I am not exaggerating – not at all! Every day more extraordinary. Here are some of the things that have been happening. All of these events occurred at the Abu Dhabi Airport Hotel because I have not left here in ten days. Well, perhaps I went to the airport one day, which is across the street – but that is all.
I think this happened three days ago, perhaps two – the days tend to blend together. It is sort of like being in jail I guess. I have been in jails but it was in an employment capacity – never an inmate.
This particular day I got on the elevator to go to the prayer room in the airport, because the prayer room in the hotel is still closed because of the laziness and ineptitude of the UAE Government. The Crown Prince of Dubai was all over YouTube talking about how efficient the government was but it was a total lie. Anyway, there is a prayer room immediately adjacent to the place you go to get a pcr. I found it when I was going to get my millionth pcr (well if feels like that, but I am fine with it because I am safe. So I am on the elevator and I was joined by a wonderful Muslim family. Well, of course, we talked and talked. I told them about my coming to the faith on October 20,2020. They live in Saudi Arabia at this particular time but not always because their ir darling little girl was born in Kansas City. Well, to make a long story short they invited me to come to Mecca and Medina and meet their entire family. It is going to happen as we have been exchanging emails since our meeting. They call me Sister Fatimah. I love it. So I shall get to go to Mecca, which is the dream of every Muslim and is required if one can afford it. During the pandemic did not go as I could not afford to jeopardize my health but could go now because things are improving. specially in the Middle East where vaccinations are mandatory. I can also get a another booster shot while in Canada – could not get one in the UAE because I do not have an Emeritus ID. That is a nightmare which shall be reported upon when I am in freedom. More about the restrictions imposed by the UAE subsequently when it is safe for me to talk about hem,
So, needless to say that made me joyous. Not a little bit happy but joyous. I can afford the air faire – I refused to travel steerage (as I call Economy but I have enough money to fly at least business class, if not first class.
The next amazing thing that happened in my life was meeting a man from Oman in the Premier Inn Costa Coffee. We met, he bought me coffee, we talked. He needed to rest before returning to Oman but there was no room at the Inn.(how clever that, a play on the Christmas Jesus’birth story). I volunteered my bed as I was not sleeping in it at the time. So he came and sleep in my bed. First time I had a man sleep in my bed for years. I was in bed with him for awhile because I write the blog from bed but nothing else went on except for sleeping and blog writing. Now that was most unusual, to say the very least. He is a Muslim, wears a white dress (as I call them) and a special Oman head covering. The wonderful man gifted me with an Oman hat which shall be pictured. It is most precious, hand woven and beautifully decorated. He also gave me perfume originally bought for one of his wives – he has two of them so he definitely does not need another one. He described Oman for me and I subsequently did some research on my own. It is an amazing country – not as hot as Abu Dhabi and has a varied topography – with mountains and beaches. He invited me to come to Oman – promising to provide me with a driver and accommodations. WOW. I shall go – toon the same trip as the Mecca and Medina one. Such joy! So I shall come back to the Middle East. Was not intending to, because I am not happy with the UAE for various reasons which will be discussed in a later blog when I am free of censorship, But the Middle East contains other countries, not just the UAE although the Ruler of Dub would not like anyone to thank that. More about that man in a later blog as well.
Today has been spent packing. Horrible, horrible horrible but it is almost done. One must remember that I came here in November of 2021 intending to live in Abu Dhabi for the rest of my life – well that did not work out and thank Allah for that. This very morning I opened my email to find an announcement from the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Al Rachid Mosque. The email announced that they are offering a course in Islamic studies beginning in September. All praise of Allah! I cannot believe my good fortune. I was planning to further my Islamic education in this Muslim majority country but that did not work out. All Praise to Allah. The Zayed Center for Islamic Studies is more interested in money than in providing studies and, one has to have an Emirati ID to sign up. More about that nightmare in a subsequent blog. Honest to goodness, on my first visit Hammad was trying to convince me to buy two or three residences on Saadiyat Island in order to profit from real estate investment.
Me: No thanks. I came here for religious instruction not real estate investments. I bought and sold houses in California. Been there and done that.
An expression came to mind. No way on Sunday, I, of course, looked it up. It is used to tell someone that something is impossible. For example: : I’m sorry but there’s no way we can help you. It is also an emphatic way of saying no. So I did not buy any real estate during my stay in the UAE. More about that later. A preview??? It is extremely foolhardy for many reasons. One does need to be a lawyer to know the ramifications but I was one. And once a lawyer, always a lawyer (unfortunately). One can retire in 2003 and later become a blogger but the instincts and the knowledge kicks in, involuntarily.
At this present moment I am in heaven. Well not exactly, but in Business Class on an Air Ethad i flight – which is as close to Jannah as I have ever been. I thought Air Emeritus was good but this is SO much better. The staff are fantastic, my business class accommodation is as good as any first class I have ever been on. The food is delicious and the movie that I watched was extremely funny. It took place in Edinburgh, I do love Scotland. I am one hundred percent Scottish – both sides of my family came from there. I want to live in Scotland and painted my face like the Scottish flag but that is not going to take place unless the referendum is passed allowing it to get away from the silly UK. So in the meantime, in between time, I am going back to Canada.
So more about my departure in a subsequent blog. I got the cutest present, a bunny. A pink bunny. A photograph of the bunny, me and the guy that gave it to me shall accompany this blog, if I can find my iPhone, which at the moment I cannot. Sometimes life is not perfect. This is a fourteen hour flight – Abu Dhabi to Toronto is a very long way. I am feeling that I should have gone to Mecca when I was there. Oh well.