This is me, from About Me on this blog. “This quote, so profound and meaningful was posted on Instagram. “Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it, possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. Maya Angelo.” This is appearing in the About Me as it is my motto and the underlying motto and inspiration of this blog.”
During the last three days I have ‘discovered’ inspiration from a group of incredible woman. The discoveries were incidental – two discoveries came via The National as I now read the stories posted on their on line newspaper. It hails from Abu Dhabi – it is remarkably ad free and tells me what is happening in the place I now live. The other discovery came via Instagram, it provided a link to YouTube and it was possible to watch a Canadian Woman Member of Parliament provide a stirring, inspiring ‘bridge building’ speech. It was nothing short of brilliant.
I shall begin with my first National Discovery. It was Sheikha Fatima – the real Sheikha Fatima, not me. She is a widow, the mother of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. I do suppose that everyone does know the meaning of widow, but just in case, here is the definition: a woman who has lost her spouse by death and has not remarried. There is a fascinating discussion on Wikipedia on the status of widowhood – I have other things to talk about today – but you could look it up for yourself.
The National Article begins: “As the UAE turns 50, Sheikha Fatima, the Mother of the Nation, has much to be proud of.
She fondly recalls the journey of Emirati women – of all her “daughters” – over the past five decades. She has borne witness to their many achievements that came about with hard work and determination, backed by a leader who fought for women’s empowerment.
In an exclusive interview with The National, Sheikha Fatima, who is the Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation and Chairwoman of the General Women’s Union, said it had not been an easy journey but it was worth it as she now sees her country’s women leading in all fields. “I feel so proud as I witness what the daughters of the Emirates, my daughters, are achieving,” she said. “When I look back at the past 50 years, I see a lot of things that fill me with pride. I am proud of my country’s achievements as it embarks on its ambitions to conquer space and explore Mars and other planets.”
The article actually did begin with a photograph with the following caption.” Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, with his mother, Sheikha Fatima in a photo he shared earlier this year. “ Her face is hidden, he is looking adoringly at her, it is an inspiring photo. Follow the link that will be provided and you can see it too. She continues: “How can I not feel proud to witness all the great achievements and transformations that the UAE has achieved in a relatively short time?“How can I not feel proud and honoured to have been next to the late Founder Sheikh Zayed, may God rest his soul, in all that he did to turn his dream into reality? “It was his dream to turn the vast desert into modern cities that people visit from all over the world and find stability, comfort, happiness, care, security, safety and tolerance. I feel proud and honoured for being his partner in making this dream come true.”
She continues, speaking of her husband Sheikh Zayed but also giving credit and thanks to the women of the country. The wife of the Founding Father said She and the country owe it to him and his policies that put the UAE on the global map. And he will always remain in the hearts of the people.“The late Sheikh Zayed is present in our hearts, souls and our daily actions. It was the values and principles he imbibed in us, and the legacy and approach he left for us,” Sheikha Fatima said.Sheikha Fatima said women played an integral role in the development of the country long before the discovery of oil. “Throughout centuries, women in the UAE have never shied from taking responsibility,” she said. But women took on more prominent roles after the UAE was formed in 1971. It was just two years later that Sheikha Fatima set up the country’s first association for women. “My council was located in Qasr Al Bahr. Every Saturday and Tuesday, I received women from the community to talk to them, learn about their needs, difficulties and obstacles so that they and the society could develop,” she said. “I then presented these issues and ideas to Sheikh Zayed. With the expansion of Abu Dhabi city and the increase in its population, the idea of establishing the first women’s association was born in the country. “His constant encouragement helped me to become the first wife of a president in the Gulf region to participate in women’s work in her country and to make official visits outside the country.”
I encourage you to read the entire article.
There shall be more stories about outstanding women in the UAE but, at the present time , I am somewhat disabled. I slammed my finger in a car door at the Yas Mall. I am sure the screams was heard all throughout Abi Dhabi. But SAD (Sheikha Awesome Driver) came the rescue, we sped off in search of ice, it was found and the third finger of my left hand was submerged which lessened the swelling considerably. It was my idea and was brilliant as confirmed by medical personal the very next day. I arose yesterday morning, SAD picked me up and off to the hospital went I. Not sure what hospital it was as I did not do the driving. I am so incredibly impressed with the medical care in the UAE. The staff attentive, professional and so reassuring. The Hospital spotless, efficient and so well organized, They do know the meaning of Triage, whereas the Emergency Room at Marin General Hospital in Greenbrae, California does not as I awaited treatment for about two hours for an injury inflicted by the Central Marin Police Department. But all is well that ends well, as Shakespeare so eloquently said. I had a great time in the Emergency Room, doing a good job of entertaining everyone I came in touch with.
The staff from many nations – the professional, able, reassuring physician was trained in Iraq. Now that amazing as my retired PCP’s replacement is a woman physician also trained in Iraq. It can be a small world! X-rays revealed that finger not broken. Treatment consisted of a splint and pain medication. At one time the M.D. was considering drilling a hole in the nail to ease the throbbing. I wrote my Grandsons.
He: You need any help?
Me: No thanks dear. The doctor will have it x-rayed.Drill a whole in the nail to reduce pressure. Things will be fine I am sure. Great medical care here.
He: No worries inch Allah everything is coming good. All will recover your energy soon and fast a healthy life.
Me: Thank you my dear. And maybe when they drill the hole they will strike oil and we all shall be rich. Hahaha
Then went to St. Regis Athletic Club for personal training session with wonderful Lena and then to Le Noir for lunch, meeting two exceptional individuals – a woman from Lebanon and a man born and raised in Abu Dhabi. It was an incredible coincidence, aided and abetted by a smashed finger. I can type but it is much slower as one less digit on the right hand. Possible but slow. Today prescriptions filled by pharmacist who suggested generics. I am totally in love with Abu Dhabi.
I spoke to a young woman and her mother in Yas Mall – they both in Muslim garb. Me also but more colorful. This conversation with the young woman,
Me: I love Abu Dhabi
She: I love Abu Dhabi more.
I did not indulge myself in the typical conversation, which would go like this,
Me: I love Abu Dhabi More.than you.
But instead said to SAD later. (He did not hear the conversation.
Me: We love Abu Dhabi differently. She loves her homeland. But I love it because I experienced how horrible other countries are and therefore worship this Abu Dhabi, a place that offers its citizens EVERYTHING.
Photographs are me with injured finger raised, placed on Instagram. The caption: Not giving you the finger but smashed my finger in car door yesterday. Today went to hospital utterly fantastic medical care. Cannot blog because finger gets in the way. Oh well, so blessed to be in Abu Dhabi.
There was a response.
He: Get well soon. A powerful finger that holds a pen is is power more than a thousand words, wish you a speedy recovery.
Me: I am most powerful as I write and circulate my writing almost every day! Thank you for your wishes.