More Experiences From the Day I Came Out; Today One of the Strangest and More Unusual Every Encountered; Some Glimpses Into the Day; A Wondrous Massage; Beckett’s I Must Go On; A Conversation About Christmas with a Christian; Fire Drill Successfully Completed; Warm Acceptance Experienced in the UAE; Photo of Environs

Today I laughingly wrote to Computer Guru Chris sending off the blog. He responded;He: Oh sorry yes, agoraphobia.. that’s it.. outside is often overrated anyway .. especially in the winter, we’ve just got a puppy…

Writing Constantly From Seclusion; Seclusion Defined: Agoraphobia Defined: Conversation with Computer Guru and With Grandson, Both Are Amusing; Unicorn with Hearts Sticker Brings Great Delight; Out of Seclusion on Tuesday To Find Christmas Tree in Muslim County; Photograph of Me as Muslim and Jimmy Choo Shoes By the Tree

Well, I broke my promise to myself and briefly got on Instagram posting a flower arrangement, pictured in a prior blog. The caption: ’ I am in seclusion but flowers and slippers are brought to…

Learning About Where I Now Live; Perhaps Should Be Read as a Bed Time Story as It May Be Boring: Cradle of Civilization Explored; I am Not Unique; Oil Comes on the Scene, Sheikh Zahed Rewards His People With the Bounty; Change in Leadership; UAE Flag Designed by Nineteen Year Old; Photographs of My Face in Flags, Gifted Flowers Flourish in Isolation

I have taken it upon myself to learn about where I live at the moment, that is a good idea at the best of times. Usually this is done by growing up in the country…

Formerly a Blonde So This Article is So Perfect; Alex Baia’s Existential Blonde Jokes Quoted With Link Provided; Then an Abrupt Change of Pace With Excerpts From the Qur’an Discussing What is Expected of Me and Others in the Qur’an; Décolletage, Look, Satan and Satanic Defined; Question of the Moment: Are There Women Islamic Scholars?; Photographs of Alexis and Forgotten Women

Well, I was a blonde once before my hair voluntarily turned white. Now I was a dirty blonde (in perhaps more than one way) but with highlighting looked most blonde most of my life. Therefore,…

When the Familiar Becomes Far Away Trivia; Marin Rental Prices Soar; Xmas Trees Expensive; Huge Fines Against Pacific Gas and Electric; Crime Comes to Marin in a Big Way; Safety, Law, And Order in the UAE; Conversation of the Faith with MUD; Photo of Slippers; Me, MUD and Flowers; Conversation with Young Man From Nepal

Made the decision to get the Marin Independent Journal online when leaving in mid November. I read it now with an increasing detachment. This feeling matches two definitions of detachment: the state of being objective…

Finally Some Humor Again; This Time From the Pen of Larry David as He Attempts to Augment His Life Stories for a Biographer; Then Off to My Favorite Topic. If I Went to Law School by Appel; Self-Imposed Isolation Continues; Tickle Your Funny Bone Defined and Explained; Photo From Self-Isolation; Dour Defined

Ok Ok Okay – things have gotten dour in this blog. So sorry! Dour is relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance. Tell me about it, you say! I have been reading this…

Back to the Boring Virus and the Pandemic: Extremely Heartening News From Canada and its Absolute Insistence on Vaccinations; Alberta and Saskatchewan Lag Behind Other Provinces; But Now a New Rather Alarming New Variant: Extensive and Scientific Reporting from The New Yorker with Links Provided; Another USA School Shooting; Affluence Defined

I have stopped writing about the virus because it is so boring and so ‘yesterday’s news. But there is actually some rather surprising data coming from several sources. This from a November 30, 2021 newsletter…

Being Mindful; Meeting Alexis at Breakfast; Many Texts to Grandson at Breakfast; A New Yorker Article Featuring Mel Brooks Brings Great Joy; A Russian and an American Fight, Laugh and Fist Bump; Being Mindful Defined and Explained; Cold Turkey Defined; Instagram Participation Has Disappeared; Tips on Being Mindful; Photos of Me; Coffee and Detoxification

I am trying to be mindful of my Western readers even as I sink further into the Middle East. Being mindful is a state of mind which should be practiced by all (including me) more…