My life is more than a little unusual, but there is some very good news. The good news is that the blog definitely comes in handy. EGG (Emirati Great Guy) and I have been corresponding constantly. JJNails and I had the following conversation.
She: How did you meet him?
Me: I thought you knew. It is on the blog. I will find which one and let you know.
She: Okay. I will look it up.
Me: May 12, May 4 and May 5. In short Costa Coffee in the Premier Inn.
So I reread my blog and found that I had forgotten some details. Let me tell you this, and I shall say no more. I Googled him and fainted dead away. He is a very big deal – cannot get much bigger but I never reveal the real name of my friends on the blog and I am not going to make an exception. There is even a YouTube with him being interviewed in 2020 in Western clothes so I can say with certainty that he has hair, or did a couple of years ago anyway. I am laughing at myself, hysterically. On the bed of my new hotel, looking at a magnificent view from my bed. Edmonton really is rather beautiful. This a text conversation between EGG and I
He: Next year make your Ramadan in KSA
Me: Where is KSA??
He: Saudi Arabia
Me: Oh!! I met a Saudi family that wants me to come to Mecca, They say come soon when it is less crowded. They are SO sweet. I might go to Oman on that trip. We will see how things go.
He: Yes everywhere you go you will find good people, We will arrange to meet in Oman.
Me: I do but also bad people.
He: Yes I agree with you.
Me: That would be great!! Met a man from Oman. He gave me a hat. It was not romantic He had two wives already and I think that was his limit. I am funny!! He says he will figure out accommodations and give me a driver. So I will have two guys in Oman and you can fight over me. I am laughing.
I then sent him a photograph of my magnificent view.
He: Wow nice view.
Me: I know and I will another it is WoW . Bridge is new to me. Have not lived here in 55 years.
He: Nice really.
Me: It is flat like the UAE but the resemblance ends there. Hahaha I used to hate thiscity and was so glad to get out of here in 1967. And there are Muslims everywhere. It is strange and wonderful
He is the nicest sweetest man but for some reason I fight with him all the time. I am ashamed of myself. Well, we do have cultural differences. He was born in Abu Dhabi; I was born in Saskatchewan. The only thing that those places have in common is that they are flat, no hills near or far.. I was born in Regina but there is nothing Royal about me. Whereas…..
So I am in heaven but on a different level. No more Hotel Mac for me – this place is reasonably priced and I am on the 23rd floor. In the Mac I was on the 7th floor and it looked out at high rise buildings. So things are looking up. Hahahaha. I have been living in hotels, on and off, (mostly on) since 2014. This have found through trial and error. Hotels that cater to rich people are genuinely horrible. Rich people are entitled and dreadful to be around – all they do is complain and act haughty. While living in Abu Dhabi I stayed at the Rixos Resort and the St. Regis – both places frequented by rich folk and their bratty mannerless children. Then I accidentally got a room at the Abu Dhabi Airport Premier Inn – a humble hotel where I had a long term room rate making it most affordable. The nicest, the best people stayed there. Working people often on layovers between flights. The Costa Coffee, located in the lobby was the haunt of many who worked for the airlines. I met the best people there, having coffee – me a white Americano. In London that is what you call an Americano with hot milk. I would point at my face when ordering a white Americano because I am white and clearly have an American accent.
A met the man from Oman there, EGG and TOO. Met a Saudi family in the elevator, they invited me to come to Mecca and Medina and meet the whole family. They will make the arrangements they say. WOW. So exciting.
I have done some serious thinking in the past few days trying to figure out exactly what is happening. It is all good, even I would say great, I have never been happier in my life. I owe much of my joy to the faith but am wondering why and how I keep meeting rich, warm, giving people. Decided that it all happened because of this blog. When one becomes famous, you attract other famous people. It is rather like magic. I have not told this true story for a long time. People do ask what inspired me to start writing a blog – never was a fan of blogs but Chris, my computer guru was putting the final touches on the book on the Tate Britain.
Me: Is it difficult to start a blog.
He: No its super easy.
Two days later I owned People asked me why I did it, Well there were three reasons. 1) To get even. It takes too long to go to court and begin a legal battle but you can (and I have) nailed somebody or something on social media . 2) Promote the yet unfinished biography of Uncle Dave Dryburgh. The third reason remained a secret, but I eventually told my high school and university friend Lynne, who knew something (well everything actually) about my life.
Me: The secret reason why I started to write the blog was to make a man fall in love with me by reading the blog.
She: Alexis, you overdid it!
Me: That is so funny but I certainly have.
It continues to be most true. I feel sorry for the poor men. But they seem to be getting richer – not bad for an old lady born in Saskatchewan. Hahaha
I am at this moment texting JJNails and writing this blog.
Me: Exchanging emails with $$ – asked him if he wanted to be called EGG or $$. I am sure he laughed. I did anyway. This is what I said to him; “Not sure what I should be calling you. I think your nickname EGG or else (I laughingly say $$ )which stands for Sultan Saeed. You probably have a lot of money so the $$ is rather funny – I think so anyway”
She: Hahahaha. I am at University today.
Me: Great I am at University of the Bed today. I am laughing, writing the blog and texting you.
She: Hahahahahah
The photograph attached to this blog is one sent to EGG with the caption. My animals in my hotel room.
You must do this – somewhat magically I discovered this YouTube. Mohammad Al Gergawi in a conversation with Musk during WGS17. I do not know how to link the thing, so look it up for yourselves. It was a conversation that took place in Dubai. It is an incredible interview. Those UAE guys know how to do things. Well, I hope so anyway. Hahahaha. That is called an innuendo. This is what Wikipedia says about it. “The term sexual innuendo has acquired a specific meaning, namely that of a “risqué” double entendre by playing on a possibly sexual interpretation of an otherwise innocent uttering. For example: “We need to go deeper” can be seen as either a request for further inquiry, or allude to sexual penetration.”
I am awful, just awful. Some people bring out the worst in me (or is it the best?)