First of all what does the hows, whys and wherefores mean? It is reasons for something Used in a sentence: She explained the whys and the wherefores of the sudden possible move to Dubai. Google explored the concept of why thoroughly. Your “Why” is a statement of purpose that describes why you do the work you do and why you live the lifestyle you do. It is your calling. It is your conviction. It is your mission statement. Then it provides examples of the why in people’s lives. “My why is to help people be more connected in their life, career, and business.” “To push myself to be the best version of myself so that I know my mom is smiling down on me.” “To leave the world better than I found it and be remembered by the people whose lives I touched as a force for good in their lives.” At this moment in time not sure what my why is, therefore we shall soldier on.
So under consideration was a move to Dubai. Google struck again, what did we all do without Google? There are at least two options available for Alexis McBride.
The first option to obtain residency is by purchasing and owning a property. To fit the requirements of the residency visa, the property must be worth at least 1 million dirhams, which amounts to approximately US$272.000. The visa is normally issued for 2 years and does not grant the right to work in UAE.
I could do that. Do not need to work because of retirement income but unfortunately the money would come from my investments. That would mean that there would less money going to Brandeis School upon my death. So, it was time to look into other options.
The next question is this: Can I immigrate to Dubai without a job? Here is the answer:
Dubai has launched a new scheme that will allow people to live in the emirate but work remotely for companies overseas. The programme costs $287 per person per year, plus medical insurance with valid UAE cover and (an undisclosed) processing fee.
Now this is something that could be molded to my situation.I do have medical insurance so that would work, I can afford the $287 fee. The company overseas would not be a problem if the blog could be considered a company. Do not earn any money from the blog but my retirement income gives me the time and energy to write the blog. It is both arguable and true. Once I did read that there are programs supportive of writers. but that was read a couple of years ago and I cannot remember the details.
It seems that I can make an appointment with the Immigration Office after I get to Dubai. What documents do I need to register with GNIB
Evidence of suitable finance or proof of access to €3,000.
Evidence of suitable medical insurance.
Your passport.
Registration fee of €300. GNIB only accept card payments and do not accept cash or cheque.
It looks like things are not that difficult after all, when you put your mind to it.
So this morning made a few calls. Talked to Lori at the Marin County Employee’s Retirement Association office. Hopped into my Lexus, drove to the offices, Lori efficiently had a letter waiting for me showing that I had suitable finances and evidence of suitable medical insurance. I do know where my passport (s) are. I have a credit card so I shall be a blue to make the payment. A medical clearance can also readily be obtained – had three appointments this week examining and changing the bandages on the right arm. At one visit, my blood pressure was taken, it is 120/60 – that is clearance in and of itself.
I will carry all that documentation when traveling to Dubai in about three weeks, make an appointment with the appropriate office upon arrival. Perhaps not go to the UK as originally planned, spending my time in Dubai – with an excursion to Abu Dhabi. Read that they have a fantastic mosque, never been in a mosque. One might as well start big. Abu Dhabi’s architecture is different than that of Dubai, apparently, with more older and more traditional buildings. I purchased a book on Dubai and Abu Dhabi prior to my 2020 visit so I further research can be completed. At times prefer a book rather than the Internet – this is one of those times.
Subsequent blogs will discuss the logic behind this rather radical proposed move. There are both negatives and positives. Negatives are the many reasons why I no longer want to live in the USA. The positives are the attractions that Dubai holds for me. I do realize that Dubai is not a democracy but not convinced that democracies work, particularly when there is a two party system and the Republicans are one of those parties. Positives are briefly, it does appear that there is far greater attention paid to human rights and the rights of women in Dubai, than in this country. Here lip service is paid but as I have experienced recently, that is all it is, lip service. I thought I was immune and protected. Nope.
I shall see. Perhaps cannot qualify, perhaps will change my mind after spending three weeks upon their shores. Definitely enjoyed the people I met there in 2020, met many, including an Emirariti whose father made gobs of money from tobacco (if I recall). He, me, his fiancee and her friend drank in the 17th floor cocktail lounge of my hotel, polished off copious amounts of white wine. He paid, by the way. I have a photograph of we three women, shall display it on the blog at some point.
Right now you are probably asking this question: Can one become an Emirati? “One can acquire the UAE’s citizenship only through the Rulers’ and Crown Princes’ Courts, Offices of the Executive Councils and the Cabinet based on the nominations of federal entities. Contact Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship for more information.”
Do not need to worry about that right now. Know that one can be a dual citizen as I carry a Canadian and an American passport. But a triple? Do not know. Which one will go if impossible? My Canadian citizenship, of course.
Scotland also holds appeal as a desired country as I wish more than anything, to live within its borders. Visited there many times and feel so at home there, most probably because all of my ancestors, going back to the 17th century, came from Scotland. However, the referendum which would free Scotland from the former Great Britain is stalled and the referendum’s resurrection is far from certain. That despite the fact that I painted my face like the Scottish flag and it was circulated on this blog and on Instagram. By the way, I shall speak more about my maternal side at a later time as a fascinating discovery was made when sifting through old paper work. That shall be spoken of in a later blog written, and prepared, prior to the departure to Dubai.
Two photograph shall accompany the blog. One a photograph of the travel book of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The other of my face painted like the Scottish flag. One must keep their alternatives open.