My Malaysian Profile: From Recluse to Bon Vivant; The Alexis McBride’s Bon Vivant Day Diary; Recluse, Bon Vivant and Pass Muster Defined: Meeting a Fellow Saskatchewanian, Even a Reginan; Instagram Comments and Likes;  Photos of Three of the Players, A Foodie Photo and a Photo of Same Time Last Year; Reel of Eating in the Malay Fashion

I will begin in my typical fashion by defining terms. A recluse is a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people, There are religious recluses sometimes also called ascetics,  monk,…

So Positive To Be Old and To Be Me; Popularity Its Ups and Downs; The Ups and Downs of Facebook; The Downs of Instagram: An Instagram Admirer Returns During the Writing of the Blog; A Vancouver Buddy Also Returns: Also Because of My Sense of Humour; Ilk Defined; A GIF That I Love.

At the present moment watching Channel 9, listening to an interview with Justice Ginsberg by David Rubinstein. She was, of course, alive at the time of the interview. The experience of watching her in action…