This blog could be appropriately called: Getting Sidetracked and Staying Sidetracked. Read on if you wish, but you have been warned. Definition of sidetrack: cause (someone) to be distracted from an immediate or important issue.
I am loath to admit this but I am totally geographically challenged. I humbly confessed last evening, asking my companion.
Me: Don’t tell anyone but I do not know the name of the sea that I overlook every day.
He: The Indian Ocean.
Me: Thank you for this confidential information.
To be totally honest I did not know there even was an Indian Ocean. I know Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean but that is about it. I desperately need a globe – had one but it is one thing that got left behind. I am old fashioned, globes I understand, atlases I understand. The Internet less helpful but I am a desperate woman.
I will not impart my knowledge onto you. Maybe you know already, but maybe you do not. If you do – it will be a refresher course.
“The twenty-three additional littoral countries in the Indian Ocean region are Bangladesh, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Myanmar, Mozambique, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Sudan, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Thailand, Tanzania, and Yemen.”
Cannot quite figure out my ignorance concerning an ocean whose shores are in twenty-three countries. However, In my defense I have only visited four: Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore and Bahrain.. The later three only briefly. Oops, I have been to Indonesia – did a visa run to Bali about six months ago.
The Indian Ocean is gargantuan.
The Indian Ocean is a vast theater, stretching from the Strait of Malacca and western coast of Australia in the East to the Mozambique Channel in the West. It encompasses the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea in the North, all the way down to the southern Indian Ocean.
Gargantuan is word for colossal, vast, immense, gigantic, mammoth, monumental, epic, mal whopping, ginormous. I might not know my oceans but I do know my words hahaha
Do you want to know why it is called the Indian Ocean? Here is the answer, do not read it you do not want to know.
“The Indian Ocean is named after India because of its strategic location at the head of the ocean from ancient times and its long coastline which is longer than any other country in the Indian Ocean rim.”
Fear I overstepped my bounds, learning too much. Read of the 2004 tsunami to find chilling news ‘Penang was among the worst-hit states, recording 52 of the 68 deaths nationwide.” Just the other evening the wind was blowing, it was scary – I thought it was a tsunami. It was not, the winds died down a rainbow appeared. From now on, when those winds of gale purgation blow I am going to be really frightened.
When I begin to write a blog I have no idea where it will go and what will happen in the meantime. This is what happened next – leading me elsewhere , hopefully always on the straight path. I was texting Shamir.
He: Good morning.
Me: I am strong. Written 435 words and learned about the Indian Ocean
He: Wow Productive Day
Me: Yes and its only 9:10 Watch old world!!! Hahaha
He: Ohhh nooo The world is not ready.
Me: Too bad. So sad You are making me laugh
He: Do not laugh too much save some for r later
Me: One cannot laugh too much. I do nothing. It is infectious and you can effect yourself. Laughing at yourself is most important.
He: That is so true.
Me: Well until last night I did not know what sea I was upon. I asked, got an answer. After I knew it was the Indian Ocean I looked it up. But you gotta start somewhere.
He: That’s good. Ur mind is always working and that is good. U know what they say
Me: What?
He: The idle mind is the devil’s workshop
Me: Hmmm. Interesting. Never heard that. Gotta look it up
“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” means that when someone is not actively engaged in a productive activity, they are more likely to get into trouble or engage in negative behaviors, as if the devil is using their unoccupied time to tempt them into mischief. It originated from a translation Proverbs 16:27: having ‘idle hands’ you have a of time on your hands. This idle time is a way for the devil to entice you and tempt you to sin. Another translation: worthless man devises mischief; and in his lips there is a scorching fire.
More history: Proverbs 16:27 may have inspired St. Jerome to write in the late 4th century: fac et aliquid operis, ut semper te diabolus inveniat occupatum, or “engage in some occupation, so that the devil may always find you busy.” This was later repeated by Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales, which was probably the source of its popularity.
More explanations using scientific theory “The Default Mode (DMN) has strong connections to the emotional, anxiety, and fear centers of the brain, and parts of the brain that reflect thoughts about self, the past and the future. It is also involved in thinking about the intentions behind others’ behavior,” Dr. Neil Ranen. Patriciamrobertson explained this: Some people, when left too long to their own thoughts, turn to conspiracy and paranoia. They are convinced that the world is out to get them. For them, their idle hands are fertile soil for the devil to plant seeds of distrust and hatred. But others, left to long periods of silence, find their way to God. Ignatius Loyola, forced to remain in bed from a war injury, turned from the way of war and the world and turned to a life of devotion to God.
Muslims are encouraged to look to Allah (SWT) for support and guidance; to not overthink. Spoke of overthinking in my January 30, 2024 blog:
“ I do overthink. interestingly there is an Arab word for it: altafkir alzaayid ean allaazim. Needless to say it is impossible to pronounce – for me anyway. I know of the concept and do know I have been doing it my whole long life.” … Did some more research; research is not overthinking, by the way. I was able to find something more in tune to my thinking. “Overthinking is actually a special form of fear. This fear is exaggerated and becomes worse when mixed with anticipation, anxiety, imagination and emotion. Learn to accept things as they are. Ask the Almighty to constantly guide you. (Mufti Menk on X). Further, “Overthinking is spoken about in the Quran. We are not actually meant to be thinking about everything and need to be aware of our thoughts and stop ourselves when we do it… especially when overthinking about matters in the unseen (Ghaib) and future. That space is only for Allah (swt).”
There are six Islamic tips to curb overthinking.
- Turn Your Anxiety Into Dua. …
- Accept that Allah Controls Everything. …
- Take a Salah Timeout 5 Times a Day. …
- Seek Allah’s Help Through Sabr. …
- Have Tawakkul. …
- End Your Day On a Positive Note.”
No more quotes from the prior blog. I am now comparing the three interpretations ( Christian, secular and Islamic) which, in their own way attempt to explain why mortals can be lead astray. The Islamic explanation answered all of my questions, the others left me in a quandary. In addition helpful tips given to curb overthinking and get one’s mind back on the right track, redirecting one’s thought processes.
It does appear that Shamir got me ‘off topic’ with his idle mind/devil’s workshop saying. Do have to confess that I was not on a topic that is suitable for Ramadan. I was discussing the Indian Ocean. Our exchange continued. He saying he was in KL when the tsunami hit. Then he through out more information.
He: Penang is situated in the Andaman Sea which is part of the Indian Ocean.
Me: Oh no! Another sea I have to learn about will it never end??
He: Haha Maybe not. What’s the difference between a seas and and ocean, aren’t they the same.
Guess what I did then?? Went to find the answer, but utilized another resource. I asked Siri; Siri immediately came up with an answer which immediately was transmitted to Shamir, giving Siri credit, of course. “While there is one global ocean seas are bodies of water that are partially enclosed ams are usually part of a global ocean
This morning I started out strong with great productivity. “Starting out strong” means to begin a new project, endeavor, or phase of life with a lot of enthusiasm, focus, and positive momentum, essentially hitting the ground running and making a strong initial impression or showing significant progress right from the start. Here comes another proverb. What does a hard beginning makes a good ending mean? It is self explanatory: it simply means if you start something well, it will end as anticipated.
Do admit that my mind wandered, lost my focus but nevertheless prayed my obligatory five prayers, broke my fast with Ajwa dates AND read Fazil Irwan’s chapter Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Europe; Creating a Nurturing Middle Ground.
Decided to define the term multiculturalism. It is defined as the presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society. Wikipedia waxes eloquently in an offering entitled Multiculturalism:
“It can describe a mixed ethnic community area where multiple cultural traditions exist or a single country. Groups associated with an indigenous, aboriginal or autochthonous ethnic group and settler-descended ethnic groups are often the focus.
Do admit it happened again – I was led astray, reading the almost the entire Wikipedia article. Jolted back on topic with this entry:
“The policies adopted by these states often have parallels with multiculturalist policies in the Western world, but the historical background is different, and the goal may be a mono-cultural or mono-ethnic nation-building – for instance in the Malaysian government’s attempt to create a ‘Malaysian race’ by 2020.[27]
Of course I was eager to find the source of this rather startling idea of a Malaysian race. Footnote 27 The Economist: The changing of the guard, 3 April 2003. The article was irretrievable. It does seem rather unlikely that the source of such a radical notion be found in The Economist.
Sometimes it is impossible to trust anybody or anything – even Wikipedia. Wikipedia’s Multitulitalism discusses the efforts made by almost every country in the world. It is endless. Alphabetically listing and exploring countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Malaysia was not discussed. My Safari scrolling skills went haywire – found myself in Al Jazeera reading a description of Ramadan in Gaza. That is going to be the topic of tomorrow’s blog. It is definitely relevant to Ramadan. The March 1, 2025 article was written by Esraa Abo Qamar is a Palestinian writer based in Gaza. She is an English literature student at the Islamic University of Gaza.
One photo of three lovely Muslim women and me taken at the Kashmir Restaurant. A Selfie taken using a full length mirror. You shall hear of what I am wearing in tomorrow’s blog. The desserts at Kenny Hill’s. I was there to buy salmon quiches for my early morning repast. AND a photo of the sun rising over the Indian Ocean.