Today is election day in the United States. It seems incumbent upon me to speak of it, made compulsory as I shall be discussing the election from the perspective of women’s rights, a topic always near and dear to me.
But first, let me tell you of yesterday evening. I have added a new habit to my daily rituals. After Asr prayer, and before sunset I walk along the beach. It is absolutely NOT the well groomed beach front of five star hotels – it is the exact opposite, as the photos following this blog shall prove. An elderly Malaysian man was trudging along leaning on a walking stick, I initiated a conversation, which revealed he was younger (74) than me. We were joined respectfully by a young Malaysian man. The conversation was taking place on the porch of run down shack, immediately adjacent to Lexis Suites. The older man resumed his beach stroll leaving Jamin and I in conversation. Jamin is adept in English, not fluent but understanding almost every word I said. He asked about my rather esoteric, eclectic life, I asked him about his which is diametrically opposite. He was born in Penang, a Muslim, 21 years old, a fisherman, owns his own boat moored along the shore – lives in one of the primitive shacks that line the beach front. We spoke at great length. He so generously offered to take me on his boat some time.
Me: I would love that!! For almost six months I have seen these boats go out on the waters at all hours of the day, never thinking I could be a passenger. Please tell me how you spell your name.
He: Jamin.
Me: If it is an Arabic name I will look up its meaning. My Muslim name is Alaa.
He carefully, and correctly, pronounced it.
I totally love looking into the meaning of Arab names. Jamin means the right hand, meaning helpful. It seems to ‘match’ his personality. Muslim parents name their children with the anticipation they will develop the name’s attributes, which explains why their are so many Muhammeds, particularly in Saudi Arabia.
I walked back to the hotel, greeting a staff member who uses a ‘stage name’ as je calls it because his given, three of them are so complicated. Recently wrote the meanings for him, giving it to him to share with this father. The note began laughingly
Me: Your father must have hated you!!! Your names are so loaded with meaning, How could you ever live up to them, some are contradictory. . His nickname is the initials of his given names, simplified. TOG. (Treasurer, One, Generous) His father is a Sufi, upon learning this began a study of the faith. You shall hear more about that later, much more.
Me: I am beginning to have questions about the practices of the Sufi faith. If I give you a notebook with the questions will you ask your father to answer them? Would that be okay with him and you?
He: Of course!!
I am most excited. I began my study of Islam with no one to question. This is such a gift.
We were joined by an extremely funny bellman.
He: Where was my Dawali present? People are supposed to give presents on that day.
Me: How was I supposed to know that??? I was born in Canada, lived in the US. No Dawali celebration there. So I did not get dressed up, did not give presents, because how was I to know???
We laugh together all of the time. He is an amputee, his right hand and forearm are missing.
Me: I know! I have a pair of black gloves I am not using. I will give them to you.
He: (laughing) Thanks just what I always wanted.
Soon, after laughing with him said to myself: “Go to your room!”
I did, thereupon began researching the possible effects of the then upcoming US election, My search tools were Al Jazeera and a Malaysian publication called the Edge.
First looked to an analysis of the economic impact of the elections on Malaysia, finding this amusing analogy.
“As the US election results draw closer, the house in its research titled ‘Trumpian Trepidation’ on Tuesday said the market sentiment is “akin to that of a teenager on their first date” — playing it cool on the surface but wracked with “stomach-churning anxieties” and “skittishness” on the inside.”
Don’t you love that? Comparing the market sentiment to a teenage first date? Then, a serious comparison of the two candidates on the Malaysian economy. .
“On the campaign trail, Republican candidate Donald Trump vowed to slap tariffs of as high as 20% on all imported goods and 60% on China goods, promising to use them to push manufacturing back into the US, boost domestic wages and stimulate the American economy, should he emerge victorious. Meanwhile, Democrat nominee and vice-president Kamala Harris aims to significantly raise the corporate tax of 21% to 28% as well as the capital gains rate on households making more than US$1 million annually to 28% from 20%. She has also promised to ban price gouging on groceries, prescription drugs and housing, and to even nominate a Republican to her cabinet if she wins. But for the most part, most of the market watchers are neutral about the US election’s impact on Bursa Malaysia this time around.”
Then to Al Jazeera, for an extremely enlightening but depressing opinion article written by Julie Bindel, a woman who knows what she is talking about. Her credentials:
Julie Bindel is a journalist, author and feminist campaigner. Her book Feminism for Women: The Real Route to Liberation. Brace yourself for dismay.
“Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again (MAGA)” movement is a macho cult. It suggests the US can be “great again” only if modern American men learn to be strong “manly men” like their fathers and grandfathers, assert dominance over “their” women, and “take back control” – whatever that means. It encourages men to hide their feelings, adhere to archaic sex stereotypes, use violence to get ahead in life, and take advice not from experts and loved ones, but so so-called famous “alpha males”, like podcaster Joe Rogan or billionaire X owner (and now leading Trump backer) Elon Musk.”
I love the description of Elon Musk as an alpha male, no idea who Joe Rogan is and trust me I am never going to listen to the man. Prepare yourselves for more bad news about Trump. about Trump.
“The former president and reality TV star has a history of insulting and belittling women on social media and on television. He routinely makes crude and offensive comments about prominent women, and especially women who publicly talk against him at his televised rallies attended by thousands. He criticises their physical appearance, insults their families, and even their reproductive choices. At least 26 women have accused him of sexual misconduct and assault. These allegations go all the way back to the 1970s and include rape, unwanted kissing, groping, and voyeurism. Last year, a jury in a civil trial found him liable for sexual assault and rewarded his accuser $5m. Trump denies all accusations, but nevertheless, his disdain for women is obvious to anyone paying an iota of attention to his words and conduct. Even his VP pick, JD Vance, is an open misogynist, who insults their Democratic rivals by calling them “childless cat ladies”. As president, Trump appointed the judges who eventually overturned Roe v Wade and left American women in many states without meaningful control over their bodies and lives.”
She summarizes our lives perfectly, “we are not living in a same world.” “In a sane world, this track record of misogyny and violent machismo would be enough to ensure Trump has no chance of coming anywhere near the White House ever again. But we are not living in a sane world.”
Bindel speaks of the attacks made upon Harris. “She is attacked for not having a stake in the future of the country due to her not having any biological children. Harris, the only child of a couple of first-generation Black and South Asian immigrants, has also been accused of not being Black enough (because she is half South Asian), not being South Asian enough (because she is half Black!) and not being American enough (because she was born to immigrant parents).”
But even if Harris is elected nothing is going to change, says the author and she makes a compelling argument. “Looking at the current Trump campaign’s apparent success – despite all his scandals and 34 criminal convictions, Trump remains neck and neck with Harris in all the latest polls – and his shocking 2016 victory against the political powerhouse that is Hillary Clinton, some began to suggest that maybe America is not yet ready – and will never be ready – to elect a woman as leader. Just as the election of President Barack Obama in 2008 did not mark the end of racism in American society, the possible election of Harris in 2024 will not end misogyny and sexism in the country. This is partly because Kamala Harris is no true feminist.”
Bindel supports her ‘no true feminist’ with the following facts. “The Democratic vice president panders to transgender ideology. She appears willing to allow men who say they are women to trample upon the hard-earned sex-based rights of women in the name of “inclusivity”. She is supportive of so-called “gender-affirming” medical interventions, which needlessly maim physically healthy women and girls, and often turn them into life-long medical patients. She is the first mainstream US presidential candidate to support the blanket decriminalisation of prostitution (which she refers to as “sex work”). In many ways, Harris is no friend to women, either. And, sadly, she may be acting this way because she believes true feminism cannot win an American election.”
Bindel ends with a solid punch conclusion. “But, even if Harris, for whatever reason, cannot seem to define what a woman is, Trump most certainly can. In his bigoted, misogynistic mind, women are sexual playthings, mothers and carers, and not full human beings with rights, opinions and freedoms. The abuse Harris endured in the past few months, not for her politics but her sex, has proved America is not yet a feminist nation, and it is definitely not ready to elect a true feminist as leader.”
The United States is never going to be ready for a true feminist leader. I suddenly remembered the phrase ‘brain drain’. If my memory serves me correctly is described a period of time when the people of intelligence were leaving Canada to go live in the US. Well, United States you got drained of my brain – no way I will ever return to you, nor Canada, by the way. I became a Muslim and that changed everything.
Photographs of ‘my beach’ to follow. The boats, the beach access which must be improved but probably will never be, one or two of the ‘real estate’ bordering the beach and one of a rare species which was finally identified. It is a Muscovy duck. Has a distinctive red mask – I laughingly referred to it as a Covid duck.
The results of the election are trickling in via BBC on the lobby television. I am not watching. It makes no difference to me. My ties to that country solely economic, my pension. Either way, the rich will get rich and the poor will get poorer. MCERA has a three billion dollar fund – that is rich. I have a defined benefit retirement – so rare these days. 86% of Americans wish for a such a retirement. I got it, I earned it. Now live in a country with an excellent exchange rate. I will not tell you all because of the ‘evil’ of enviers when they envy. Hahaha