Residing in Penang during Chinese New Year is a most extraordinary experience. It is a case if suspended animation. Everything is delayed, nothing happens until after Chinese New Year. And I do mean nothing. Countless shops, restaurants, offices, clinics are closed. The restaurants that are open are crowded with people. I cannot wait until it is over. Never have I seen anything like this – in all my years. There is much time for reflection – reflecting is a good thing to do when beginning the new year. This blog will discuss what I have been reflecting upon. Other words for reflection are: thought, contemplation deliberation, pondering, meditation.
At this moment it seems the Way of Ease has been facilitated in my life. The Way of Ease, is the most glorious of Allah’s (SWT) promise. It begins Quran 87:1 Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High. Then in 87.8 We will facilitate for you the Way of Ease. The footnote in my Quran explains:”The Islamic way of life which brings about ease in this life, and salvation in the next.
Another Sarah revealed after the revelation of Sarah 93 (The Forenoon) also speaks of ease. “Have We not lifted up your heart, and relieved you of your burden, which weighed down your back? And have We not given you high renown? With hardship comes ease. Indeed, with hardship comes ease. When you have completed your task resume your toil and seek your Lord with all fervour.”
Scholars note that that feelings of sympathy abound and there is an atmosphere of delightful.friendly care, portraying the Divine care for the Prophet illustrating the secret of ease and the strong tie with Allah.
The Prophet appeared to be troubled concerning the the obstacles he was facing in conveying his entrusted message. It was weighing heavily on his heart. So these comforting words “Have We not lifted up your heart”, so that it may warm to this message? Have We not facilitated it for you, endeared it to you defined its path and illuminated it for you to see its happy end? Look into your heart! Do you not see it to be full of light, happiness and solace? Reflect on the effects brought about by all the favours bestowed on you! Do you not feel comfort with every difficulty, and find contentment with every kind of deprivation you suffer?
Muhammed was granted the highest position, he was reassured by these words. . “And have We not given you high renown? ” We exalted you among those on high, on earth and in the whole universe. We raised your fame high indeed as we associated your name with that of Allah whenever it is pronounced. “Allah, addresses His beloved messenger kindly. He comforts and reassures him and explains to him how He has given him unceasing ease. ” With hardship comes ease. Indeed, with hardship comes ease.” Hardship never comes absolute, without some ease accompanying it. When your burden became too heavy We lifted up your heart and relieved the sting of hardship for you. Further guidance comes: ” With hardship goes ease, so seek relief and solace. When you have finished whatever you may have to do, then turn with all your heart to what deserves your toil and striving; worship “And seek your Lord with all fervour “Seek Him alone and let nothing whatsoever distract you.
“Indeed, with hardship there is ease” indicates that the ease always accompanies the difficulty. One of the interpretations of this is that the ease is granted so near after the difficulty that it is as if they overlap each other.
I find great comfort in these words for two reasons. It is comforting to know that even our Beloved Messenger suffered doubts and anxieties; questioning himself and his efforts, becoming discouraged. Even the Prophet had his moments where he desperately needed Allah’s assistance This makes me feel stronger and proud of the fact that my faith in Allah (SWWT) never withered, waxed or wanted even in my darkest moments.
What also rings true is that I am now, FINALLY experiencing ease which was granted so near the difficulty. It does seem they overlapped one another. The hardships encountered at Penang Lexis Suites, the inhumanity, the scabies, the jealousy, the sheer stupidity, the betrayal by so many people, then the aborted marriage. Ease did not descend all at once. Step by step by step with the gracious and loving assistance of my new “family” A family met only twenty-eight dats ago. Mohan and I were sitting on the Kashmir Restaurant porch.
Me: Do you realize that it was this month, January that I first met your family. I feel like you are all my family and that you have always been my family. Poor you. Hahaha
He: (laughing) No poor us.
Me: I am blessed.
He: So are we.
This blessing and more promised by the Quran “Worldly life is short, so turn to Allah (God) before you return to Allah (God).”
“To Allah (God) is your return, all of you, and He will inform you of what you used to do.” Quran 5:105.
This last day of January has been an unusual day to say the least. It seemed Allah (SWT) spoke during my sleep reminding me that Ramadan is a month away and I must begin my preparations. I made two or three private intentions and commitments. Relieved I turned to my phone to find this message.
He: We will meet again someday, Hopefully I will be able to show all my love in person. Even though you have replaced me now.
Me: I am not sure I have replaced you after all.
Then opened Instagram, messaging someone close at hand but not in my presence at that exact moment.
Me: Where in the heck are you?
He: In ur heart. I am just at home resting.
Me: I thought there was something beating in my heart. It was you
He: Awhhh aren’t you the sweetest.
My neck is still problem Decided not to get an MRI immediately because it will be incredibly expensive. It was suggested that I perhaps see a Chinese physician – a young man, a member of my vast ‘family’ was able to utilize his services when Western medicine failed to bring relief. However, the clinic was not open as it is Chinese New Year’s. Another blessing is a driver, a reliable man who intimately knows Penang. On our first day neck pain relief was not available. . Instead went to Guerny Plaza to have my hair cut. The Malaysian man did a great job. A photograph demonstrating his skills will follow.
Back for lunch at Kashmir with Shamir, Rohan and CC (Cute Cousin). Chatted with Rohan then back to Lyf. Came to my writing table. A young woman asked if she could speak to me.
Me: Of course, I need to take off my air pods.
She asked me what I was doing. Answering her showed her the blog, my Instagram and told her about my life. Learned about her during our animated conversation, learning she lived in China in a city I visited during my trip to China twenty years ago. She had our procure takes on her camera, I gave the photographer mine iPhone to record the moment. She could not believe I was 81 with my energy, my experience, my love of life. She went to see the sights of Penang saying as she left.
She: I want to grow up and grow old just like you.
As I write these words, telling the world what she said; I began to cry. Not tears os sorrow but tears of joy. For such a long time, during most of my life, it has been my ambition to be a role model for women saying you can break free of the restraints of dependance on men, educate yourself, be adventurous, not worry about being lonely in your old age. Looks like I succeeded. How unbelievable!!! A young woman from China speaking to me in Penang’s Lyf. How utterly improbable. Never could I dream that scenario. Just goes to show that truth is stranger than fiction. That is for sure.
Typed truth is stranger than fiction into the search engine of this blog. Found one from 2019. Extra, Extra Read All About It: A Sultan Here at This Hotel; What A Difference A Blog Makes; Truth is Stranger Than Fiction; , Esoteric and Repercussion Defined.
Another more recent one, December 28, 2024.
First of All Good News For the Goat Mentioned in the Blog of December 26, 2024; Learned of His Safety by Reading Wikipedia’s Eid al-Adha in Nigeria; Details Provided; Truth is Stranger Than Fiction Leads to Discovery of a November 5, 2019 Blog Yielding Many Surprises; Photos of Me Kissing a Camel a Reel of Rare Camels and Photos of Double Humped Chinese Camels
This from my the 2019 blog:
There is that saying: Truth is stranger than fiction, a Mark Twain quote, is most apt for my life.
“1) Why shouldn’t truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense. 2) It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction must be credible. 3) Truth is stranger than fiction. It has to be! Fiction has to be possible and truth doesn’t! 4) The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense.”
I think, but I am not sure due to my limited computer expertise that if you clock on the underlined titles you can read the entire blog. Try it, you might like it. Hahahaha
Photographs will include my young Chinese friend, Shamir’s photograph of the back of my head, cut to perfection. A couple of shots of prior hair Canadian and US hair cuts.