger, deciding it was for the best and it was. I prefer traveling alone, free to meet other people, get to converse with the men who push my wheelchair, the cabin crew of the airplane, people in adjacent seats, taxi drivers. Otherwise I would be speaking with her, or my husband of the moment (hahaha). So instead I pity her, will send her the occasional email so she can live vicariously watching me enjoy myself. Do remember my motto: Hope was my survival; success is my revenger.
November 15, 2024
I am even happier this morning. everything is going so well – beyond any expectations. Several photographs follow. I went to a long desk with several men, helping other tourists.
Me: Excuse me! I heard there was a concierge in this hotel. I love them after I finally learned how to pronounce the word. Where are they.?
Gales of laughter!! I was standing by the sign that said Concierge.
You can see the sign.
Then a photo of me wearing my new assimilation attire. A Hilton hat from the Hilton in Bali. I sent it to the Bali guy and (typically) got no response because I am no longer on WhatsApp.
Sent the photo of the expensive watch to the Nigerian man. Immediately got an email response from him. The subject of the email. Suggestion for a portion of the dowry right.
Me: Over three thousand Singapore dollars but the owner will negotiate a lower price. Please do a conversion to US using Singapore dollars.
He: I did the math. Good morning Alaaa. The watch is really beautiful but is it not a bit expensive? You love it? That is like $7,000 dollars.
Me:I am worth it. But in the meantime by five dollar one tells the time. Hahaha Even the guy that owns the store liked it. Hahaha I prefer the goat I guess. Hahaha or you who goes bleat.
As you can see I am having fun here in Singapore. Muslim women can be true and faithful to the Creator and still have fun. I am living, undeniable proof.