What a difference a day makes is a song, a romantic song at that. The song came to mind, however, not in a romantic love context. There is a beautiful version sung by Dinah Washington which can be achieved through the magic of Google, here are the lyrics.
What a difference a day makes,
24 little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain
My yesterday was blue, dear
Today I’m a part of you, dear
My lonely nights are through, dear
Since you said you were mine
What a difference a day makes
There’s a rainbow before me
Skies above can’t be stormy
Since that moment of bliss, that thrilling kiss
It’s heaven when you find romance on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is you
The song came to mind when contrasting two mornings in my life – Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning shone – woke up and was off to the jacuzzi meeting my new friend, BBB. I shall submit her nickname for approval but am certain she will approve. The first B is for Beatific whose meaning can be both secular and religious. Synonyms for the secular version are joyful, ecstatic, seraphic, blissful, serene, happy, beaming, glad. Synonyms for the religious version are blessed, blissful, exalted, sublime, joyful, rapt, heavenly, holy, divine, celestial, glorious.
She earns this B as she is a joyful, serene happy and joyous person which makes her glorious to be around. We were chatting, sharing stories, laughing in the jacuzzi and then joined by her husband, whom I had not met before. The three of us shared so many experiences – they are a tremendously creative couple, meeting years and years ago while on tour in the USA – a theatrical tour. They are most active in the theater, at this moment are the proud owners of a summer camp for kids – the children sing, dance and put on performances. I cannot wait to attend a production. I shared some of my experiences as an avid audience member in London. I told them about my book on the Tate Britain and gave them a copy. It was Father’s Day, a picnic party had been planned but the husband threw his back out – was in pain and so it had to be cancelled. The jacuzzi offered some relief. It was such a jolly way to start the day. However, as the day progressed my left knee and back began to hurt so it was early to bed.
Woke up this morning in horrendous pain, what a difference a day made!! Breakfasted but back to bed with heating pads and hot water bottles. It was unmanageable so took prescribed pain medication. Pain medication makes me stupid. Spent some time in prayer, some on Instagram finally to decide that it might be possible to write.
But as I wrote there was an entirely different turn of events. A mistake was initially made, a different song emerged. What a Difference You’ve Made In My Life. The song was previously unknown. It is again a romantic song but there are no romantic implications for my present existence.
What a difference you’ve made in my life
What a difference you’ve made in my life
You’re my sunshine, day and night
Oh, what a difference you’ve made in my life
What a change you have made in my heart
What a change you have made in my heart
You replaced all the broken parts
Oh, what a change you have made in my heart
Love to me was just a word in a song
That had been way overused
But now I’ve joined in the singin’
‘Cause you’ve shown me love’s true meanin’
That’s why I wanna spread the news
What a difference you’ve made in my life
What a difference you’ve made in my life
You’re my sunshine, day and night
Oh, what a difference you’ve made in my life
What a difference you’ve made in my life (listen to it)
What a difference you’ve made in my life
You’re my sunshine, day and night
Oh, what a difference you’ve made, yeah
What a difference you’ve made in my life
(Difference you’ve made in my life)
What a difference you’ve made in my life
You’re my sunshine, day and night
Oh, what a difference you’ve made…
You can again, listen to the song sung by Ronnie Milsap in 1977. Googling will get you there, it is impossible for me to do the link.
(ed.. here you go Alexis..)
Why does this song have relevance to my life? Who made such a difference in my life, the sunshine day and night? Allah did both before and increasingly and continually since my conversion to the Islamic faith. In the midst of the pain of this morning I turned to Muslims of the World, a book purchased from the sales table of Book Passage. Hazar of Fishers Indiana writes of her sister’s death – killed in a car accident just before her nineteenth birthday. Hazar finds peace through her faith. “In the Qur’an (Surah Al Anfal 8:30) Allah says. “The plan and Allah plans. Indeed Allah is the best of planners.” The Almighty had declared that my sister was not destined for her next birthday. “Hazar’s sister Fatooma was most devout, “the most devout amongst us”, smiling, laughing and bringing joy to all around her. Although all the family asked for was prayers hundreds of people raised 50,000 dollars to build water wells in Rwanda. Hazar’s writing ends on this note. “The one thing our family asks is that everyone continue to pray for our baby. May Allah give us patience and reunite us in paradise. May this be what He has declared in our Qur’an. Ameen.”
The Islamic faith provides peace and hope to its people – be they rich and powerful or poor and needy. Charity is required, is mandated particularly during Ramadan. The Ruler of Dubai set the strongest example imaginable. During Ramadan he sought and achieved donations that fed 100 million meals to the poor of Africa during Ramadan. He exceeded all expectations, raising enough money to feed 215 million meals to the poor and hungry in Africa. His faith inspired this immense charity bringing hope and food to starving people. It is my personal belief that if the world were adherents of the Muslim faith there would be no war and peace would reign. Allah promises inner peace and happiness to believers. I definitely experience this. Evil and petty people surround me but either I walk away from them or confront them. Now the confrontation is a bit of a surprise as I am, after all, a Muslim woman who does bring joy and happiness to those around me. Allah gives certain individuals gifts. He has given me the gift of writing and the gift of bringing joy and happiness with my ridiculous sense of humor. If Allah gives you a gift the donee is to use it – not just sit around and praise Allah for it – but put it to good use. I do and am richly rewarded for doing so. My rewards are not monetary as I receive no money from writing this blog, nor have I made any money from my sense of humor. My one and only stand up comedy routine which took place at the King Charles I Pub in London, England on May 31, 2015, was also a freebie. It was fun and I was funny. Somewhere is an audio of that performance. Although achieving many laughs and much accolades never did I do it again. It seemed like wasting my gift, giving it away for nothing. But it was an achievement, being a stand up comedian had been a lifelong goal and was achieved. The photograph attached to the blog is a poster which I made and hung many in stores up and down King’s Cross Road in Londontown. The event was well attended as a result. Discerning readers will note that I assumed my birth name for that performance. A sense of humor is inherited and my Dryburgh genes must be responsible for it although some Pirie genes made their contribution. Pirie was my mother’s birth name – my beloved Aunt Alice was extremely funny as well. On that high note I will close. Perhaps to the soothing waters of the jacuzzi as my knee and back does still scream in pain.