My October 8, 2024 blog spoke of a rather strange connection, an invited conversation with the de facto KSA Ruler, known as MBS. I habitually put my prior blog remarks in quotations.
“Someone or something on Instagram (Crown_mbs) began following me and direct messaging me. 832 followers, 7 posts, following 186 (if which I am one).
Do I think it is the real thing? Excerpts from him: “I take time from my royal duties to communicate with people who love me and support my beloved country. Hope we can be good friends? I also believe you must have heard a little about me.
I answer the questions but the responses are non responsive. It is evident that whoever this is has not read my blogs of late. At first request it was unsettling but now I am fine with this. I speak the truth – not sure that this is something either wanted or needed.”
The blog, slightly now edited went on to say:
“I have corresponded with Middle East Royalty in the past. I met certain individuals in London. I have not met MBS. I do know what he looks like. Reels show he is surrounded by guards, dressed in thobes, not uniforms, but clearly on duty. So the meeting would have been memorable. I often yearn for an ordinary life. It’s not happening.”
I have spoken of MBS on the blog in the past. The search engine says 102 times, but all of these entries are not, shall we say, legitimate. Many are probably about fifty.
I decided that I would, at this point in time, reveal the early conversations that went on between us. Beginning with the very beginning.
He: I’m very friendly and I love meeting new friends to learn and know more that was why I requested for your friendship. Hope we can be good friends? I also believe you must have heard a little about me??
Me: Why did you request my friendship?? You have many other choices. I have a difficult time understanding that you need or want new friends considering the numbered who follow you. Of course I know about you. I have written about you extensively on my blog and have followed you since I came to KSA for my Umrah in December of 2022.
I was afraid to come because I feared you. But could readily see you had the love and respect of your people. I expected a great deal from you. But admit that I have been saddened to see your inactivity with the Gaza genocide. I even went to NEOM in July of 2023.
He: I take time from my royal duties to communicate with people that love me. And support my beloved country. Where are you from?
Me: I live in Malaysia now. Lived in KSA for sox months. You of course have always livedinKSA. You were schooled there. I do believe. Travelled extensively but royally
He. That’s good my dear. Traveling helps one to learn more about the world and see beautiful places. Are you married with kids?
Me: Not any more married. More university degrees (4) than ex husbands (3)/ Never had kids. You have about four I think. Married a woman from one of the three families you can choose from. She most inactive in public life which is unfortunate because young women need a role model to prepare them tor a new role.
He: I understand my dear. Sometimes we need to get married to people we love not because of tradition. I hope yo understand. What do you do for fun?
Me: Is that important??? Not to me. I bring joy to others with my sense of humor. I am provide fun for other Muslims which we know from the Quran that Allah loves. Seeking knowledge via for me joyful. So one could say I learn for fun. This too is valued by Allah I have heard you play video games for fun. Often with your children. There is now a powerful electrical storm. I am in awe of the power of our Creator. I live in Penang by the water. I am blessed.
He: Indeed my dear. Do you swim
Me: I cannot swim. I used to have water phobia. Some other members of my paternal Dryburgh family had/have water phobia. It led to the drowning of my beloved Dave Dryburgh about whom I was writing a biography, He died in 1948 before you were born haha Never have I seen you swimming but I would not. Do you swim???
The conversations continued. He suggested that we communicate on another social media platform (not WhatsApp).
This was our final conversation on Instagram Direct Messaging.
He: did you download the App and me a message.
Me; Yes. Reluctantly. You might be sorry.
He: Indeed I am.
Me: Already sorry??? You made me laugh. You ain’t seen nothing yet. You learned English from movies I heard in an interview. So I am talking movie talk.
This on the new App.
Me: I am not a dutiful subject, but perhaps that is what is needed. Not to be surrounded by yes men. I cannot imagine how you have the time to talk with me.. But everyone needs a break I guess.
During the course of our conversation I was promised a ride on the royal jet,. Also this:
“I only hope you could visit and have a conversation with some high profile Muslims” and also this : “I will introduce you to the royalties you can share your ideas and knowledge. We are open to new things Followed by this caveat: You will need to get a royal card to enter and see me.”
I became understandably angry at this, Being that it was always the final demand of any ‘conversation with ‘Fazza’. He was most interested in the details of that (not revealed/
He has asked “Aren’t you the same faith as me?
Me: We each worship in our own way.
I shared my thinking my voice message on this important aspect of Islamic worship comparing and contrasting the practices found in the Saudi Sunnis (Handball) with Malaysian Sunni practices; ( Shaft). I ended with the plea not to argue with one another
He: Point taken.
That response I found impressive and said so.
He has been silent for the past four days. This was my last entry.
Me: You seem to be lacking in vision and hope. Horrible for the world. I am being very serious about this. Listen please.
He: Say what you have to say.
Me: I write about it on my blog. Beginning today about the desecration of the Two Holdy Mosques. I shall continue in this. I do not blame you. The corruption in your country seems massive and endemic,
He: Have a nice day.
Me: I want more than nice. Almost forgot today is the four year anniversary of my becoming a Muslim. Alhamdulillah
No response from him and no indication hat he read this message. I persisted.
Me: Do I bore you? You are not responding. I bore no one, It must be you.
Still no response.
Me: Trump said on social media that he admired you and thought that you were doing a great job. Do not know if that is bad or good for you. Hahaha
No response as yet. Message not read.
There is a new ‘episode’ posted in My Calling. Go there to read it. It discusses other ‘events’ during my July 2023 visit to the Prophet’s Mosque which led me to believe that I should write of it, that it icy calling to do so.
The Real World
Back to the real world. My alma mater University of Alberta sent their newsy magazine TheNew Trail. There was a story from CBC News: Does anyone still want kids? Families are shrinking as people have fewer children — or none at all.
“Last year, Canada recorded its lowest-ever fertility rate for the second year in a row, according to Statistics Canada. Experts say economic and cultural factors might be discouraging Canadians from having more kids. In Canada, one-third of adults aged 15 to 59 in 2022 said they didn’t intend to have any children, according to Statistics Canada. The agency noted that younger respondents were more likely to desire fewer children, and suggested this could be due to “variations in financial security. Experts have linked a range of factors with reproductive decision-making, including the rising cost of living and eco-anxiety. More people are also delaying parenthood until later in life, which can shorten their reproductive window.But there’s also a significant cultural aspect — larger families with multiple children are simply no longer the ideal like they were a few generations ago, said Lisa Strohschein, a sociology professor at the University of Alberta and the editor-in-chief of the journal Canadian Studies in Population.”
The article went on to provide the following statistics.
“In Canada, one-third of adults aged 15 to 59 in 2022 said they didn’t intend to have any children, according to Statistics Canada.
Yesterdays blog spoke of a study done in Malaysia reported that 49% of Malaysian young couples said they do not plan to have children.
All I can say is this. It appears I have started a trend. When I first decided not to have children apparently in 1956, it was unheard of, not to have children. It is an very understanding story – my announced 1956 decision:
Me: I am not going to have kids.
My two friends walked home, saying amongst themselves.
They: She will change her mind.
Years later, my then best friend said during her 2013 visit to London,
She: You didn’t.
Me: No I did not . It is too late now. Hahaha
Photos will include many taken in Saudi Arabia. Children love to talk to me and have their pictures taken with me. Also a photo of a building in Balik Pulau