I decided to send a reassuring email to Computer Guru Chris as I had not written in days. The Subject line of the computer read: I am Dead, not Tired, I woke up to his response.
Me: Please laugh – probably blog tomorrow morning. VeryI wo difficult few days but help is on the way. Help is housecleaner and her computer proficient daughter. We shall sort this stuff out out. Alexis.
He: Ok I promise I’m laughing, assuming you mean ‘not’ dead Thanks, Chris
Me: Now I am laughing 😝. I guess I did mean ‘not’ dead, but it could, have been a Freudian slip as I felt dead at the moment????! Too much psychotherapy, I fear resulting in all
this analysis. I used to joke that I had more therapy than Woody Allen! What has happened to him anyhow? Got worn out I guess with the young ‘un. I am alive and well and shall write after an injection of coffee. Alexis
So what is a Freudian slip? It is “an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.” And also: The Freudian slip is named after Sigmund Freud, who, in his 1901 book The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, described and analyzed a large number of seemingly trivial, even bizarre, or nonsensical errors and slips, most notably the Signorelli parapraxis. Freudian slips of the tongue are another example of how repressed thoughts and feelings can make themselves known. … While these feelings may be repressed, they have a way of sneaking out when we least expect them.” Now this does not make a great deal of sense as I do not have any repressed thoughts and/or wishes to be dead. Life, at this moment in time, is most enjoyable. Paradise may be tempting but it seems that there is work to be done on this earth first.
Now this is bizarre. I have a message from PrincehandanshekhBin telling me “You’ve got good taste”. Well, thanks honey, proof of that is that I am over you. I am laughing!
Do I think it is really him – do not think so but who knows? He may be desperate these days – a Youtube showed him with some visiting Russian – I guess they are rushing right over to Dubai since probably no one else is visiting. The Crown Prince looks a bit emaciated and not altogether happy. That gets us to the next topic of conversation. Admittedly this is a rather one way conversation.
The question of the day is whether or not it is possible to be a ‘proper’ Muslim woman and still be playful. On its face it appears to be contradictory but in practice it is not, it seems. I am a ‘proper’ Muslim woman complying with the mandates of the faith. The dietary restrictions, the daily prayers, dressing in a modest fashion, learning more about the faith on an almost daily basis, not having sex outside of marriage etc. etc. etc. But I have retained my sense of playfulness. I submit the following example. Yesterday it was mani and pedi day with my handsome escort meeting me at a next door coffee place to escort me to an appointment across ‘town’ – well across the county actually. The mani and pedi completed went to the coffee place and another handsome man, an employee, greeted me.
He: Hi, how are you? Nice to see you again. You are the woman who met the Crown Prince of Dubai.
Me: Well I did, but how did you know?
He: You told me the last time you were here.
Me: Well that explains it – and I did. Could I please have a latte with almond milk, never tried that before.
Then two more men walked in an we began chatting and laughing.
They: You are so funny (and so old). What were you doing when you were in your twenties.
Me: That was a long time ago, but I will think hard and try to remember. OK! Got it – I came to live in San Francisco in 1967 – the Summer of Love.
They: Wouldn’t you know?!?!
Me: But I was not a hippie, was very straight. Married to a doctor and I was working as an Intake Social Worker at McAuley Neuropsychiatric Hospital in St. Mary’s Hospital, just around the corner from the epicentre of it all.
At that point PDIHS arrived – he had texted that he was going to be six minutes late, he is that punctual. He called to say he was in front of the coffee place.
Me: Bye, Gotta go! Great talking to you!
The Employee: You are the most entertaining person I have ever met!
Me: Thanks! I shall reward you by coming and entertaining you. What days to you work?
He; Wednesday and Thursday.
Me: OK! I will come and see you next week.
Now, everything written herein is the truth. Being truthful is also a mandate of the faith, it is easy to comply with that as I tell the truth because I was surrounded by liars during my upbringing and developed a distaste for falsehoods. The Quran orders that one should not have anything to do with liars and treacherous people. That is just one of the ways that following the faith makes life easier and brings inner peace and happiness.
Came back from the appointment with Wise Man, got lunch and sat on the patio, chatting with two very charming young women whose first names also began with an A,
They were going to play field hockey, were students at Redwood.
Me: Field hockey!! Wow! I come from Canada, there they play the real thing on ice.
Told them I lived here, they often come for lunch at Andy’s and we will lunch on my patio some day and so they can see the pool.
Then this conversation took place in Andy’s. I held a yam in my hand and said to the employees.
Me: What do you think I am going to do with this?
They: (great laughter). What are you going to do with it?
Me: Well , eat it, of course!
So playfulness, bringing happiness and joy and still being a ‘proper’ Muslim woman. The Western media has it all wrong, well also does a good many Muslim countries, do let us admit it. Do wonder what would happen if I were to marry a Muslim man. It would work if he was secure in himself, secure in our love, had sufficient self esteem and was smart. So the search is on! Hahahaha! It has been decided that an Islamic scholar would probably fit the bill. Either him or an extremely rich man. Spoke of that during my pedicure, giving away his identity. I am so laughing at this wonderful woman’s response.
She: Bingo!! Pick him!
Me: You are making me laugh so very hard!
The nail place is A Place for Nails, she is tremendous!!!
This has been a most playful blog – the next one not. Tomorrow is my father’s 100th birthday, rather accidentally discovered this. For various reasons he must be forgiven, for both psychological and spiritual reasons. I shall do so by writing – not an obituary because he is still alive (I think) and his third wife was not responsive to the idea. I wrote the obituary to my mother – can be found under her name Jessie Elaine Dryburgh.
But back t light heartedness. The photos are of the yam and a selfie of me and my unicorn – PhD which stands for Precious Horney Darling.