I did neglect to mention this when reporting the 2i7 Likes to my positive message of support for MBS compared to the number of negative hits (217 to 6) . One of the negative individuals wore::
He: @Alexis Dryburgh. Ahahahahah look who is supporting him.
My response to this was two fold. First I went to his Instagram sight. He called himself a Sheikh
He had 19 posts and 258 followers Then responded to him publicly:
Me: Is that me? Is that who you mean?? I am most informed, of the Islamic Faith and I am a woman.
One person liked that response. Than I blocked the first man.
My numbers are now 274 Positive and only 6 negative. The odds are getting better and better.
But onward, do have many topics to discuss, even though I am deep in preparation for Saudi Arabia and also using the blog to revisiting the tale of the Grave of the Martyrs. In my ‘spare time’ Perused the Al Jazeera, to the Opinion page finding humor which is a necessity of life, particularly in these trying times.
By the way peruse to is read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way. Some interesting synonyms are: scrutinize, inspect,, wade through, dip into.
Andrew Mitrovica, an Al Jazeera columnist based in Toronto began humorously;
“By now, the British monarchy ought to have been put into hospice care.It would, at the least, be a merciful end to a spent, vacuous institution that has revealed itself to be a dying artefact of a merciless, imperialist past that should be buried – once and for al.”
This is a serious topic – axing the British Monarchy. Off with their heads and during the reign of another King Charles. It is to be remembered, reminds Adam Gopnick of the New Yorker, that the first King Charles ended his reign by having his head chopped off in public while people cheered or gasped. How fitting in a such a bizarre way. The occasion for writing this was the first anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II death , it is is getting little or no attention. Although a year ago there was vast mourning throughout the world. I was a member of that pack, walked to the Alberta Legislative Building, signed a book and blew into a Kleenex.
“At the time, an army of sentimentalists assured us that Elizabeth’s quiet grace and singular longevity had left a profound, indelible mark throughout a Commonwealth paralysed by grief at the sad departure of the only queen most had ever known. Turns out, Elizabeth’s decade after decade after decade tenure as monarch was as ephemeral as a gust of wind and, truth be told, much less serious than the results of that weekend’s Premier League fixture.”
Mitrovica is a brave man, does realize that speaking the truth may get him in in hot water. Get into hot water is to be in or get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger of being criticized or punished. It is a very old expression. Hot water was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing boiling water down on enemies attacking a castle.
“At the risk of inviting a torrent of insults aimed at my blind, heartless self, I am at a loss to understand who constitutes this imaginary “we” that “all miss” the ridiculously rich, pampered-for-life queen?I don’t. Honestly, do you?As for Sunak’s claim that the “scale” of Elizabeth’s service, duty and dedication has only deepened in the 12 months since her passing at age 96, I challenge anyone to provide even a scintilla of tangible, not rhetorical, evidence to support this predictable bit of absurd historical revisionism.Elizabeth devoted her comfortable life to travelling first-class, shielding her family’s vast wealth from the taxman, managing her family’s pristine, sprawling estates, being feted at lavish state dinners by virtue of luck and primogeniture, caring for her dear dogs and horses, and burnishing the mirage that the British monarchy remains an exemplar of constancy, charity and benevolence.”
Mitrovica lauds Barbados for their excellent example.
“The wise citizens of Barbados, among others, have had their fill of the travelling colonial circus. More importantly, they are no longer content to forget or forgive the conquering, plundering and crimes against humanity committed in the name and profit of an English king or queen .Instead, they have severed their once-binding ties with the so-called “Motherland” and are demanding restitution from the white plantation owners who stripped them, by lethal force, of freedom, independence and agency to govern their lives and futures.”
I TOTALLY LOVED his concluding paragraph.
Alas, I’m still waiting for my home – Canada – to grow up, too, and follow Barbados’s fine and laudable example.
My prediction about the possibility of Canada growing up in the near future?? Not likely and this country is not going to have me helping it gain maturity.
Then there was more bad news found in the September 14, 2023 edition of AB Today.
Premier Danielle Smith’s popularity is on the rise, according to a new Angus Reid Institute survey. Smith’s approval and disapproval percentages were tied at 47 per cent, with the number of people giving her a thumbs up increasing two percentage points from the previous survey.
Her fiascos have only multiplied in the last couple of months., but they are just too boring and depressing to talk about. A fiasco is a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way.
Leaving here is getting easier and easier.
Back to my own existence, preparing for my Saudi departure. Yesterday, to Ricci’s in downtown Edmonton for my final Edmonton haircut. I videoed the final moments, it will be attached to this blog. It posted on Instagram, received the following response.
He: You are so cute. I wish I could meet you one day in Riyadh
Me: My goodness, thank you. There is a benefit. I am funny. Cute is okay but funny is better.
He: You are funny.
Today I went to the Legislative Building to say goodbye to my friends there. One woman stopped me.
She: HI!!! You got your hair cut! It makes you look ten years younger.
Me: My goodness! I must look ten. Hahaha
Another photo displays my Saudi flag, alongside a flower arrangement made with some of the bouquet purchased for my mother’s grave – but saw they were not needed. I am removing the Saudi flag from the wall, folding it, packing it my suitcase to drape around my shoulders on Saudi National Day, August 23, 2023.
Do admit that has been some stress , trying to create order before leaving. Suddenly this thought came unbidden.
Me: How can I be expected to leave order when there is only chaos.
Alter Ego: Finally you understand that!