It was this afternoon, the afternoon of October 22, 2024. If anyone would have told me yesterday about the calamitous events of today I would have been unable to accept themi. – How could I survive this?? But I have – my resilience came to the fore.
I shall not only survive, I shall thrive.
Let us now examine two words – before I get into the gory details.
1, Calamitous. The synonyms provide the best description of the word: catastrophic, cataclysmic, devastating, dire, tragic, disastrous, fatal, ruinous, crippling, awful, dreadful, terrible, woeful, grievous.
2. Resilience: the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. Synonyms: strength of character, toughness, hardiness, buoyancy, flexibility, adaptability, bouncebackability.
This following email exchange will reveal details of one of the dire, crippling and woeful discoveries. I was at Lex Spa , Penang Lexis Suites treating my Malaysian Muslim Sister Noor to a manicure; I glanced at my blog, my website to find, to my horror, that portions, the most important portions were missing. I went to my room, sent an email to my blog master. The subject line was: Emergency I guess .
Me: My Calling, Books and YouTube no longer there. WordPress saying a critical error or something. Please look into it. Thanks. I am slightly freaked out. Cruise reservations cancelled. Not my day. Alexis
He: Ooh golly that freaked me out too! Think I fixed it. I had to run some updates and some other back ground stuff x Thanks, Chris.
Me: I am SO happy you were freaked. Not nearly as freaked as I was though. I thought MBS was out to get me. Or else Allah decided I did not have to do this. I preferred the later. Hahaha 😆 I was ready to give it up. Guess gotta get back to it. A million thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Alexis
If you carefully read the email exchange you will know of the second dreadful, grievous occurrence. The Peace Boat world cruise reservation had been cancelled. Why? Because I was not able to get together the approximately $100,000 USA funds necessary. It was not pay as you go, it was pay up NOW.
I was absolutely devastated, Within thirty minutes my identity was shorn – I am a blogger. My plans for the future snatched. .
Here is the good news, the benefit which followed and accompanied the hardship. I identify myself as a Muslim Blogger. I remained a steadfast Muslim, a stronger one, actually.
That was the secret of my boucebackability? The day before, for reasons I will never know, researched this important concept of the Islamic faith. Tawakkul.
I awoke on a prior day (when everything was going great) in a state of grace, of total acceptance. Did know that this name of this state of total acceptance in Allah (SWT). I knew of the concept but not the name. Finally, by searching the indexes of three book, found the spelling. This allowed me to do online research, discovering the how, what, and why of Tawakkul.
This is almost a miracle. My Malaysian Sister Noor came to spend the day with me, I began speaking with her about Tawakkul. She most familiar with the concept, particularly the necessity of making effort, taking remedial actions on one’s own, not just putting matters into the hands of Allah (SWT). I had the night before on the phone trying to arrange the transfer of money from US and Canadian banks. I had not been successful. Therefore, even before I received the cruise cancellation email I was beginning to question its advisability. Ramadan begins in late February. I would begin Ramadan on the cruise – not ideal conditions for time to be spent in contemplation of my religious life.
I will now let you in on the secret go Tawakkul.
The Quran repeatedly talks about Tawakkul. Allah Almighty commanded His servants to rely upon Him in all matters and explained its importance and merit in many Qur’anic verses. Allah said in the Quran that believers rely upon Allah in hard times.
This from Wikipedia.
Tawakkul is an Arabic term originating from the root “w-k-l,” meaning “to rely on” or “to surrender.” In Islam, Tawakkul represents a mental and spiritual attitude that embodies complete faith in Allah SWT as the Owner and Controller of everything in the universe.
It signifies the belief that Allah has absolute control over all events. It is believer’s role to put forth their best efforts, with the understanding the final outcome rests with Allah.. Implementing Tawakkul in serious decisions involves exerting best efforts in the decision-making process, including gathering information, consulting experts, and meticulous planning. After all that it essential to release any anxiety and entrust the outcome to Allah. During difficult and stressful these times, applying Tawakkul means embracing these challenges with calmness and trusting that Allah has a greater plan for us, which might not be immediately apparent. The following are the benefit found. 1. Peace of mind. 2. Firmness in decision making. 3. Residence in facing trials. It is important to be sincere in one’s efforts and also take appropriate measures. If you do not it goes against the laws and decree of Allah.
October 24, 2024
I have remained optimistic. I have peace of mind, I do not have worries about money, as the burden of amassing cash has been removed. Uncharacteristically I slept until ten, almost (but not quite) missing breakfast. Laughed with the staff who are teaching me Malay words, but just laughing and not telling me the meaning of them. The word of the day was ranjua . asked my Malaysian Sister Noor.
She: It means nonsense in a good way of coz. Haha
Me: Thanks. The staff told me me to go say it to Elephant Man and the people at Lex Spa. I will telling them that the staff told me to say that to them. Hahaha Then I will ask them the meaning it and see what they say. Learning a language can be fun. I met a man with two mischievous daughters. When I meet them it will be a good word to know. “Dont Ranjua.”
Looking at the events of the day before, decided to share my thoughts with my Malaysian Sister Noor.
Me: I am staring to write. I believe Allah (SWT) sent you to me yesterday as I think and write about the day. Alhamdulillah
She: I can feel it.
Me: It makes me so happy and blessed that you feel that too.
She sent me a lovely GIF of a girl cheering and happy.
Me: I love it. It is a fabulous GIF. I should sent it to MBS.
She: Good idea.
Me: I did!! Along with the message that he was meeting with Blinking. I spelled it wrong to make him laugh. It is Blinken. I told him that he had best be doing something about Gaza. I guess he is following my orders. Hahaha
She: For the good Inshallah
Me: Thank you for saying that.
I posted a reel on Instagram which shall be attached that announced: ‘I am not going on the world cruise; instead staying in Malaysia looking at the scenery with my cataract free eyes.
I immediately received two empty hearts from a woman I met in Medina in July 2023. A photograph of the two of us and another Saudi woman will be attached. I am truly blessed by Allah (SWT)