More News About Twitter; Both Serious and Satirical: Satire Defined and Illustrated: The Effective Use of Satire in the Fight Against Evil; Appease Defined: My First Brave Attempt at Satire: A Powerful Instagram Link; My Purchases From Canada Tire Discussed: Photo of Revised Hallway Hat Stand

Well oops – I am getting utterly obsessed with Twitter. For some (not remembered) reason I am Alexis McTwit on Instagram – so one might think I was a Twitter person but I never have…

Serious Discussion of Halloween Beginning and Ending With Humour; Links to Instagram Expressing Horror at the Celebration of Halloween; Edmonton El Rashid Mosque Holds a Fun Factor; Shakespeare’s Rose is a Rose Applicable in This Situation;  The Quran’s Solution to This Dilemma; Back to Humor With Andy Borowitz Skewering Elon Musk; Laugh and the World Laughs With You; Weep and You Weep Alone

I am not looking forward to this discussion of Halloween and many people will not be either. So decided that it would be best to begin with humour. That way you shall be relaxed and…

Both Good and Evil are Widespread, not Just in the UAE; Evil is Also Here, Present and Accountable in Alberta; Evil’s Synonyms Explored: Graham Thomson’s Excellent Article Quoted at Length; Falsehood Will Vanish; October 2022 Blog Quoted; Email Microwave Exchange: Augment Defined; Photo of Sunrise and New Microwave

I do admit that I have been ‘picking on’ the UAE recently, sometimes almost comparing it to an Evil Empire. But there is good existing within its borders, good and evil is often intertwined everywhere…

Final Piece of the Puzzle; Found and Concept Explored; Ribbons of Society Shown: Alexis the Bunny Comes Home, Meets and Marries Sassy, Alessandra Born; Waking to Three Texts From Young People Met in the UAE; One Text, An Accolade Quoted at Length; Accolade Defined: There is No Cure For Jealousy in the Islamic Faith; Link Provided: Photographs of Alexis the Bunny’s Family; SASS’s Gifting and Some Premier Inn Staff

This is most unusual but it seemed that finding a fantastic dental office here in Edmonton meant that everything was complete, everything put and placed together. Out of all the things I could ever want…

Winter Has Arrived According to my iPhone; This Was the Winter of our Discontent; A Study of Its Origins; Warm the Cockles of My Heart Explored; A Chance Encounter on An Elevator Leads to Questions of Normalcy and Ordinary Lives; New Hairdo Wins Compliments; Extraordinary Explored; Photo of New iPhone Screensaver

Seasons are a novelty to me. Not brand new, but unusual because, although I lived with seasons until 1967, now their fifty-five year absence have made them a them a distant memory. I returned to…

The Dangers of Entering Into a Conversation with Certain Misguided Individuals; Examples Given With Lessons Learned; A Magnificent Public Education Rally Right in My. Own Back Yard; Stereotype Defined: A Stylish New Hairdo Shown on a Funny Instagram Video; Bunny Alexis and Two Exes on Another Video; Photographs of the Public Education Rally; Into Each Life Some Snow Must Fall

These are, for many reasons, troubled times both here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and throughout the world. It is rather easy to focus, and occasionally identify and become overwhelmed with, the mess in which we…

Today is a Big Day But Being Spent in a Small Way, Not Like Last Year’s Anniversary; Memories of 2021 Anniversary; Getting My Fifth Vaccine and the Benefit of a Flu Shot; Red Letter Day Defined; Scientific Article Provided Showing Covid Still With Us; Photos of Clouds and an Instagram Video Speaking of Their Significance as Their Heaviness Recorded in the Quran

Today is a big day – it is the second anniversary of my reversion to the Islamic faith. For various reasons it is an IN day, spent totally alone and, blessedly at peace. There is…

An Alexis Overhaul, a Revamping is in Order; Overhaul Defined: Eleven Steps Leading to Revamping; Building a New Blueprint; I am Sunshine to a Sheriff;  Distinguishing Between Muslims and the Islamic Faith; Travel Books to Follow on Blog; Photos of Made in Canada and An Example of a Clumsy Barista Attempt

I attempted to find a word to describe my current state of mind. The closest I could come up with is regroup. Found by googling that it can individual context: to stop for a short…