Returning ‘Home’ to Christmas Decorations; Thankfully a WOW Morning;  Instagram Messages of Encouragement That Made My Day; Helping Out with Alexis Chef’s Hat: My Instagram Post With Background Music of ABBA’s I Have a Dream; Now Seeking Obligatory Knowledge; Appointment for Premier Health Screening;

I am back in Penang, returned from Singapore a couple of days ago to find Christmas decorations in the lobby of my home. What???? I hate Christmas. A photograph will follow, seeing is believing. I do love that idiom which is used to say that when something unlikely is witnessed, the truth of its occurrence or existence can no longer be doubted. Fascinating to learn its origins: The adage “seeing is believing” is associated with the seventh-century English minister Thomas Fuller (1608-1661). The entire saying is, “Seeing is believing, but feeling is truth.” There needs to be both seeing and a thought process founded upon knowledge and wisdom to make something real. So here I am in a Muslim majority country coming ‘home’ to elaborate Christmas decorations. I could indeed see them – my knowledge kicked in – this country celebrates all religious celebrations – after Christmas will come Chinese New Years.
Faithful readers know I love unicorns, so I adore this quote by Lewis Carroll: “ Do you know, I always thought unicorns were fabulous monsters, too? I never saw one alive before!” Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.”

Flying to Penang from Singapore is a breeze. Some problems at the end but immigration was easy, just stamped the passport, took a photo, and fingerprinted two index fingers.  My driver was at the door at exactly the right time, traffic was manageable. Came home to a thoroughly cleaned room with my stuffed animals lined-up on one king-sized bed. Yesterday found me at Lex Spa emerging with colorful toes,. Afterwards a trip to a local hair salon for a repeat performance by the best hair stylist – a Malaysian woman who cuts everyone’s hair (including mine, men, women, children). She is so speedy. My Lex Spa escorts told me that two back-to- back weddings meant that this hotel is jam packed for the next three days.  All staff had been encouraged to come and help bus dishes at the breakfast buffet. To avoid the crowds my breakfast was brought to my room.

Next morning I awoke, breakfast not yet delivered – looked to Instagram to receive a public message – not a direct message private one. This everyone can see and I do prefer those.
Lucy Swiggs: Can you take me with you on this life changing traveling the world journey.
Me: Sure if you pay your own way. Hahaha AND have no say whatsoever in where we go. Hahah  Hahah Seriously what you just wrote filled me with such joy and was so needed.

She made those comments to a reel entitled Me Time  made before my trip to Singapore. A photo of me with this message: Going to Singapore for a visa run in a few days for a few days to relax, recharge and take some time for myself. It is the 39th country I have visited.

After responding I looked at her Instagram contributions and wrote: Me: I ABSOLUTELY love your messages of inspiration and hopefulness. SO important in these times. So critically needed

This made my day and it is only 6:15. Think I will stay in bed so not to risk any disappointment. Hahaha  Making one’s day is an idiom meaning you have just said or done something great for me and that has made this day a very great and important one, If someone says that to you, a great response is: “You actually just made my day amazing by saying that. “ I was appreciative but decided a dose of realism might be appropriate. (I was probably wrong) .
Me: But, my dear,  I travel the world now because I am a refugee. I cannot live in safety in either the US or Canada because I am a Muslim woman. However I am grateful as I am am free of the oppression imposed on all women in both of those countries – the one of my birth and the other I lived, worked and get my pension from.

Breakfast still had not come knocking. Remembering the visitor volume and plea for staff assistance,  put on a white blouse, black pants and my Bahrain Rex Carlton Alexis chef’s hat, volunteered for duty, cleared tables, scraped of food, did set-ups and told everyone what to do. I attempted to modify staff procedures, had great fun doing it. Two and a half hours later, exhausted from carrying trays of dirty dishes I retreated to my room.

There created an Instagram post showing my back home again photos, with this caption:“Back to the peace of Penang. Please scroll to see my prayer dress, the peace and quiet found here and then me in my chef’s hat. A busy day at Lexis Suites so I helped with the breakfast buffet.” Here is the link:

I have received 222 views, 18 likes and 5 comments One read:
He: Malaysia rocks.
Me: Especially with me here! Hahaha

The post is set to music, I Have a Dream by ABBA. I do have a dream at this moment. Strangely enough it is to own this hotel. The song begins: “ I believe in angels”  I do believe in angels.  I do believe in angels; it is obligatory for Muslims to believe in angels.

My self appointed task is to read A Brief Explanation of the Summary of Abdullah Al-Harariyy.  It is not exactly brief, 368 dense pages without photographs or graphics.
“It was authored to provide the student with the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion – that portion of the Knowledge of the Religion which every accountable person is to learn. The one who is ignorant of the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion cannot be certain of performing of any of the acts of worship like prayer, purification, Hajj- in a valid manner… Moreover, one can not be sure if one is clear of committing any of the sins…”

The book is to be absorbed, to be read slowly and carefully, with this promise.
“The one who absorbs and understands the cases presented in the book eventually becomes among the People of Discrimination. One will be able to discriminate between what is good and what is bad, and between what is valid and invalid. What a great blessing this is.” Seeking the obligatory knowledge is an obligation on every accountable Muslim, whether male or female. There is a Hadith related from the Prophet (PBUH) which says: “The angles lower their wings out of humbleness to the student seeking the Knowledge of the Religion, because of their delight with his deeds.”

These final days of November will find me reading and absorbing. Another task is to ‘take care of myself’. I have scheduled a Premier Health Screening at the Los Guan Lye Hospital. It is thorough, they will know everything about me. The report will be received on the same day.

My blogging may become more sporadic during these days. Hopefully the first of December will find me healthy and knowledgable.

Photographs of Christmas decorations; my stuffed animals; a short reel taken before a morning walk on the beach; my prayer dress, my chef’s hat, some photos from Instagram post; Link provided.