Woke this morning very early, after completing my necessary eight hours as I had gone to bed soon have Isha prayer. Sipped coffee, prayed, reflected upon yesterday, my hopes and expectations for today. My inspiration became My Cup Runneth Over as it describes my life at this moment. I am aware (without Goggling for once) the source of that phrase. It is the 23rd Psalm. The knowledge did not prevent me from Googling:
“The purpose of Psalm 23 is to express trust in the guidance and provision of a loving and protective God, often depicted as a shepherd caring for his flock. It offers comfort and reassurance to those facing challenges or seeking spiritual guidance. Google continued to inform: Psalm 23 reminds us that in life or in death — in times of plenty or want — God is good and worthy of our trust.”
It is talking about the same God I now worship Allah (SWT) – as Psalm 23 is a book of the Hebrew Bible. “The Psalm explains beautifully the themes of eternal rest, peace, and comfort. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Its bib idea: God can be trusted since He is always good. Psalm 23 gives insight into David’s personal and intimate relationship with God, showing a source of comfort and security that was present between them.”
David is one of the Prophets in the Islamic Faith.
Quran 21: 78:-80 Tell of David and Solomon who both passed judgment on the field into which some people’s sheep had strayed (and grazed) at night. We bore witness to their judgment. We guided Solomon to the right verdict, and We had granted each of them judgement and knowledge. We made the mountains and the birds celebrate the praise of Allah with David. It was We Who did all this.
Another translation of Quran 21:79 We guided ˹young˺ Solomon to a fairer settlement, and granted each of them wisdom and knowledge. We subjected the mountains as well as the birds to hymn ˹Our praises˺ along with David. It is We Who did ˹it all˺.
21:80 imparts great wisdom for the days of war in which the world inevitably finds itself.
Quran 21: 80: It was We Who taught him the art of making coats of mail for your benefit so that it may protect you from each other’s violence.
However, unfortunately and tragically, coats of mail cannot protect the people of Gaza. The violence from Israel, funded by USA tax dollars, are absolutely and entirely lethal.
Instagram reels concerning the plight of Palestinians abound. One this morning added a new perspective. It was posted as a story by a wonderful Indonesian woman I met at the Medina Oberio Hotel. This woman gifted me with pins for my abaya and hijabs. We have continued our correspondence since our meeting weeks ago.
Me: How wise. Thank you for bringing this to us It is a needed perspective. I had never thought of this before. I will see if I can put it on my blog. Stories can be temporary, I do not use these myself.
She: That you for considering putting this on your blog. Many people will read it and be enlightened.
Me: You are welcome. This needs maximum exposure. I will do it soon, when the link is fresh.
It gives purpose to my day!!! I am in Bahrain. Yesterday at the Bahrain Museum saw the correspondence between our Prophet (PBUH) and the Governor of Bahrain. And a map showing the spread of the faith during the early years. The Bahrain Museum full of such treasures. I am blessed by Allah (SWT).
She: Masyaalah Alexis. You are so fortunate being able to travel and enjoy life. Most importantly you have the chance to explore more about Muslim legacy. I hope one day I will have the opportunity to explore and experience more the Journey of Islam around the world. Inshallah if Allah is willing.
Here is the link, do hope it works. Inshallah: https://www.instagram.com/stories/cinthya_rizal/3268894313421585984?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=ZHFxem01ZGtjMWxt
I did not know the meaning of Masaallah. Now I do. It’s a common Arabic phrase that’s used by Muslim’s to show astonishment or appreciation for the beauty of this world or anything you find out of the ordinary. It is a perfect word to use! Masaallah
I do during my 2017-2019 Vancouver days that Psalm 23 constantly was in my thoughts. That was prior to my becoming of the Islamic Faith – I was and had been an atheist since the age of 19. A tested, tried and true atheist.
Tested tried and true is proved good, desirable, or feasible : shown or known to be worthy. For me being an atheist was known to be worthy for over fifty years but now I have found something that is far more desirable, good, and feasible – the Islamic Faith.
I am, for the first time in my life, surrounded by people of many faiths, there are probably some atheists around here too. . Bahrain is a Muslim country – however, it was pointed out to me that hotels exist in their own kingdoms. This enlightening conversation was held the other day with my hero, the Front Desk manager Ajif. Upon checking in a week ago, ,he knew of my blog, of my ‘fame’. Finally I asked him:
Me: How did you know about my blog?
He: When reservations are made I Google them. With you it was easy. Yours is the first Alexis McBride that pops up.
Me: That is such a brilliant idea – then you know something about the people, and can perhaps make their stay more enjoyable! You certainly have made my stay utterly heavenly.
He and I spoke of many things. This was a wisdom he imparted, which, at my request, he wrote down for me.
He: In life sometimes you have to swallow things you cannot digest.
We went on to discuss what one could do with the indigestible stuff. Only now, as I write, do I come up with the answer.
Me: Knowing full well that, sooner or later, it will come out the other end and be flushed down the toilet.
I am sure I will see him again – conveying this wisdom, newly arrived upon. Hahaha.
Oh what a beautiful morning, or what a beautiful day. It is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I shall dress, go to breakfast, Get back to later to tell you the wonderful day I had yesterday.
Such a divine day. Many intricate plans were made. Sunny, the concierge confirmed with the Bahrain Museum was open, then arranged a hotel vehicle to take me there, then pick me up and return me home after four hours. It is seems that everything in Bahrain is the best EVER – this was no exception. It was the very best museum ever, in every way. It will take forever (and a day) to tell you of its riches.
I shall include some treasured photos and give you a brief heads up of you plan to go there. It if free, it is located by the water with a wonderful view, when you get tired and hungry there is a great cafe. The burgers are out of the world, so is the lemonade. The staff so wonderful, one man gave me a guided tour because I kept getting lost. I learned so much about so many historical and prehistorical stuff and it was not at all painful. There is a great gift shop, bought a fridge magnet and a book: 101 Things to See and Do in Bahrain. It is an absolute treasure trove, reminding me of travel books of old, like Fodor’s. Saudi Arabia has no such books which makes tourist travel there so iffy.
Iffy means full of uncertainty; doubtful. Some synonyms describe the situation fully: second-rate, low-grade, of poor quality, dubious, questionable, not up to much, dodgy. Iffy’s synonym is perfect. My favorite is dodgy – Travel and tourism in Saudi Arabia can be dodgy and dubious.
While at the Bahrain Museum Cafe met the most darling little boy – seven years old. He lives with his young sister, mother, father and grandmother in Dubai. They are originally from China. The fab little guy is super smart and playful. We enjoyed a hamburger together. His family ate outside enjoying views of the water. He chose to eat with me, we loved each other’s company.
I told him about Hamza and showed him a reel made at Hamza’s school event. They both go to English speaking schools, he in Dubai, Hamza in Medina.
My driver was soon to arrive but the battery on my phone was getting low. Everyone told me to go to Reception. I did. The staff member, a handsome young man in a thobe lent me his portable iPhone charger, which I returned after my visit to the Gift Store. I went to my Ritzy home. Made an appointment and got the best haircut EVER. Today at breakfast I did not cover. Let the world see my great haircut.
I have peace of mind – which is better than being happy. Bye for now.