Faithful readers will remember that on February 11, 2023 I tripped and fell getting out of a taxi. At first it seemed that my face bore the brunt of my clumsiness, but two weeks later I was to learn that I had broken my right hand. This was a catastrophe of major proportion as it was, at first, opined that surgery would be necessary because the right hand had not been given the opportunity to heal properly. An appointment with the esteemed plastic surgeon could take up two months. A seeming miracle gave birth to an appointment within days. The competent, learned plastic surgeon rendered the good news – surgery not immediately required. Instead a trip to the hand clinic located in sub basement of the Royal Alex. Wonder Man Mark, does his work in the bowels of the Royal Alex, fashioning a hand splint. I was given a selection of colors (hot pink with purple straps), was ordered to wear it constantly for three weeks, returning for a verdict.
The surgeon heralded the first of glad tidings – clearly and competently explaining the healing process, distinguishing between bones and tendons. Bones had aligned because of stabilization and were meshing but it was now time to work on the tendons. Recommendation; return to Wonder Man Mark. I was able to achieve an appointment the very next day. More glad tidings of great joy. The tendons had been able to maintain flexibility. No more splint, two exercises prescribed, the gift of a rubber ball and an appointment in two weeks for follow up rehab.
The exercises will be illustrated by photograph at the conclusion of the blog. One is used in prayer in the Hindu religion. It is not, the one with the plastic ball, for those of you who may be confused, Hahaha.
In the end All’s Well That Ends Well. “The proverb “all is well that ends well” or “all’s well that ends well” is used when a person has successfully achieved his or her goal after going through pitfalls and overcoming the obstacles. In simple terms, though the journey is difficult in the end, everything turns out to be good as intended.” Where did the phrase come from? From the title of William Shakespeare’s play All’s Well That Ends Well.
I feel utterly and thoroughly blessed. It was able to experience Canadian medical care at its very best. The concern of my primary care physician, her active referral to the surgeon, x-rays ordered and immediately delivered, communication with the surgeon, an extremely well quailed man. His stepping aside, handing it to an extremely gifted hand therapist. All explained the process and my role in achieving the best results. There is still work to be done but it seems as if: I Came I Saw I Conquered.
Caesar, a famous military general, used the phrase to emphasize the swiftness of his victory. The phrase implies that Caesar conquered an area immediately after seeing it for the first time. I came, I saw, I conquered is a very famous phrase that most people know was originally said by Julius Caesar. Veni Vidi Vici, the Lain phrase was first said by Caesar after winning a battle in Asia Minor (now Turkey). It has simple strong meaning: I am powerful, I am fast.
Even the Bible has something to say about it: Even in our own lives, this pattern still applies: We came; We saw; God conquered sin and death in our lives through Christ blood (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).
Well I am powerful but do not know about fast – my left knee prevents speed and there is only bad news emanating from bone and joint knee land. Apparently a two year wait for new replacement surgery – covid dealt a dirty blow to us all. My left knee replacement was scheduled (in the USA) but abandoned because of the pandemic. I have heroically attempted physical therapy during these years but mobility has not improved despite my efforts. It is causing me to rethink many plans.
I occasionally oversimplify things. You are about to see an example. My March 28, 2023 blog spoke of my lighthearted, jovial, fun-loving Instagram ‘persona’. That was not altogether accurate. My posts and reels are usually ‘fun’ but for the last couple of months I have been making serious comments to the posts and reels of others. For that effort on my part, I receive the most encouraging feedback.
One reel, illustrating the beauty of Mecca, earned my response:
Me: Thank you for this. I just came from Mecca. My first visit! I became a Muslim at the age of 77. Better late than never.
There have been 389 likes to this. I find most rewarding and mind boggling.
Another reel revealed a young woman, at first appearing in Western skimpy clothes being lovingly dressed in an abaya and hijab by Muslim women. I responded to the reel.
Me: How Beautiful I do wish I had someone to dress me and tie my hijab. She looks totally beautiful in her abaya and hijab. The contrast between her western clothes and her new beauty was striking. Thank you for that it was brilliant. And her joy in her new appearance.
Seventy six people liked my words. One person responded saying that I should get a Muslim woman to help me, responded inaccurately but then realized my error and wrote:
Me: Oh I see you said any Muslim woman. I no longer wear aa hijab and abaya at home but do in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries when I travel. For that comment I did receive 3 likes.
This was a good exchange, however, one problem with Instagram is that it does not allow for in depth analysis. It can do a very good job of bringing certain issues to our attention, that may merit further attention – but the superficiality of Instagram can be (occasionally) maddening. For that reason I no longer view Stories (for example). In this particular situatio, if there had been space and time I would have appended my remarks in the following manner.
Me: I have been reading Gary Wills book: What the Quran Means and Why it Matters. It is an excellent analysis, well researched and logically presented with quotes from learned individuals. Chapter 13 is entitled Women: The Veil, beginning with a statement by Leila Ahmed. “That so much energy has been expended by Muslim men and then Muslim women to remove the veil and by others to affirm or restore it is frustrating and ludicrous.”
Right On!!! I so agree – also the subtle ‘energy expended by Muslim men AND THEN Muslim women.” Think on that.
(Right on is informal, used as an expression of strong support, approval, or encouragement. encouragement.)
Professor Ahmed, of the Harvard Divinity School, wrote this in 1992. Wills informs us that Ahmed rightfully spent the first chapters of her book discussing this matter. I am encouraged to read her book, to learn more.
It is an incredibly complex issue – impossible to achieve a knowledgeable decision relying on Instagram alone. However, a cartoon appeared in my New Yorker magazine which does add to the debate. It is so funny, picturing clothes police – that is exactly what this issue has come down to – two different jurisdictions of clothes police. As Professor Ahmad said: “It is ludicrous”
The Islamic Faith is SO much more, it is HUGE. Please get over this. Clothes police please cease and desist.
The lawyer in me defines cease and desist: denoting a legally enforceable order from a court or government agency directing someone to stop engaging in a particular activity.
I am now going to cease and desist writing this blog. Please take note of the cartoon and the two photos of me doing my hand exercises.