My Continuing Ability to be Right, Correct, and Brilliant All at the Same Time; Gavin the Governor Becomes Idiotic Again; Intuition Defined and Illustrated; The Great American Food Fraud Revealed; No Organic Food For Alexis Ever; Underwear and Travel Ads from a Life Magazine of April 1937

Recently the topic of discussion has been my continuing ability to be right, correct, brilliant and intuitive, not all of the time, but most of the time. This is particularly when it involves politics, both…

Just When I Am About to Leave This Country Things Start to Get Better; Drop in the Bucket Explained with its Biblical References; The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions: Explained and Examples Given; More Reading from New York Times Reveals One More Problem With Democracies; The Strange Saga of Being a Role Model to a Princess; Photograph of an Old Business Card

Well, would you not know? Just when I am about to leave this country things begin to approve. It appears there may be some hope on the horizon.. This is what I mean, this from…

An Absolutely Great Morning Which Followed a Rather Depressing Day Full of Betrayals, Greed and Disillusionment; Another Stellar Article From The New Yorker on Energy, You Must Read It in Its Entirety; Marin Jewish Community Center is Not a Proper Mecca for a Muslim; Photograph of an iWatch with a Unicorn That Winks

What made this a great morning? First of all, it has been a long morning despite the fact that it is presently 8:08, that is because my jet lag has not disappeared resulting in early…

Not a Fan of Fiction But Could Not Ignore This From The New Yorker Magazine of October 25, 2021; Helga and Her Umbrella and a Man by the Name of Egan; Crazy Endlessly Defined and Illustrated at the Request of Grandson; Packing Up all My Cares and Woes; Listen to the Miles Davis Version; Photograph of a Batty Mover

Faithful readers will know that I am not a fan of fiction, which is unusual for a woman. Women statistically prefer fiction, men prefer nonfiction. London Lover was a fiction fan and I would joke…

Dog Free for Twenty Days; An Explanation of Islam and Dogs From an Islamic Scholar; The Worship of Dogs in This Apartment Complex; A Comparison of Grandson’s Apparel; Blood Letting and a Mani and Pedi With Jet Lag; Jet Lag Analyzed; Photo of Back of Grandson at Friendship Desk and Third Finger of My Left Hand

Faithful readers will know that I am not fond of dogs – not fond of them at all. Therefore, it is with considerable relief that I report that I have not seen one solitary dog,…

This Is Not the Most Favourite Moment in My Life But Then!!!!!; Tales of Three Documentaries Viewed on Air Emeritus Flight; Robin Williams a Hero in My Eyes Again; Make Money From Blog Urges Driver from Air Emeritus; Unbelievable Defined and Illustrated Yet Again; Meeting Private Jet Staff in Dubai; Photo of Me on Plane and Photo Taken by Grandson

Now that is an extreme understatement. Now I am sitting at the SFO Airport in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection area. For some strange reason there is an enormous back up – somehow a…