This seemed to be an absolute miracle. My Inbox contained a email from NCCM Team, which stands for the National Council of Canadian Muslims. It announced:
“As salaamumu alaikuim/ Peace be upon you
After 66 days of the worse violence against civilians that the world has seen in decades Justin Trudeau has joined many other countries in calling for a ceasefire. Our community stood like never before to push for the crucial milestone in creating a just and lasting peace in Palestine and today we see the results of our efforts. You sent millions of emails, you made thousands of phone calls, you marched through the streets.,,,,our community came together like never before to stand up for Palestine. “
At this moment I am overcome with emotion. I am incredibly proud of my country, Canada AND I am incredibly proud that I am a Muslim. Being able to join those two identities in one sentence seems like an absolute miracle to me. I could not make a phone call (as I have no ability to make long distance calls to Canada) and I did not march through the streets, because I am in Saudi Arabia. Nonetheless, I did write emails at their request, posting them on my blog. It provides me with a feeling of vast relief and the sense that I made a contribution of behalf of my country of origin.
It was a blessed beginning to the day. I went to the breakfast buffet and while there did a reel which was immediately posted on Instagram. Here is the link: The caption: Justine Trudeau demanded a ceasefire. You may say that he did that to get votes. That is called a functioning democracy. Biden and the N guys should do the same. Doubt that they will. Received two responses.
She: Hamdullilah!
Another was rather amusing.
He: You are an icon.
Me: What is that??? Hahaha
He: I was drunk.
Me: Poor excuse. Hahaha.
Since I received the above rather lame answer to my question, I decided to discover the true meaning. Icon: a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration. Found the synonyms to be most uplifting and rewarding: star, superstar, hero, heroine, megastar, celebrity, legend, great, big name; symbol, role model, celeb.
Okay, okay okay I will be a superstar, a megastar, a role model and a celeb. Thank you very much.
The blessings of the day continued in absolutely full force. I left my room walking to the Health Club to exercise. A young woman, in an adjoining room, was in the hallway taking a photograph of her luggage.
Me: Hello! Why are you taking a photograph of your luggage?
She: I am with a tour group. All of our luggage gets shoved together. When we get to our Mecca hotel I can just show someone the photograph and they will receive my luggage.
Me: That is absolutely brilliant of you. I am fortunate in not traveling with a tour group but if I ever have that misfortune I will do that. Hahaha
We fell into a spirited conversation. I learned that she was from Indonesia,.
Me: I must visit Indonesia one day. Your country molded the Islamic Faith in a manner that fit with your countries existing culture. Whenever and wherever I see Indonesians in these holy sites, they are so happy. That is almost never true with pilgrims from other countries.
Our conversation continued, she urging me to visit Indonesia one day. Her mother emerged from the room, and we hugged and chatted. The young woman was ‘covered’ with beautiful pins keeping her head scarf in place.
Me: I love those pins, I am wear ordinary safety pins to keep my hijabs in place.
She: I bought them here, in one of the shops.
Me: I will definitely go shopping.
Later received an unexpected Instagram DM
She: Hi Alexis, This is C. We were talking at the aisle this morning. I bought you a small boss for your hijab. Where can I give it to you. Or shall I put it at reception and you can take it from there. Is that OK with you.
Me: Wow! I love you. Maybe leave it in reception. I am at the gym now on the 10th floor. To room at prayer time. So be there around noon.
She: Al rites no problem. I will leave it at reception. I hope to see you in Indonesia one day.
Me: I will visit one day – if only for the chance to meet again with you and your mother. Busy day. It was such a blessing to meet with you. It was a gift of Allah (SWT)
She: Masyaaallah..everything happens for a reason. There is no coincidence. May Allah (SWT) protect you and guide you forever.
Me: I picked up your gift at reception. You are SO generous. I love the beautiful gorgeous pins. I took a picture of them and will tell the story of our meeting on the blog in a couple of days. Today was a day filled will blessings. Masyaallah
Looked at some of her Instagram posts. One in particular entranced me, inspiring me to write the following response. This the link:
Me: That is such an inspiring and thoughtful reel. I does make everyone think about their faith and and their relationship with their possessions and their Creator.
She: Indeed we bring nothing to our grave but good deeds.
Me: I was talking to a family this very evening about this. I mentioned your reel to them.
This blog is becoming Instagram dependent. Let us now go back to an earlier Instagram entry, the one of me in Chuck E. Cheese, in Medina. This morning I was fascinated to read for the first time the following responses.
She: We’re all human being, with the same basic needs…regardless their religions, ethnic and etc.
Me: You are so wise. I totally agree with you. I am putting your comments on my blog. Thank you.
She: Hahahaha Alexis, you have a kind heart and funny. That is a good combination.
Me: It is a necessary combination actually. Having a kind heart can get you in trouble with evil people. You make them laugh and when they are distracted you can make your escape. Hahaha
Another wrote.
She: May Allah, the most Merciful Guide and Bless you with all Goodness. Amen. Enjoy your travels.
Me: Blessings upon you. It is not travels. I am planning to live in Saudi Arabia. I am truly blessed!
Yet another wrote:
You are a legend. I wish to meet you in Saudi one day.
Me: I laughingly say. It is not easy being a legend. Hahaha
Here is the link to that Instagram reel:
You shall not share a WhatsApp conversation, with an added benefit.
Me: Should I be applying for my Bahrain visa now or waiting until it is almost time to go?
He: I think you can from now.
Me: I would like you to know that, not think that. Hahahaha
He: Hahaha
Me: I am funny.
He: Sooo funny
He: Yes Ma’am you should must apply now.
Me: Thank you Big Brother. I shall do so.
He: About ten laughing emoji
Me: Visa not funny. I do funny ALL the time. Say you agree.
I then sent a GIF, a woman with the caption Fingers Crossed and Toes Crossed Too.
Me: That I see you soon AND get my visa.
I looked carefully at the GIF, was so delighted and surprised.
Me: That is Alexis from Schitt’s Creek. With the help of IT I can put it on my blog.
He: That’s sweet. Nice.
Me: With our conversation. Fame has struck you again. Hahaha
He: Many laughing emojis.
Accompanying this blog will be a photograph of the many beautiful pins. Hopefully the Fingers and Toes Crossed Too GIF.