Hajj 2024 and Several Facts Showing the Necessity of a Virtual Hajj; Search for Possible Funding Making it Possible; Thirst for Knowledge Less to New Identity, Philomath Orang Puteh  Popularity Possibly Explained: Singapore Strengths Revealed; Meanwhile Back at the Ranch used by Alfred Hitchcock: Mixed Bag of Photos, Link to Instagram and YouTube Reel

The May 31, 2024 blog discussed, amongst other topics, the wisdom of a virtual Hajj. The enormous surge of converts  and reverts to the Islamic Faith coupled with Muslim reproduction rates makes it  the fastest…

Solace Blessedly Found in the Quran and Provided to You From My Quran Gifted at the Edmonton Muslim Heritage Festival; An Analysis of My Most Recent Statistics Brings Insight and Added Responsibility; All Work and No Play: Malaysia Has the Loudest Laugh in the World; Photos of Singapore Sister and an Awesome Sunset

Recently, I was in a state of extreme distress and despair. Something I thought to be necessary and attainable proved not to be.  Relief from utter and complete anxiety was badly needed, a new direction…

A Quandary: Statistics to the Rescue Helping Me to Focus What and To Whom I Should Be Writing: March 19 Blog Reveals That Saudi Arabia Used to be Number One: Saudi Arabia Faces Major Problems with its Vision 2030; But They Are Not Listening to Me; Trip, Stumble and Fall, Photos of Statistics, Morning Photos of Head Scarves; Lexis and Alexis All Over the Bed; Congrats

A quandary, a noun, is a state of perplexity or uncertainty, especially as to what to do; dilemma. I was in a dilemma, trying to decide what to write about, where to in a sense…

Celebrating Our King’s Birthday; A Malaysian Orderly Transfer of Power Contrasted to Others; Then to the Serious Business of Hypocrisy; A Believer’s Obligation When a Hypocrite is Amongst You; My Obligations Have Been Discharged by Individually Confronting and Speaking Out Against the Practices of Others I Have Observed; Photos of the King, A Memorable Day with My Muslim Sister and “My” Clouds

,  I thought the hordes at Lexis Suites would diminish as school holidays are over but there seems to be a never ending supply of people checking in. Someone FINALLY told me what was happening….

The Greatest Celebration of All Time But You Are Not Going to Hear About it: After All This Time on Planet Earth I am Now an Orangutan (Oops an Orang  Puteh); Two More Glorious Weeks at Lexis Suites Planned: Inspiring WhatsApp Conversation with Saudi Friend: Striving to Not Be An Arrogant Boaster No News of Magnificent Birthday Celebrations: Photos from The Party’s Over and Verses From the Quran

First we shall discuss my becoming an orangutan, That is a mispronunciation, I became aware my being an orang puteh through a conversation with my Malaysian Muslim sister. It is preferable to being an orangutan….

Greed Destroys All; Saudi Arabia Profit Mongering Affects All Muslim Countries; Habitual Need for Maximum Profits May Bring Down the Government of Nigeria, Bring Religious Divisions, Rob the Country of Needed Resources By Exacting a Huge Hajj Payment; A Solution Suggested by An Unlikely Woman Whose Role Model is Aisha; Discussion of the Authority and Power of the Sultan of Sokoto: Photograph and Powerful Reel of Medina Included

Greed, as discussed in prior blogs, is a destructive force. Thought the ages the Custodians of the Islamic Holy Places have developed the bad habit of greed. Before the time of the Prophet (PBUHz0 the…

I Know Where I Am and I Am Finding Out All About It; School Holidays are Upon Us; A Day Proving The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men Often Go Awry: My Debit Card Gobbled Up by an ATM Machine, Nothing Accomplished; But Conversations and Generosity Saved the Day; Two New Dresses and Two Stuffed Animals from H & M; A Surprise Birthday Cake Already; Photos of the Best Ever Sunset; View From My Bed; Stuffed Animals and Cake

A strange set of circumstances allowed me to find out where I am, now I am finding out all about it. I received a notification from Apple that my device has been located and gave…

Sunrise Ritual Brings Hope; Someone Has Got to Upset the Applecart to End World Disorder; Malaysian Prime Minister Excels Amongst World Leaders for Reason Stated; Words of John Lennon’s Imagine Massacred by Me on Instagram But With a Message of Hope; Photos of Me and Elephant, Me and Romantic Singer, Me with Self Tied Scarf; Link to Instagram Singing Reel

I have established a new early morning ritual. I awaken and offer Fajr prayer, sooth myself with some caffeine and gentle thoughts waiting for sunrise. I leave my room to take in the beauty of…