A couple of days ago, a person born and active in the faith, spoke of an important concept in the faith, an everyday quite simple practice. sp.
He: Always say Mashallah so that Allah can protect you and your blessings
from evil eyes when someone compliments you or even when you compliment yourself, okay?
Me: Thank you for telling me. You know that I became of the faith during Covid-19 and there was no one to teach me of the practices. I am always playing catch up even four years later. I love my solitary practice of the faith but I now live in a Muslim majority country and should speak the language, so to say.
But then my irrepressible sense of humor came into play. I cannot seem to help putting my humor into action.
Me: Okay I will say Mashallah, thank you for telling me and the reminder a lot. I get so many compliments I will have to record Mashallah and just push a button. Hahaha
He: Perfect!! Hahaha
Perhaps I should define a few words, in my usual fashion.
Mashallah” is an Arabic phrase that means “God has willed it” or “what Allah has willed”. It is commonly used to express awe, appreciation, or gratitude for something that has happened, or to denote something of beauty or greatness. It can also be used to ward off the evil eye. Google helpfully informs all when It should be used. “Mashallah is most often said to express admiration, appreciation, or thankfulness when something incredibly great or prosperous happens. You might also say it if you hear or see something unbelievable.”
While doing Mashallah research I accidentally found (and therefore cannot provide the link) and incredibly upbeat song which is playing my ears at this moment. It is called Mashallah and expresses profound joy and gratitude. If I found it, you can too. Put some work in. Hahaha
Do not be like those people that need to be spoon fed – that is okay but when one puts effort into something then one can have pride in their efforts, complimenting themselves. Afterward saying Mashallah, of course.
Definition of terms yet again.
Spoon fed is a disapproving terms meaning you to give someone so much help or information that that person does not need to try himself or herself:.
Another term I did not know the meaning of is Wallah, another term also used in conversation with those who speak Arabic. It means: “I swear to God” There is a charming version the word “wallah Habibi” translates into “ I swear to god my dear” It can also mean: “I promise my love.”
This is again funny and utterly true. About a year and a half ago I decided to learn Arabic, listening to two women chat in Arabic around a campfire above Taif. (It was a special time a recorded the call to prayer that suddenly, mysteriously called out.) The one woman, fluent in English volunteered to start off by teaching me a word. So the very first word I learned was Habibi, not knowing the meaning of of it. I would rush about in Saudi Arabia, smiling and in a friendly fashion saying:
Me: Habibi.
Ended up getting countless marriage proposals. I am NOT kidding!
Oops, word definition time again. Kidding, usually said kidding around is to deceive (someone) in a playful or teasing way. Therefore, when I say I am not kidding it means I am not trying to deceive you. This happened. I learned, finally limiting my Habibis to little children because it is depressing always having to say NO to men’s offers of marriage. Hahaha
As you can tell I am in a good mood this December 1, 2024. Mashallah I have every reason to be in a good mood and grateful to Allah (SWT). This morning my alarm rang, alerting me it was time for Fajr prayer. Got out of bed, purified, put on my absolutely beautiful prayer dress given to me by a wonderful woman in Medina, Saudi Arabia. An anonymous woman,, one of the most memorable evenings of my life. I have a reel, should share the highlights of that day at some later time. I do have a photograph which you will view at the conclusion of the blog. The dress has been seen on Instagram and probably the blog but I shall share it again at the conclusion of the blog.
Heard a knock on my door, clad in my prayer dress I answered to find breakfast being brought to me room. I am SO spoiled and SO loved in Lexis Suites hotel. Mashallah. Today is an incredibly crowded day at this hotel as there are two groups. The boos of Roselle Restaurant told in advance, it would be SO crowded, He wanted me to have the best of service but it would be impossible.
Me: No No No. I will come early or later. I will be fine.
Wallbanger (the nickname of the manager) ignored me. Instead, my breakfast arrived at my door before dawn. Mashallah. I was SO grateful for his concern for my well being. Mashallah Ate quiet and peacefully. Thanking Allah (SWT) for ALL of his gifts. I also am thankful for the hardships, as they always lead to blessings. I will continue to write of both in my blog, not just the benefits as I have been prone to do.
Backbiting and gossip are forbidden in the faith. Therefore, if a wrong is committed against me I shall name neither the person, nor the event in great detail. However, very recently I was utterly betrayed, disrespected and lied to. One can sometimes expect that behavior from one who is astray (those of other faiths) or those who have earned the wrath of God – but this was a Muslim proud to be one, parading as a model to all. Spoke of the incident to a helpful and caring man, who did not know the person but I spoke to him about these people when they were seemingly caring, trustworthy and supportive. He sent these reassuring words.
He: Allah will reveal the truth to you a matter of time and will surely show you who came up with the dubious plan Inshallah
Me: Allah has revealed the truth and with the Quran and His guidance I have put it aside. We may speak of it face-to face but not now because it is now a waste of our words. Your wisdom was so helpful, it supported me, reassured me and gave me the strength to do what was necessary. Mashallah
Back to my Blessed Morning
So peaceful it was. Sitting after breakfast sipping tea overlooking the blessed peace surrounding me. On impulse, found a notebook which contained my Intentions for 2023 Ramadan and a suggested contract with God made on the Day of Arafat.(If I remember correctly the suggestion came from Yaqueen Institute). This morning decided to score myself, see how well or poorly I was doing. I had consciously forgot many of the terms of the ‘agreement’. I was most proud of myself. Five and a half out of nine for Ramadan, vowing to make two of the Intentions this Ramadan 2024 and be certain to perform them. The Contract with God revealed a much higher score card. Met the contract obligations of 8 out of !! Inshallah I will schedule a review of both in a couple of months and evaluate myself.
Checked into Instagram, finding many of my responses were acknowledged. More about that later. Left positive responses on most posts. Some negative ones relating to Saudi Arabia, I do believe. Then, and only then, did I begin to write this blog.
Do admit that despite some good scores on the Contract I am in SO many ways an imperfect Muslim. My MAJOR problem is my patience which is revered in the Islamic Faith. I am getting better and do remember that Allah (SWT) does not expect perfection, merely progress. I am making progress. Thanked someone for their incredible patience with me over the past year. The response will make it possible for me to become more patient – with him, with others and also importantly, with myself and Our Creator.
He: I will always be patient with you Alexis. The more I am patient with you the more Allah becomes patient with me too and the more I understand you deeper,
A Completely Different Topic
It is not secret to those who read my blog consistently (or even occasionally) that I consider myself (and and viewed by many) a role model for women – NOT to have children. More evidence emerged supporting the decision to be barren. Opened my Inbox to find an article from Walrus, a great online ‘publication’ from Canada. The title: Want to Raise a Child in Canada, that will be $293,000 and Still Climbing, written by Chantal Bragnanza. Who in the world (much less Canada) could afford that? It is prohibitively expensive.. Both parents would have to work and what sort of a life would that child have??? Think about it girls and guys. Here in Malaysia 40% of young couples are saying they do not want children and this is an intensely family oriented country where ALL help out with child rearing. That is Not true in Canada, not the US nor hardly any country in this wide world. The Quran speaks constantly and continually of the requirement to show compassion and care to orphans. It is the number one concern, do remember that the Prophet (PBUH0 was an orphan. Unfortunately children born in today’s economy, with splintered extended families, so are children born to parents who have no time, not enough financial resources and therefore, probably not enough love and nurturing to raise them. These latch-key kids are orphans.
No more seriousness for now, you read through the serious stuff and now a reward. Do admit to being addicted to Any Borowitz’ humor. I am capable of keeping it to myself, not sharing article. Occasionally, I cannot help myself – this I MUST pass on.
PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump raised eyebrows in diplomatic circles on Saturday by naming the former drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman U.S. ambassador to Mexico. Trump told reporters that the appointment of El Chapo was consistent with his policy of surrounding himself with “only the best people.” When asked about El Chapo’s ten felony convictions, Trump said, “I wish he had more, but I still think he’s qualified.”Trump’s plan hit a snag, however, when El Chapo turned down the post, stating that it would be “embarrassing to serve in the same administration as Dr. Oz.”
It is occasionally enlightening to analyze humor. Andy starts with an improbably premise, then throws in two or three zingers. Trump surrounding himself with ‘only the best people’, wishing he had more ‘qualifying’ felony convictions. But did save the best until last – saying that El Chapo is too embarrassed to serve with Dr. Oz. One has to know a little about Dr. Oz to appreciate the humor in this – pandering, patronizing, patriarchal, self- serving, illogical , unscientific are some suitable labels.
Moe to share of the day at a later time. Now for the photographs and a hysterically funny reel of me singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. As yo shall see it was spontaneous, nothing rehearsed about this. A photograph of the prayer dress, one of the Medina women who gifted me with an absolute treasure trove. Then another sunset. Last night, I was in absolute awe.