The  islamic Faith Turned the World’s Worst Day Into a Blessing; Good Manners Vitally Important in the Islamic Faith, Illustrated by Internet Research; Bad Manners Found Amongst Some Muslims; Surrounded by Good Manners of Canadian Compatriots; Compatriots Defined; Exploring the Muttart Conservatory; Conversations and Flower Photos; A Sunset and New Found Friend

March 19, 2023 had to be the worst day of my life. It is impossible to enumerate the number of things that went wrong.  It began with a callous and unfeeling email from a relative,…

Free Palestine Is Back on the Blog; Quote Explaining the Importance of the Sacred Plain of Arafat; Back to the Birth, Young Life, the Marriage and the First Revelation of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH); Then It is All About Me and My Wall Hanging; Photos of Pilgrims Worshipping at the Site; Two Sunset Photos with Nondescript Foregrounds  

Discerning readers will notice that Free Palestine, with its accompanying article is now back on the banner of my blog.  As days progress I may add more information, The dreadful plight of the Palestinians is…

Living Proof That I Have Become a Submarine Muslim: Emails Leading Up to Reversion of My Header Picture; The Condition of Women in Pre-Islamic Times Transformed by the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH); Quran Verses Showing Plight of Baby Girls: My Changing Dress Determinations; Photographs of May 29, 2016 at the British Museum  

Faithful readers will notice, hopefully with a start, that the old me now adorns I have relinquished the abaya and hijab, now attired in white dress and matching coat, waiting here in my Canadian closet….

Being Mindful of Ramadan Intentions; The Value of Intentions; A Book Discovered by Serendipity Describes the Pre-Islamic World; HBdebound and Perdition Defined; The Legislative Tour Brought Delight, Pride and a Wonderful Bangladesh Muslim Family; Photos of Another Spectacular Sunset, Some Plaster Work and Four People on a Bench

I began both 2022 Ramadan and 2023 Ramadan with a list of Intentions, only one of which was to fast. There were six Intentions in 2022, ten were formed in 2023. Intention 3 is to…

Spring Has Sprung Even Here in Edmonton; Temperatures Proving the Point; Summer Clothes Returning from Saudi Arabia; Alicia of Apple Support to the Rescue; Other Alicias Condemned; Revenge  by Al Muntiqim; Saying Goodbye to a Wonderful Aunt; Photos of Prior Glory Days  

Began the morning by looking at the prospective temperatures for the week and almost fainted dead away. How does 15,18,14,16 sound to you? This is Celsius silly, like 59.64,57,56 in Fahrenheit. That is downright tropical…

An Apt April Fool’s; Being Multifaceted; Multifaceted Endlessly Explained; Unforgettable: The Song and a Story; Remarkable News from the US, Reported by Al Jazeera; TikTok Panic; Confidence Game Revealed; Dryburgh Sense of Humor Revealed; Photos of Dryburghs 

I requested and received a free trial copy of  AB Today – learning that Premier Smith’s birthday was on April Fool’s Day. How apt is that??? Apt is appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.  This is the quote: …

Premier Danielle Smith Errs Again (or Prior Indiscretions Come to Light); Cyca’s Indigenous Ancestry? A Brilliant Expose; Hitting the Nail on the Head, Critique, Thinking Defined; AB Today Cites Questions and Answers From a Danielle Smith Radio Talk Show; Photographs of the Legislative Library and Colorful Clouds

Premier Danielle Smith did not so much err again, she erred before and it is catching up to her yet again. I was aware of her (shall we say) goof before but it was brought…

No Fasting Hunger Pangs due to Ketosis; Ketosis Defined; Benefits of Fasting Far Outweigh the Detriments; The Female Body and its Future Described by Jia Tolentino; Khardashians Are Shrinking; 40 Per Cent of Americans are Obese; No Panacea Defined; Muslim Women Can Hide Their Bodies; Coif Defined: Photos of Alexis (aka Fatimah) in Abaya and Hijab 

Delighted to report that I am not experiencing hunger pangs, that is definitely good news. Suddenly thought of a word that might explain this – Googled and, as usual, found an answer. The word is…