This is going to be a light hearted blog. Written on the eve of my departure to Singapore. I spoke to a new, but already dearest, friend this morning telling her that I am planning to ‘use’ the trip as impetus to a new beginning upon my return. In reparation for the new beginning I am bravely opening new doors. Stopped at a book store on the way to my eye surgeon appointment. Purchased two books that I NEVER thought I would buy: Malay Made Easy and a Malay-English Dictionary. I have no linguistic abilities whatsoever, definitely not one of my strengths. I have always lived in predominately,English speaking countries but is not so need tp make some changes as it would be sort of nice to knowing what was going on. I attended a truly inspiring event at Masjid Bandar Baru Air Itar (in English Masjid Negeri – State Mosque of Penang) It was inspiring despite the fact I did not understand one word that was being said, the words were either Malay or Arabic. I felt like a one of the various adorable babes in arms. This was a unique experience, would much prefer to experience it in its entirety. The evening at the mosque served as impetus to purchase the books, overcome my fears and make a noble effort.
I had previously been encouraged to learn the language by a man who spoke English, French, Spanish and then, Indonesian. was steadfastly ignoring him. His advice was to learn just two words a day. But you know my motto: If something is worth doing, it is worth overdoing. Sent an email with a photograph of the book. The conversation evolved into a discussion of marriage to a Singapore statue. Things got out of hand as you shall soon see.
Me: You were evil telling me to learn one word a day. This is better and faster. Thanks anyway. That describes our entire relationship. Hahaha 😂 Going to Singapore alone. Who knows what will happen. Hahaha 😂 Nothing. I will marry in Jannah. Waiting to see my eye surgeon. Wearing blue eyeliner with permission. Sincerely, Alexis
He: Nice, persistent practice makes permanent 😉 Singapore is great 👍 maybe you get Married there with a Rich Merlion 😅
Me: Thanks anyway. I am content with my imaginary husband until I get the real thing in Jannah. I have officially given up on mere mortal men. Been there and done that too often. Hahaha 😂 Actually have no idea who or what a rich Merlin is but I also have a big thick Malay-English dictionary and I can look it up. Rich I do know, it is the other word I will have to look up. Sincerely, Alexis the Satu and Only
Subsequently learned what a Merlion was. It was not a Malay word but instead a Singapore statue. He was definitely making fun of me, but I got even.
Me: Are you joking??? There is no way I want a lions head with a fish body husband no matter how much money he had. What good could he possibly be? Probably could not even hug because no arms that I could see. You have the stupidest ideas. No wonder you are not married. Would you like a mermaid for a wife??? Think about it. Sincerely The Satu and Only Alexis It is now midnight I am being eaten alive by insects. For some reason I am communicating with both you and the Nigerian. Got moved to a bug free (I hope) room. It is not easy being white sometimes – organ putin Amerika
At this very moment watched an extremely amusing Instagram post entitled Not a Full Package. The message, aimed at women, informed them of the bitter truth, we are not going to get a handsome, rich, caring, attentive, man who prays in your life on earth. You have to compromise UNTIlL you get to Jannah. That is my plan.
Here is the link:
I knew that all along, well not throughout my 81 years but definitely since becoming a Muslim four years ago. I was a lawyer, I love, love, love being right. I was.
However back to my earthly concerns. Decided I had to find out what a Merlion wa. I did with the help of Wikipedia (of course). As usual Wikipedia tells us more than we would ever want to know. I shall include only the Introduction.
“The Merlion (/ˈmɜːrˌlaɪən/) is the official mascot of Singapore. It is depicted as a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Being of prominent symbolic nature to Singapore and Singaporeans in general, it is widely used to represent both the city state and its people in sports teams, advertising, branding, tourism and as a national personification.[1]The Merlion was first used in Singapore as the logo for the tourism board.[2] Its name combines “mer“, meaning the sea, and “lion“. The fish body represents Singapore’s origin as a fishing village when it was called Temasek, which means “sea town” in Javanese. The lion head represents Singapore’s original name—Singapura—meaning “lion city” or “kota singa.:
I am not planning to marry the Rich Merlion but just might go by and pay him a visit. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It is an idiom:, telling the world that one must take risks to achieve something, One must take risks to achieve something,That may be true but do I really want a husband that bad? The answer is NO. On the other hand, the Merlion statue might fall over (it was once hit by lightning) land on me, squishing me. Then perhaps I shall be headed to the Happy Hunting Ground – in this instance Jannah. Hahaha
The foregoing Merlion conversation took place in the evening. It was an email so not much back and forth. In the meantime I was Messaging with the Nigerian. I was covered with itches, the eye surgeon, when shown, opined they were bug bites. Went back to the hotel, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was being eaten alive so asked for a room change. Got it, taking my computer and phone with me. Computer dinged, telling me of a message. It was the Nigerian who is on a different time zone because he is in Nigeria..
This was our conversation.
Me: I am awake because I am being eaten alive by bugs. Yeah! It is not easy being white. I have tens if not hundreds of bites. Small but itchy.
He: Ohhhh I am so sorry. I remember how red they made you in Jeddah.
Our long evolved conversation continued speaking of many matters, some of which you will hear about. But his memory made me remember those April days Jeddah days when doctors diagnosed the problem as an allergic reaction to an over-the-counter medication. Suddenly realized, it is not bug bites, it is an allergic reaction. PHEW Messaged my thanks later.
Me: You flit into and out of my life. But you do come in handy. Reminding me of Jeddah reaction. What a relief – not bugs but an allergy.
The Nigerian calls the previous gentleman, the Catholic. Said in another conversation.
He: Im glad you are staying at better hiltons, khobar treated us badly, haha but its still part of a the memory. Im not saying that i okay and happy about that the catholic who replaced me but you guys broke up (I AM HAPPY) im sorry (i am not sorry)
Those two men have nothing in common – well except me. Neither, of course, have me. Come think of it there are more similarities – both multi-lingual, have a great sense of humor, are well-dressed, handsome, single and (compared to me) young. Met them both in restaurants. Hmmm the list goes on and on. Hey, who knows what Singapore may bring? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. There is hope, the Merlion statute may fall on me.
I, somewhat belatedly learned about the Mosque Negeri. Designed by a Filipino architect, opened n 1980 drawing upon inspiration from the Cathedral of Brasilia in Brazil. The largest mosque in Penang accommodating up to 5,000 people at any time. The expansive large dome is shaped like a hibiscus flower, representing the national flower of Malaysia.
The photographs attached to the blog were taken on the memorable November 9, 2024 night. You shall hear more about it when I meet with someone who can tell me what was going on. Also see the cover of Malay Made Easy.