My Blog Has Been Hacked and I am Devastated; Wire Transfer Did Not Go Through So I am OverDrawn: and Other Tales of Woe But Such Support; a Sweet Email and a Wonderful Little Boy; A Video of Dismay 

God damn but what a dreadful day. I went to my Canadian bank and a wire transfer of mighty bucks had not been received and I am overdrawn. I did the transfer on March 22, 2018 and it should have been received.  Then I went to the library, returned some books AND then on the streets of Vancouver received an email from Chris Jackson, my computer guru, the man who so competently and expertly managed this blog. It said:
Chris: Panic Stations!!! It looks like we have been hacked…by the Chinese! 
He, the wonderful man, was so reassuring: 
Chris: never fear, I am working to thwart them! 
But I am totally freaked, post traumatic stress reared its ugly head. I am in a very bad place, not in good shape I euphemistically say to all I reach out to  my wonderful friends and relatives. I cried in public at least four times and I do not mean the trickling of tears. SOBS I am not a paranoid person but I do know who did this to me. It was the Poos – they had motive, they had means, they had opportunity. Why would ordinary Chinese hack a little known blog??? Use your head for more than a hat rack. Corruption is alive and well and focused on an old lady that was born in Saskatchewan and insists on telling the truth. You guys are pathetic. Well, I do admit that it is better to be hacked than killed. I suppose so anyway. and when one messes with money there are repercussions.  
But of course, there is the sweet with the bitter. It was lunch at the chef’s table at West Coast and I met this wonderful little six year old. Such a delight and he had a gap and so did his mother and we laughed and talked about our gaps. I Instagramed, FaceBooked, texted and called wonderful people who surround and support me. They were so good to me. Here is an example, a text from Sir Richard of Hot who I will see tomorrow morning.  
He: Looking forward to hearing about it tomorrow and making you feel better. 
Then an email from a guy who I had dumped from my life several weeks ago. It was really sweet and caring and funny and touching and endearing. Of course, I shall not duplicate it here. I get to have some privacy – you stupid Chinese hackers. 
Attached is the video I posted on FaceBook and Instagram. 

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