Seeking Knowledge is a Form of Worship; April 4, 2024 Blog Provided an Ambition That was Temporarily Lost Because of a Hypocrite:  Learning From Past Mistakes Very Important;  Sustaining, Hopeful and Healing News from Here Illustrated by Photos

The recent blogs have put me to the test, most specifically the blogs of June 4 and May 31.  The blog of May 31, 2024 discussed the effect of monstrous payments required by Saudi Arabia of Muslim majority nations, the effect it may have on Nigeria, ending with a solution of a virtual Hajj The June 4, 2024 blog discussed hypocrites, examining the role of all those unfortunate enough to have them in their lives. Both blogs required me to seek knowledge – I spend days in research of these faith based topics. 

Yaqueen Institute emailed a blog written to assist believers in their connection to Allah (SWT) I am including the link in its entirety but was most amazed by the third suggestion which contained this precious gem. : 

“ Seeking knowledge is a form of worship. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.” [ Sahih Muslim #2699 ]

This left me with an almost indescribable feeling of joy. I am the happiest when I see that I am on the Straight Path growing, learning in order to find the path to Paradise. Reading this seemed a gift from Allah (SWT). The link:

When doing the extensive research for my June 4 blog on hypocrites I did seek my own previous knowledge on the topic by using the search engine on the blog. I did find it had been discussed n twenty-nine blogs  The one that caught my eye, did for two reasons. 

This from my  April 6, 2024 blog, the first one that appeared when doing the search. This is what I said at the time: 

“Now, onto more important things which are relevant and material. This an Instagram post from Dr. Raniawaad (dr.raniaawaad)

“Some souls are just so beloved by Allah that you can feel it when you meet them. It’s like an unexplainable ease, comfort, and love that surrounds them. Perhaps it’s because the angels themselves witness God’s love for them. And so, it’s no wonder that even here on earth, we can’t help but love them too. May Allah grant us the opportunity to experience such divine love and connection, especially during the blessed last 10 nights of Ramadan. Ameen.”

My goal, my dream, my ambition, is to be one of those souls, that are  so beloved by Allah (SWT). That is my hope as Eid draws near.”

I winced when I read that. The hypocrite discussed in the June 4, 2024 blog reappeared in my life a day after Eid. The remainder of the blog discusses hypocrites. It is definitely time to do some serious thinking. mmm. This made me aware of an important principle, I need to learn from this mistakes. What can I learn from this encounter since I seem to prey for hypocrites. It is definitely time to do this. Why am I prey for hypocrites and what can I do to, if not al together change that, to at least bring it under control. The first step, it seems is to deal  with people in a more cautionary way. I am truthful, expecting others to be like me. But they are not, hypocrites lie. This is the first clue. The moment I catch someone in a lie, I t skidaddle or skedaddle. It is such a fun word meaning you leave very suddenly, run away, scram. I shall scram so fast, not leaving a trace. Not only close the door, but close the door and lock it securely. 

One does not seek knowledge when one is prey to a hypocrite. I am a living example. When the June 4 hypocrite was physically present I did not blog for a week. My blog master who posts for me daily said: 

He: Good to hear from you again. I thought you were dead. 

It is my fact based opinion that there is a distinct correlation between psychopaths and hypocrites. But that can wait for a later blog because this is becoming too depressing.

This blog encourages my search for knowledge – without it I would not have the motivation to take on the arduous task. 

But enough of this serious stuff, we will come back to it later.      

Now almost two months later I return to my goal, my dream and my ambition to be one of those souls so beloved by Allah (SWT). 

Alter Ego: Alexis, it was only two months. 

Me: True – and I am 81. But it seemed like an eternity being played with,  and messed over by a hypocrite. 

Alter Ego: But in those two months you came to Malaysia and feel that you have a new home. 

Me: Yes, Of course! Thank you! And I so appreciate my peace of mind after the hardship being deprived of it. However when I talk about Malaysia being my new home I always say Inshallah. I thought Saudi Arabia was going to be my new home, but Inshallah not so. God was not willing and God knows much more than I do. All-Knowing is one of Allah”s (SWT) names.  

I shall now show you another facet of my life. A facet that sustains me. One evening two or three days ago decided to ‘mingle’ – go down walk along the shore, view the fishing boars up close viewed from my aerie. That was a strange choice of words because eyrie is a a large nest of a bird of prey, especially an eagle, typically built high in a tree or on a cliff. My  Lexis Suite is built high, and is large – but am I bird of prey?  One man with great insight into my character would say yes. He said, (after observing my antics for months) that I am prey, particularly to men but women also at times. However, something happens, the roles are reversed. I become the predator, the villainous creature becomes the prey. I am forced to admit this is true because I am honest and truthful.  

Back to the other evening. Walking along the shore took pictures, which you will soon view. Waved at two fisherman sitting on the deck of their humble shack. One climbed down, coming to speak to me. 

Me: I absolutely love it here. It is so healing! It reminds me of earlier days, living in California when the world seemed full of hope, optimism reigned. It was peaceful, tranquil, hopeful. This world is so troubled, a hopeless chaotic place of despair but not at this place. Peace reigns. 

He: We are so fortunate to have you in Malaysia. 

Me: (laughingly) No, the pleasure is all mine. 

 “The pleasure is all mine” is an Idiom meaning:  : I am the one who is pleased, happy.  

His friend joined us, the three of us spoke of Allah’s (SWT) gift to us, to be there at this time and this place. 

You can share these moments by looking at the photos. You will see the route, beginning at the  pink run down shack. It is the first ‘structure’ you meet as you walk from the hotel. It could perhaps be a fixer upper, I could live on the beach, steps away from my Lexis Suites. Through the magic of iPhone I was able to transform the photo into black and white. Did that with another view of the harbor. 

I have fantastic news but will wait to tell you until you hear first of the hardships that preceded this benefit. Aljamduillah