Getting the lay of the land is, of course, an idiom that suddenly came to mind. Googled to find, yet again, that it absolutely described what I was attempting to convey.
“Lay of the land” means the general state of affairs or the current situation in a particular context, essentially describing the arrangement or disposition of elements within a given area, whether literal (like the geography of a place) or figurative (like the details of a complex situation). There is a Literal meaning: The physical features of a piece of land, including its topography, elevation changes, and landmarks. There is a figurative meaning: Figurative meaning: The overall understanding of a situation, including key factors and dynamics involved. Also an example sentence and example usage. “Before making a decision, we need to assess the lay of the land and understand all the relevant details.”
Both the literal and figurative meaning comes into play in my particular situation. My Lyf daily life is in direct and glaringly opposition to my (not only days but) months living at Penang Lexis Suites. Minutes ago another example. I am having breakfast, provided with my room rate. It is individually prepared. More like home in that there are only three choices not the Lexis Suites vast buffet of warmed over food originally prepared in another lifetime. Then another miracle occurred – an attractive young staff woman smiling approached my special table
She: Are your writing your blog? I read it.
Me: WOW. Unbelievable. I lived at Penang Lexis Suites for months and not one staff member ever read my blogs.
Minutes later we were joined by a handsome young man.
She: He reads it too.
Me: Oh my goodness. An embarrassment of riches!!!
I could not help myself – told the story of the three reasons I began writing the blog in 2017.
Me: There were three reasons. 1) To publicize the Apple Book I was writing, the biography of my Uncle Dave Dryburgh 2) to get even. I had been wronged by London City University and by Dolphin Square, where I was living. (By the way I was successful in both instances) Then there was a third secret reason.
He: What was the third reason?
Me: My high school and university friend Lynne and I were in contact at that time and over the years.
She: Alexis, we have been friends for years. You can tell me the secret reason.
Me: Well I wrote it to make a man fall in love with me.
She: (knowing the details of my life) Alexis, you overdid it!
All of this is the truth and nothing but the truth. I am so honest. Mindful of Sir Walter Scott’s saying: What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive. He is buried in Dryburgh Abbey, near Melrose, Scotland. Dryburgh is my birth name.
But back to the lay of the land. Yesterday I bravely ventured out. It takes bravery in Penang as sidewalks are rare and traffic control nonexistent. Crossed a busy street with one of the four or five traffic lights in Penang (a slight exaggeration). I walked to a nearby pharmacy to stock up on prescription (not illegal) drugs. Found a 7-11 next door. Opened the door and it chimed ‘Welcome’. I felt right at home, a 7-11 that speaks English, as did the charming staff member.
Not only that but it sold halal beer – found a source. I love it. Headed homeward on the other side of the street. I was trapped. No way to cross the street to get to the traffic light. Three young Malaysian women were walking nearby.
Me: Help. How do I cross the street? Penang is stupid.
They smiled, The three of them surrounded me and escorted me across the busy street. Cars stopped. It was SO impressive. Safely on the other side of the street, I yelled.
Me: I love you.
They: We love you.
Celebrated by going to Olive Tree and ordered a pizza. Mae a reel describing the joy of the four cheese pizza, which you shall see at the conclusion of this blog.
Then something else unbelievable happened. Two men were sitting at one of the outside tables. As I left they asked me to join them for a beer. I joined them – with all of the ice cubes I added its alcohol level was negligible. We talked. They were both born in Penang, One man was planning to live in Penang after living and working in KL for most of his life. Such a good man. Here to be with his friends from school and his ex wife had cancer and he here to help her in her final days. A motor bike pulled up and a rather corpulent helmeted older man got off. To make a long story short I was invited to lunch at a nearby park today. The man will pick me up at Lyf, with a helmet and I will speed off. Perhaps to my final destiny. Hahahaha
Became distracted by a text.
He: Good morning and TGIF
Me: Thank God I (what else starts with other than F**K)
He: Thank God Its Friday.
Me: I know what it means I was making a joke to make you laugh
He: Ooo hahahaha I knew u know. I was making u feel bad.
Me: You did not succeed.
He: Hope you had a good night sleep.
Me: I did. Had an amazing experience at the Japanese Restaurant. I will tell you about it. I might come over for prelunch before motorbike. Sort of a last lunch. Hahahaha
As you can see, he is nearby. Keeping up an extensive conversation with someone who is far away and you never see is an absolute waste of time and effort.
Yesterday morning was memorable for another reason. I met an amazing woman. After breakfast in the Lyf lobby a spirited woman was being videoed for a coffee advertisement. You squirt something in water and it turns to coffee.
Me: Its a miracle!!
We began to talk She is the amazing comedian Joanne Kam Comedy. We exchanged everything. Whats Apps, Instagram etc etc. Her Instagram is joannekampohpoh. She made a funny reel on Instagram to which I responded.
She: I am not the cause of the traffic jams in Penang
Me: I know Penang is a vast parking lot with a few old buildings and too many empty high rises thrown in for good measure.
She: Hahaha
Me: Death to pedestrians. Only guys on motorbikes survive but cannot reproduce. Hahahah
Oops I am getting on a motorbike soon.
She and I are going to meet again at the end of February. She lives and works in KL. This is rather amazing. She has a gap between her front teeth, just like I do
Me: I think we should form a comedy team. Call ourselves the Gap Twins. We look so much alike. Hahaha.
I shall now speak of an almost deja vu experience.
Wikipedia informs again Déjà vu (/ˌdeɪʒɑː ˈv(j)uː/ⓘ[1][2] DAY-zhah-VOO, -VEW, French: [deʒa vy]ⓘ; “already seen”) is the phenomenon of feeling as though one has lived through the present situation before.[3][4][5][6] It is an illusion of memory whereby—despite a strong sense of recollection—the time, place, and context of the “previous” experience are uncertain or impossible.[7][8] Approximately two-thirds of surveyed populations report experiencing déjà vu at least one time in their lives.[9][10] ….. Experiencing déjà vu has been correlated with higher socioeconomic status, better educational attainment, and lower ages.[9][10][11][12] People who travel often, frequently watch films, or frequently remember their dreams are also more likely to report experiencing déjà vu than others.
Well, I have higher socioeconomic status, travel often, remember my dreams and goodness knows better educational attainment but not lower ages and films watching, I guess three out of five ain’t bad.
BOB and I frequently dine at a nearby Japanese Restaurant and I have spoken of my experiences in a prior blog. Last evening we returned. The restaurant was crowded, with happy jovial people. Definitely good vibes. My favorite server was there, although she usually works the day shift. We were able to share a few words. I explained that I would be around and nearby for at least two months. She held both of my hands in hers and said.
She: Then I can see you everyday.
This was the divine deja vu. Her name is Alice, much to my wonderment. My Aunt Alice is the person I truly loved. Explain to all that I was not mothered I was Aunted, I say. My Aunt Alice died in 1985, I have not yet recovered from her death, miss her desperately. Last night when Alice said that I was moved to tears, of joy. She seems a gift from Allah (SWT). BOB became concerned, thinking I had perhaps lost my mind – I quickly gained control of my emotions, but it was unbelievable.
Gentle reader, as you can see I am feeling at home here in this foreign land. More at home than I have ever felt. Surrounded by good people with big hearts with a motorbike thrown in for good measure. Hahaha
Back to January 23, 2025 blog.
Did some research discovering that Mariann became the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (EDW) in November 2011, and continues to serve in the role today (as of January 2025. She is the first woman to be elected to the role.The EDW states she is a “passionate believer in the gospel of Jesus” and believes Christ calls all who follow him to “respect the dignity of every human being. Mariann is married to Paul Budde.Paul and Mariann have two adult sons together, Amos and Patrick.Amos is married to Erika, with the EDW website stating that Mariann and Paul are “proud and doting grandparents”.
This was the fuss is all about and why her actions made it to the Borowitz Report. Mariann made headlines again on January 21, 2025, when she delivered a sermon at the National Cathedral At one point during the sermon, she directly addressed Donald Trump. She said: “Let me make one final plea, Mr President. “Millions have put their trust in you.“In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.”There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in democratic, republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives.”Mariann added that she believes asylum seekers make valuable contributions to America.
Read a subsequent interview. She was asked to apologize for her statements. She refused to saying she regretted the polarization that her statements brought but apologizing for the truth would not heal the hatred. Research revealed she is not barren, we only have empathy in common. Hahaha
Found the January 23, 2025 blog has a feature that works sometimes, sometimes it does not. You can poke the title of the September 2 blog and read the entire blog, not just a portion of it. I commend it to you as it quotes from the 1964 Fatwa allowing birth control and abortion under certain circumstances in the Islamic Faith.
This written during my January 25, 2025 breakfast. It should comfort everyone that I did not climb on the back of the motorbike and go to lunch. Will talk of why in a subsequent blog.
Later went to the pool and did water exercises. Photo of the pool, the gym, the view outside the pool and of a random man under a sign that says it all.