Things Do Not Last Forever; Wonderful Words from a World Traveller and Earlier Ones from Dr. Wolfson; Wise Words from a Hotel Employee; Wisteria and a Gift of Flowers

This thought crossed my mind this morning. Things do not last forever, that is why life and flowers are so beautiful. If we lived forever moments would not be precious, if flowers were permanent and/or phoney their beauty would not be appreciated. Things that are ephemeral, that is where beauty is to be found. Guess what?!?! Word of the day is ephemeral: Transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, short, cursory, temporary, impermanent, short-term; fading, evanescent, fugitive, fly-by-night; literary fugacious. ANTONYMS long-lived, permanent.

This was the evanescent moment that struck me. I was Instagramming with Scott who is on massive travels throughout the world but keeps everyone up to date with his pictures and messages.

Me: I am so damn funny! Do you miss me?

He: Of course I do! You were the best Best person to ever walk into the store

Me: You were the BEST person in the store by far! Hahahaha

He: Sometimes

Me: Always

But he is off travelling the world and I am doing (goodness knows what). Those were brief moments in Flight Centre in Vancouver – our Camelot. They were brief and passing, fleeting and transient but perhaps that is what made them wonderful. Transient was a word Dr. Robin Wolfson in London applied to me – what a great guy. Transient: temporary, short-lived, short-term, ephemeral, impermanent, brief, short, momentary; fleeting, flying, evanescent, passing, fugitive, fading, mutable, unstable, volatile, here today and gone tomorrow, fly-by-night; rare fugacious. ANTONYMS permanent, perpetual, constant.

I would like to think that Dr. Wolfson found me flying, evanescent, here today and gone tomorrow. I did after all leave London. The following conversation did take place.

Me: Why am I so popular?

He: It is because there is a shortage of 73 year old sexy women in London.

Me: Hmmmm.

Me: (should have said) Yeah! And you are looking at her.

Scott planned my Iceland/London trip which became, for many reasons, a monumental journey which offered promise, hope, made new connections and severed old ones. It enabled me to make the move from Vancouver which was so essential to my well being. He planned it well, going Business Class in 1-A important for a number of reasons including my poor knee. But then he left to travel the world. But it was one brief shining hour – Camelot, Camelot. It was ephemeral but look what I got out of it! A handsome, helpful man said, and in writing that I was the best person to walk into the Flight Centre in Vancouver. That I will carry with me for the rest of my life – those words are permanent, perpetual and constant.

It is now Monday, 0900. Tashi, a wonderful woman from Tibet has just efficiently and sweetly cleaned my room. We spoke, she told me she had been in the US of A for three years. I gave her my blog card showing her what I was writing, suggesting she could learn a new word just be reading it. Who knows, it just might work!

A certain man of my acquaintance has a fantastic last name that I truly love. But his first name does not live up to my standards (Hahahahaha). At breakfast the other morning I met with a family consisting of super funny cousins. We had a ‘name that man’ contest. The two contenders for the role: Augusto and Alejandro. I rather like Alejandro as it goes with Alexis so well. We shall see – the situation a bit rocky at the moment. He soon may have no name whatsoever.

The clever and sensitive young man at this hotel furthered our conversation about the Chronicle article blaming social media for student anxiety disorders. By the way, I did email the author of the article and referred her to my blog, indicating my review was not altogether positive. I have not received a response from her. The article invited response by informing readers of her email.

Clever and sensitive young men and I determined that Twitter and Instagram etc. etc. are tools to be used either for good or for bad, for richer or for poorer.

He brilliantly said

He: It is not just social media; anything can be abused and misused then it can become too much of a bad thing.

Me: You are right! That is brilliant. Can I blog it.

He: Of course.

Me: I suppose if you eat to much of it even kale can become a bad thing

He: That is probably true.

Me: With my aversion to vegetables it is a bad thing already.

He then told me about Thursday Nights at the Asian Art Museum and that I should arrive thirty minutes before its commencement to be sure to get a ticket. I shall! That man is ambidextrous! Hahahaha.

Basically all is well. Tuesday lunch with T. Turned into Wednesday lunch. I met a wonderful waitress at Max’s and I will help her with debt collection abuses, planning to meet tomorrow. I am eating in my room as I have spent too much on my colour coordinated wardrobe.

It is now very early morning but I have had sufficient sleep. The images attached to this blog will be three. One the flowers found on my desk, I gift from this wondrous hotel (I had typed wonders home as that is how I feel about it. They are so kind to me.) Another is a beautiful image from David in London, sent to cheer. It did of course. Another a photograph of wisteria sent by my friend Jennifer W. Now wisteria a very ephemeral with its purple blossoms. I did some research to learn the following fact. “The world’s largest known wisteria is in Sierra Madre, California, measuring more than 1 acre (0.40 ha) in size and weighing 250 tons. Planted in 1894, it is of the ‘Chinese lavender’ variety.”

Thanks Inn at the Opera, thanks David from London, thanks friend Jennifer W. Your kindnesses toward me will live in my heart forever, perpetually and constantly. .

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