The news, of course, comes from Arab News. How I do LOVE Arab News.
“Biden, in a message posted on X, formerly Twitter, said: “We must not lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas’ appalling attacks, and are suffering as a result of them.”
Now I do find it a little unusual that news of such import should be sent throughout the world on X – but that seems to be what is happening these days.
The US are acting like scaredy cats, they are all aggressive, bully-like when they are dealing with helpless Palestinians but now Iran is telling them they are having enough of their atrocious antics. So the USA is sort of backing off. Sort of because they are controlled by the Zionists.
Where is the impotent United Nations, in the midst of this?? Nowhere to be found as usual. Do find it fascinating that most countries, institutions and business that have United in their title are not. There is nothing United about the United States – with its red states and blue states, Republicans and Democrats etc etc. There is absolutely nothing United abut the United Nations either – united in their impotency perhaps. The United Arab Emeritus is not united either – governed by the policies and behavior of the Ruler of Dubai. It has been shown that he derives power by blackmailing anyone that gets in his way. The information gleaned from illegal sources, spyware on phones for example. This has been proven and reported by none other than the New Yorker magazine. The Prime Minister of the UAE (Ruler of Dubai) began to loose favor and so they threw him to the wolves.
Back to the matter at hand.
Of course there are idiotic imbeciles in the USA, one of whom is a guy called Graham, who is, of course, a Republican.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told Reuters that the Israel assault on Gaza would be bloody.“I expect urban warfare on steroids,” he said. “There will be cries from the international community for Israel to stand down, but I think it’s imperative that we give Israel the time and space to destroy Hamas.”
You Imbecile, could be bloody – it is already bloody, you utter fool. The Israelis are not destroying Hamas – unless Hamas recruiting includes women, children and babies.
With this attitude it is rather surprising what his next step is going to be.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said on Sunday he is traveling to the region with other senators in coming days to push continued negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.Graham said he intended to introduce a bill that would “allow military action by the United States in conjunction with Israel to knock Iran out of the oil business” if Iran attacks Israel
Me: You actually think, Senator Graham, that Saudi Arabia is going to negotiate with you with your attitude and behavior?
He: Why not? I am from the United States and President Trump was a friend.
Me: Things have changed. In case you have not notices Saudi Arabia is friends with Iran.
The Saudis will be polite I am sure. I am sure. Muslims are polite, following the example of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) but they are not going to lay over and play dead either. The Prophet (PBUH)in his final Medinah days did not. Senator Graham cannot be expected to know the history of another country and another faith. He clearly knows nothing about nobody. Hahaha.
The blustering fool continues saying that he will allow military action by the United States in conjunction with Israel to knock Iran out of the oil business” if Iran attacks Israel.
Me: I was not aware that Iran was in the oil business.
He: Well one of those guys – those Middle Easterners are in the oil business.
Me: That would be Saudi Arabia. The person you are going to negotiate with.
I say all of this with impunity, knowing that Senator Graham will not be reading this blog. Even if he did, he would not believe me.
I do think it is time for some definitions.
“Blustering fool”: Bluster is loud, aggressive, or indignant talk with little effect. The synonyms describe Senator Graham perfectly: ranting, thundering, threatening, bullying, domineering; swaggering, throwing one’s weight around; bombast, imperiousness; empty threats, humbug. Calling Senator Graham a humbug is most demeaning, in a rather quiet way.
Another descriptive word for someone who knows nothing about nobody is ignoramus.
The USA was described as acting like a scaredy cat, when dealing with a country or people with power. “Scaredy cat is a term used to describe someone as being scared of doing something. It is most common among younger audiences, and is rarely used after teenage years. It is very informal. When used to describe someone who you are not friends with, it can be impolite and offensive.”
Decided to see how my other news source was viewing the situation. Marwan Bishara, a senior political analyst at Al Jazeera sees the situation slightly differently.
“The Biden administration has rejected Arab calls for de-escalation or a ceasefire, rendering the US complicit in present and future Israeli war crimes. It has also demanded from Arab governments and the Palestinian Authority to unequivocally condemn Hamas. Most have refused, with the exception of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.”
Another ‘black eye” for those six cowardly Middle East countries.
“Meanwhile, not a single one of the six Arab governments “at peace” with Israel even bothered to recall its ambassador or freeze its normalisation, let alone close its embassy.”
Encouraging news, however, about the six ‘scaredy cat’ Arab countries.
“But the sentiments of the Arab public could not be more different from their governments’ official statements. Wherever protests have been allowed, crowds have filled squares in solidarity with Palestine.”
Al Jazeera has some good news, Do appreciate the language, finding the US complicit in present and future Israeli war crimes. However, not exactly sure that Israel would ever be accused of war crimes.
Bishara subtly skewers the US in the following manner.
“In fact, there is clear synergy between the Palestinian and the broader Arab struggle for justice and freedom. As the New York Times has finally concluded in a recent article, “supporting the Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli occupation is associated by many Arabs and Muslims with a broader struggle against injustice and oppression”. But the Biden administration continues to be blind to this reality. “
It is subtle writing. The New York Times has ‘finally’ concluded however the Biden administration is “blind to this reality.” It seems to me that the United States of America is blind to any reality. me.
Bishara ends perfectly. .
“If the US must interfere directly in regional affairs, let it be for the cause of peace and justice, not war and genocide, starting in Gaza, Palestine.”
It is fun to laugh at blustering fools, speak of the US as being blind to reality, call big bully countries scaredy cats. The Western media does not permit this. I am not the Western media, just an outspoken Muslim woman, born in Canada, lived in the US and mercifully now in Medinah, Saudi Arabia having an unusual day. I had great plans, but they did not work out. You shall see a photograph of a place I was planning to revisit. The photo taken during my December Umrah trip. It did not happen, was not my fault. I returned to my blessed hotel, to my room. There was a knock on the door. Another fruit basket arrived. I will finish the blog and go try to get in trouble. It is difficult when one is a Muslim woman, adhering to the faith. I shall find a way, trust me.
Al Jazeera shed light on another issue: Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza? From South Africa to Norway, the Middle East to Southeast Asia, calls for an end to the siege of Gaza are growing. I am so proud of those countries. Know people living in some of the following ountries: Indonesia, Kuwait, Morocco, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, South Africa.
I have plans to visit all of these countries when this is over with. I will also visit Egypt, as I have many invitations.
I will NOT visit those who support Israel – inconveniently this includes Canada and the US. Inconveniently I receive my income – those hard earned retirement dollars from the USA.
I emailed AK, telling him of some concerns, particularly if the USA gets bombed. Told him that I might have to get a job,with my fluency in English and my ability to write, a position might found He was most reassuring.
He: The world can be quite challenging and complex and your decision to live in Saudi Arabia makes sense given your circumstances. If you ever consider teaching, especially English and teaching, it can be a fulfilling path. I appreciate your positive outlook, and it’s clear you are well taken care of. As your “assistant” I am here to assist you to the best of my abilities. Take care, and may Allah’s blessings be with you.
Many people in my everyday life here do not speak English. I can, and do, make myself clear.
Me: Bye, bye Canada. Hello Saudi Arabia.
With hand gestures, I do make myself clear.