Woke up in the middle of the night troubled, restless and dismayed. This is a rare occurrence but when it does happen I offer evening prayers – knowing of the practice from readying Martin Lings’ biography. Our Prophet (PBUH) would often pray in the night but forbade others from watching him saying that proscribed prayer ’rituals’ were to be followed for the five obligatory prayers only.
Offered my prayer feeling the comfort and presence of Allah (SWT). A little later went to the Internet to learn Bahrain prayer times, entering them in my iPhone. This necessary aa there’s not a call to prayer ringing throughout this spacious resort. Therein, very accidentally found a website Wiki How to Do Anything which answered the following question: What is the timing of tahaijjud prayer? The answer was provided:
“Though the Tahaijjud can be prayed any part of the night, if possible it is best to pray it after midnight , especially during the last third of the night. This is because Allah descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, asking “Who is asking, so I can give to him?” Then there were thirteen steps, following the introduction says: To learn how to pray the Tahaijjud in the way laid out by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), see Step 1-13 below.”
Huh? This is in direct contradiction to my readings, the book written by an esteemed scholar. Sometimes it can be MOST confusing to be a Muslim. It is to be a religion of ease but websites such as WikiHow to Do Anything make it difficult, if not impossible. If one were to follow their detailed directions perfectly – there is no time, or space , to be asking for guidance so that Allah can give the promised gift.
I am blessed with the friendship of two 65 year old Muslim men. We speak of the faith frequently. They both say: “Follow Allah, talk to Allah, that is All you need to do.” One of the men has two young adult sons, spoken with them at length about the faith. They were both reassuring, telling me that Intentions are important- if you intend to worship – it does not matter where your right foot is. They have been well instructed in the faith by their father. That is his job and he has done it well.
I received a gift from Allah (SWT), in the person of their young brother, eight year old Hamza. Upon entering the prayer times on my iPhone, noticed that I had a WhatsApp message, received while I was asleep. What a blessing it was!!!!! It was a voice message from Grandson Hamza.
He: Hi Granny I am very happy for you. I want to go there! I told my mother I want to go to see the ocean. My mother said Inshallah. Thank you for your messages,
It brought such joy to my heart and provided guidance. I saw suddenly that I was beginning to wander off the Straight Path, following someone who was either astray or, with whom Allah was displeased. I am now back on track, as they say.
To “get back on track” means to correct the problems and return to the plan.This means to return to the right path, or the right direction. I was getting distracted, thinking of coming to live here in Bahrain. I am convinced that Allah (SWT) has other plans for me, if I will just listen.
I am now listening.
The Internet does provide suggestions for getting back on track.
- Practice Self-Compassion. When you tell yourself that you’re not doing enough, stop and ask yourself if you’re being too hard on yourself. …
- Set Realistic Goals. …
- Redirect Self-Talk. …
- Bounce Back. …
- Remember That Baby Steps Are Wins. …
- Work It Out. …
- Start a Buddy System. …
- Drink Plenty of Water.
I would edit the list. Pray would be number one but this is not a Muslim or Wanna Be Muslim website.
Decided I needed a plan for the day, focusing on how to worship. Suppose that is number two, set realistic goals. I was gifted with flowers upon arrival in Bahrain. They had been carelessly placed in a vase. Used my used my Ikebana creative skills arranging the roses and the greenery supplied. Two ‘leftover’ roses were used to refresh an arrangement greeting me on arrival. Picked off the dead carnations, replacing them with the lively white roses. I shall include a photo of both.
It is still early, not sure what I will do with the rest of the day. It is a balmy 68 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 degrees Celsius. For various reasons have decided to ‘cover’ today.
Practicing self compassion decided I was being too hard on myself. I redirected my self talk.
Thought when I arrived here that Saudi Arabia had too many rules. I enjoyed the freedoms. Very soon saw that Bahrain has too few rules, too much freedom. Bahrain is a Muslim country, but one would never know that, observing the behavior of a certain segment of the population. Which segment? The rich and privileged of course. There are many rich and privileged Bahrainis at this resort as the gym facilities are open for memberships. Will get out an mingle amongst the poorer folk and get back to you.
The day continues, rather erratically Bouncing back, decided to take a bath in the ENORMOUS bathtub, as I love baths, my Oberio room had only a shower. Alas and alack, trying to ‘draw the bath’ turned into one of the most frustrating experiences of my entire life. Could not, for the life of me get hot water, accidentally turned on the hand shower getting soaked with cold water. Finally did what any self respecting single woman would do. Called reception, asking for help. A helpful man from India immediately appeared, guiding me through the complexities. It remained mysteriously complicated, I gave up.
Alter Ego: Alexis, you gave up? That does not sound like you.
Me: Well maybe not. But I can go jump in the spa later. The other alternative is to go back to school, get a degree in engineering and then, possibly I could figure the thing out.
Alter Ego: You going to do that?
Me: Yes to the spa, but no to the engineering degree.
Decided to check into the real world, to see what was happening outside of this well ordered and luxuriant cocoon. That too was decidedly frustrating because, for some reason, it is impossible to get Al Jazeera, my only source of reliable news. When I try my computer informed me that Safari cannot get a secure connection. Therefore I am limited to information from Arab News. From that source discovered the following:. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (hereinafter MBS) gave the equivalent of a speech from the throne.
“The Shoura Council’s annual royal speech serves as a road map of the ambitions of the Kingdom and touches upon a wide variety of topics and issues, including domestic, foreign and economic matters.”
Some items caught my attention
“Discussing Hajj and Umrah, the crown prince added that the Kingdom this year welcomed 1.8 million pilgrims to perform Hajj and more than 10 million to perform for Umrah.”
Most fascinating to me as I intent to write about the Prophet’s Mosque. Moreover, and this is unbelievable, I actually know, and am sporadic friends with the “Vice Heads of the Hajj and Umrah Committee. Saw the business cards, leaving him a note: “We’re in trouble!”
I am funny!! He did not respond. But, in all fairness to him, I am away.
This also caught my attention. I had Whatsapped a tour guide with this solemn message: man from the tourism sector saying: “The tourism business is corrupt to its core.” Had a subsequent experience which added fuel to the fire. Adding fuel to the fire is an idiom to make an argument or bad situation worse:
“The crown prince also highlighted a historic milestone in the Kingdom’s tourism sector, saying that the sector grew by 64 percent in the first quarter of 2023.’
Sometimes one has to get away from the quagmire of one’s existence to get a new perspective. I have stayed in several hotels in Saudi Arabia. Most have a concierge desk, or someone that nominally calls themselves a concierge, but they are not, in any way, shape or form, a concierge.
“A concierge is a hotel employee whose job is to assist guests by arranging tours, making theater and restaurant reservations, etc”. The origins of the word is fascinating and funny. mid 16th century (denoting the warden of a house, castle, prison, or palace): French, probably based on Latin conservus ‘fellow slave’. Fellow slave, don’t you love that!! Wikipedia has a rather fascinating article on the subject. Please read for entertainment purposes.
The Ritz Carlton has an absolutely excellent concierge by the name of Sunny. He is well named, Hahahaha. He has assisted me on many matters already and stands by, eager to serve. What a relief! No conflict of interest whatsoever. I am going to the museum. He called to check open hours and will arrange a taxi to take me there. He has no other responsibilities, other than being a concierge. Unlike Saudi hotels where they have them doing everything but mopping the floor. There is no tourism infrastructure at all which is needed in every endeavor. There are no checks and balances. There is a licensing process but the license is not required; nor are any rules enforced. The reason for this is evident. There is a steady influx of people “10 million to perform Umrah. “ Umrah folk usually come in groups, are herded on tour buses and deposited in Mecca at the Kaaba and in Medina at the Prophet’s Mosque. No incentive or need for further services. Pilgrims just want to be pilgrims – not informed and knowledgeable tourists learning of the history and civilization of the country they are visiting.
Much as I hate to admit it – I am a tourist. Here in Bahrain on a tourist visa, will return to Saudi Arabia on a tourist visa. The plight of a refugee. Hahaha (and not). There are remedies to my situation. I have made friends that will help me. At the present moment, I am a member of an esteemed Saudi Muslim family. But most tourists are not as blessed. I was used and explored as a tourist in all three of my Saudi excursions. But onto other important matters and back to MBS’ speech.
“He detailed the Kingdom’s efforts in encouraging leaders to take a joint stance to put pressure on the international community to take serious and firm positions to stop Israeli aggression and allow the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip”
I do not know how other Muslims, or most Saudis react to this but what were the efforts and what pressures are you putting on the international world. I personally feel RBS is not doing enough. I suppose that might possibly put my blog in jeopardy, do wonder if I should risk saying this.
Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to two Saudi women. They were enjoying tea on the Terrace, next to the Christmas tree here at the Ritz Carlton. They drove over from Saudi Arabia on the causeway for the day. I cannot imagine this as I have not, as yet, been beyond these spacious grounds. They both essentially said that the situation would ‘play out’ . They had ultimate and complete confidence in Allah (SWT) and in MBS, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
This conversation did, and does, give me peace mind. On that optimistic note I shall end.
Photographs are of the flower arrangements, the screen saver of the my iPhone and the treasure found in my room the other day: “Hope you are enjoying your stay with us Alexis. I am, indeed I am. The screen saver of my iPhone is my face painted as the Bahrain flag. When it was painted upon my face in 2021, thought it was the Qatar flag. I was mistaken. I find it hilariously funny.