Do Not Know Where I am Going with This One; No Revision of About Me as Yet; En Masse Defined; Extraordinary Defined and Illustrated; Caprice Defined; Emojis Found and Utilized; Conversations with Wise Saskatchewan Cousin; Photograph of a Reasonable Accommodation Bathroom Which Will Help in the Rehabilitation from Surgery

Often when I write this blog I know exactly where I am going and, more or less, what it is going to say. At least the topic will be decided upon, either something funny, an…

Kamasutra Revisited: How Paradoxical and Full of Coincidence Can Life Be? That Is the Question. December 12, 2019 Blog Quoted With Updates Showing That At Least My Life Has Radically Changed and All to the Good; An Imaginary Conversation: Dicken’s The Best of Times, The Worst of Times; Photo of the Kamasutra

How paradoxical and full of coincidence can life be, that is the question? Paraphrasing Wliam Shakespeare. This is happened, it truthfully occurred. For some strange, and known, reason thought of Maya Angelo, a quote I…

Alexis’ (aka Ayla’s) Evolving Muslimism: The Decision to Have Hair Shorn and Wear a Head Scarf; Wise Words on the Meaning and Horrors of Wearing a Head Scarf Taken From Muslims of the World; Chauvinistic Male Loses to Two Asian Women and a Muslim Woman; Salvo Defined; Photograph of Alexis With Short Hair and a Head Scarf

Now that is a made up word: Muslimism – a good word, but not a great word. Although my Instagram ‘followers’ are aware of my BIG decision, my blog followers are not. My BIG decision…

Goodbye Gavin the Governor: Unwelcome Texts Sent by a Lying Incompetent Man’s Inept Campaign to Defeat the Recall. Ire, Treachery, Infiltrate, Detest Defined; Hate to Admit But I was Once Married to a Republician; Hold Onto Your Hats Defined; Alexis’ Face Becomes the Scottish Flag to Support Free Scotland

I received the following text, it was actually sent to the former owner of the phone whose first name is Kendra. I have had this number for almost two years – which says something about…

Trying to Get Back in the Saddle Again Gun Shy Defined; Get Back in the Saddle Defined; Granny Has Never Been in the Saddle in the First Place; 1.5 Views on Instagram; All That Glitters is not Gold Defined; The Folly of Getting Advice for Nothing; Recent Statistics; Funny Cartoon From The New Yorker

Although it did not seem so at the time I was totally traumatized by my temporary disappearance from cyberspace – the hours in which the only message was that my blog had been suspended. It…

I am Blessed; Another Gift From Allah, When Utilized Led to Blessings; Thoughts on July 4, 2021, Not Only Knee Surgery Scheduled But New Building in Hospital Completed in the Nick of Time; Surgery Planned with Greater Precision Than D-Day; Crucial Defined With Hope That Life-And-Death Not Operative; Alexis in Patriotic Bathing Suit and Margherita Glass; Refrigerator Magnet Pictured

Cheerful and uplifting topics. Faithful readers will know that one tenet of the Islamic faith is the belief that Allah gives certain people gifts – but if given a gift one is to use it….

As If Things Are Not Bad Enough In Canada, There is More; Here at the Right Time and Right Place Because Marin Has Best Vaccination Rate in the State of California and Many Other Reasons; Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold; Living Well is the Best Revenge; Uncle Dave’s Advice; Potty Mouth; Dovetail Defined; Photo of Iceland Menu Card; Funny Cartoon Revealing Pros and Cons of Being a Queen

Received this email through the Knowledge Network which in inaccessible to streaming since my relocation to the USA. The email heralded a program to be aired on July 27, 2021. “This important film takes a…

Where To Now? Citizenship in Other Countries Explored; Three Very Different Venues Being Considered; Scotland Addressing Islamophobia, Recognizing It and Looking at Solutions, Unlike Canada; Instagram Reel Made, Already Receiving Great Responses; New Manager Appears Affable; Affable Defined; Photo in Black with Blue Headdress and Glasses

As I write it is July 1, 2021, Canada Day. As promised I am dressed in black and will later do a Reel on Instagram speaking of mourning, not only for the dead Aboriginal children…

Hunkering Down Defined and Illustrated; Idiom Explained: X-rays Reveal Massive Damage to Left Knee Requiring Surgery; An Example of the Early Bird Getting the Worm; Timing Is Everything; Quell Defined; Fearlessly Facing Surgery But Date Unknown at the Present Time; Activity Not Inactivity Caused the Damage; A Partially Remembered Limerick

The phrase Hunker Down suddenly came to mind and does describe what I intend on doing during the upcoming weeks. I was not exactly sure what it meant but did absolutely know that it was…