Sent the photograph of the alleged Ray to Computer Guru, with the subject line: Handsome, eh? He emailed back.
He: Magnificent! Great beard!! Xx
Me: You are making me laugh!! You are feeling beard deprived I can tell. Hahahaha Black Nigerian Benjamin did not tell where or how he got the photos of this guy. The picture of him in 2017 was a much younger version, actually more handsome. So it is a rather fascinating story. I cannot say that it had much to do with blog although it was evident that the retread Ray Catrer had read it – because he knew so much about me. I would guess that the picture of the little girl was just a little delight sitting behind the individual on an airplane but the kid looked eerily like a combination of the two of us. Send Ray a picture of me as a baby and he did acknowledge that. But how strange for him, all of the lies that Nigerian Benjamin had to tell. What sort of person is that? Do not want to know. I prefer you and Clare, even if you cut off your beard! Hahahaha! Glad and relieved that all of that is over. (The Ray Experience, not your beard).
My hopes have been dashed!!! I got the vaccine with the second one scheduled for February 25. Two weeks after that I can travel as my immune system will be functional. So all that is needed is to find a place which has the virus under control and off I could go. Qatar having a second wave but sure to be under control as one can go to jail for not wearing face mask and five thousand or so have made that mistake. It does teach one respect. Look at that and admit this, sometimes democracies do not work. Admittedly the Emir of Qatar is the only decent ruler in those parts – he does not have a great deal of competition – the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (effectively in charge of that country) and the Ruler of Duba are rather tarnished, to say the very least. So in furtherance of the trip, called Qatar Airways to make a reservation ,talked to a very nice man stationed in Doha, who gave me the bad news that one has to be either a citizen or a resident of Qatar to allow admittance to that country, these days. Now, that is understandable, but bad news for me.
So the following text conversation occurred just the other day – not exactly sure who the recipient is so it will be She/He/It. Whomever it is, they are in Qatar, we have been in rather erratic ‘conversation’ for several months. What is erratic? Definition: not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable. Synonyms: inconsistent, changeable, variable, inconstant, uncertain, irregular, unstable, unsteady, unsettled, unreliable, undependable, changing, ever-changing, volatile, varying, shifting, fluctuating, mutable, protean, fitful, wavering, full of ups and downs, peaky; mercurial, capricious, whimsical, fickle, flighty, giddy, impulsive, wayward, temperamental, highly strung, excitable, moody; blowing hot and cold; labile; fluctuant, changeful, Antonyms: predictable; consistent
Me: I tried to make reservations to come to Doha. I cannot, as I have to be a citizen or a resident to come. I tried!! Tell your family I will need the private jet. Hahaha
She/He/It: I am devastated.
Me: Me too! Me too! So wanted to see you! Maybe you could come here or perhaps the Emir could make me an honorary citizen?
She/He/it: Where are u?
Me: At my apartment, at the market outside on the deck having lunch.
Me: I dare you to ask the Emir – he will laugh! He needs some laughter in his life. Hahaha
Me: I can pay my own airfare by the way. Please tell him that!
Well, one way anyway as I would have to come business class because of the virus.
She/He/It: Hahaha You are funny.
Me: I am. But funny and honest and of the faith. Such a unique combination.
The conversation went on in a very funny fashion. I signed off:
Me: With so much love, Ayla.
I got the name of Ayla from this individual, who texted, after I had officially assumed the name:
She/He/It: I wish that were my name.
Me: It is mine now! Keep your hands off it it. Hahaha
But off to other aspects of Qatar. The Emir has done a magnificent job – he and President Biden seem to be working together with the Emir in the background. (He has done that before, I know asI volunteered to go with him at one moment. He graciously refused.
Me: I could help! I know United States Constitutional Law, as I was a lawyer. I am excellent at mediating and do not present a clear and present danger. And I am funny. I could even make a guy like Trump laugh, and besides that I am Scottish. (As is/was Trump).
But, as I admitted, he did it on his own, do not think that anyone knows about his pivotal role. But nowadays, this announcement comes from my true and recent hero, President Biden. He announced that negotiations would be underway between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The President announced the appointment of two negotiators, one for each side. Now, the Emir has been doing an excellent job working on this very delicate matter, leading up to it, so to speak. But now two other individuals will be doing some of the dirty work. The Emir of Qatar will have time to turn to other projects. Perhaps, could I brazenly suggest? Being a better father to his rather large family.
But away from the Middle East (briefly) and back to home.It is practically back to normal in Marin as proven on Saturday. The nearby Town Center was almost entirely open for business. What a day I had, having lunch at a Vietnamese Restaurant (eating only vegetarian food because of the faith) and then stopping in at a very fancy men’s wear clothing store. The owner, now deceased, played sax on a band with Husband Number 3 (trumpet). I stopped in, meeting his son, now in charge, been able to remain in business despite this horrible pandemic. Told the son of my connection to his father and the store, The name of the store: Louis Thomas, 212 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera, CA. 94925. (415) 924-1715.
You shall never guess the project that we embarked upon. There was (perhaps is) a plan whereby a certain young man would come to the USA for the purposes of higher education, a tradition in his family for both men and women. (He is from a far away land and quite wealthy.) He does, however, need clothes guidance, his Western wardrobe in not quite up to snuff. (I have seen some examples) The clothes guidance would enable him to fit in but not give the impression of being shoddy. His father has excellent taste in Western clothing but his wardrobe is, understandably more formal, suits that probably cost a million dollars, for example. Laughingly, here in Marin County, California, a combination of clothing was put together. For example, a hoodie is essential but this one is cashmere. Snapped photos using my every faithful iPhone. Just to let you know, anyone can shop here, one does not have to be Royalty. Some of the selections are pictured.