Finality has been reached in all aspects of my life, except some lingering blog topics which will be herein discussed. Finality is a great word. Its definition: the fact or impression of being an irreversible ending. Two variations:
• a tone or manner which indicates that no further comment or argument is possible Used in a sentence: “No,” she said with finality.
- an action or event that ends something irreversibly. Used in a sentence: Death is the ultimate finality (for non Believers).
Trump’s election brought finality to any possibility that I could ever return to the United States of America. This is accompanied by a feeling of relief, somewhat akin to a divorce or giving up on a toxic relationship. (which I have also done recently). To put the sense of relief into words of one syllable. “It is over and done with, hope I learned something from it, but at least I am free.” I can get on with my life, looking for alternate safe havens – countries and people.
Today was the final appointment with my eye surgeon. It was declared a success, My next appointment is in six months. I was assured that cataracts do not grow back. PHEW .
It is important when one makes, or is about to make, significant changes in one’s life to close old doors before opening new ones. This topic has been explored in prior blogs. I said on August 3, 2024.
“This morning’s ritual required a reading of the Beautiful Names of Allah. This page spoke of Al-Fattah, the Supreme Arbiter, the Opener. Meaning: “He judges between His servants, opens the doors of sustenance and mercy for them, as well as the doors closed in their faces and thus makes things easy for them.” This was astounding, the message so needed as those thoughts have been percolating in my mind for days. Of course! That is what has happened with me. Doors have been closed in my face which made things easy for me. Doors are then opened, ones of sustenance and mercy.This is a reoccurring theme , an ever-present one which takes different forms with me – particularly of late. In so many ways – across the board, so to speak.A quote, perhaps from Instagram, was enlightening: “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall every step we take will take us to the wrong place.” Another: “Better you admit you walked through the wrong door then spend your life in the wrong room.”
I see with the guidance provided by pondering the name of Allah that many people, no longer in my life, seemingly opened doors for me. They helped me climb a ladder, they were a rung on the ladder – but the ladder was leaning on the wrong wall. . Those people, particularly present and prevalent after I became of the faith did succeed in getting me moving, pointing in the direction of the straight path. Without their opening the door, getting me up the ladder I would be living in Marin County California. Instead I am living in Penang Malaysia. The two places could not be more different. Totally opposing lifestyles, totally opposing value systems, totally different people. For many reasons, articulated and illustrated through photos and videos on this blog augmented by my Instagram presence – this is the where I am to be at this time. It is the right room, the ladder is finally propped up against the right wall.”
Another blog, April 3, 2021contained this truism.
Received some fantastic advice from Wise Man yesterday.
He: Get rid of all of the dysfunctional people in your life.
Me: That is a great idea! I can hardly make them functional and it is necessary to close old doors before opening new ones. One can have more room for fine people if you get rid of the old ones.
It is a constant struggle, particularly when one traverses the world as I do. One meets new people who replace the ones left behind. Some are good people, some are dysfunctional. Relationships in this dunya are temporary, they are meant to me, they have to be so. And every once in a while one has to clean house – do the spring cleaning as it is called in countries that experience four seasons. Malaysia is not one of them. But there is good news and bad living in a tropical climate. I have itches allover my body. My doctor says it is bug bites. Malaysia is alive with year round buys. My room will get fumigated in my absence I suppose. So one trades off the frostbite of Canada for the bug bites of Malaysia. I prefer the bug bites and almost forgot mosquito season in Canada.
At this moment in time my relationships seem to be viable and and vital. Gone through the necessary mourning period and am looking forward to getting on with life.
Closing Doors Left Ajar on Blog
This blog will hint at new beginnings, but there are sine unresolved blog matters which require closure (shall we say)
The first is the mystery surrounding the phantom MBS. He was a phantom it is certain. If not he left with a clear warning. Our early Instagram conversation, initiated by him is found on my October 23, 2024 blog:
Conversations With A Possible MBS Initiated by Him Using Instagram; Instagram DM Conversation; Notes From Another Platform; Low Birth Rate in Canada Brings Concern; Go to My Calling for Next Episode; Photos of Me and Kids; A Building in Balik
Then again on October 25, 2024 The Afternoon My Whole World Fell Apart; Future Plans and Portions of Blog Disappeared; Bouncebackability Found by Following the Truths of Tawakkul; Messages Sent to MBS May Bring Solution to Gaza
The last message received was October 20th.
He Have a nice day. The messages were not longer read after certain words were conveyed. Paraphrasing, Palestine was his test from Allah and it would be in his best interests to repent believe and be charitable.
I suppose to increase my credibility I did send him my statistics on October 30, 2024.
Me: My statistics, Told you I was read by many, including your subjects
Then sent dancing GIF on November 4.
I shall not send further messages until I receive a response. Do I think that is going to happen? Snowball in hell is the analogy that comes to mind.
What sense do I make of all of this? I do not make any sense of it but no sense worrying about it. I will never know. Did I learn anything from this experience?
Me: Yes! Never direct message anyone, no matter who they say they are. Actually never WhatsApp anyone, even if you have met them and somehow think you know them. You do not. It is a waste of time. They have time to spare for some reason, they have a void in their lives that needs filling. Let them find someone who has the same void. They will not live happily ever after, that is for sure. Not even happy for quite some time. Hahaha.
The other unresolved issue is Margret Atwood’s public fall from grace. Not exactly fall from grace, more like outgrowing a mentor.
This September 24, 2024 title explains: Margaret Atwood; Beginning As a Source of Almost Divine Inspiration Resulting Years Later to a Sense of Outgrowing a Mentor; Beginning Inspiration Miraculously Found in 2017 blog; A Timely Telephone Call; Reviewing a Contract with Allah (SWT); Statistics and Other Happenings Lead to a Possible New Direction; Bionic Woman Emerges; Take a Deep Breath and Smile I describe the process:, speaking of Atwood’s appearances in my blog.
“ The first entry was Mach 31 2017; the last August 24, 2024, the one which spoke of outgrowing a mentor, or being betrayed by a mentor. Either can describe the process as you shall see.”
Seeing Atwood in a different light was occasioned by an interview appearing on Instagram in which she asserted that she was a hardcore agnostic because knowledge and faith are not reconcilable. I reluctantly commented, fearing retribution. Was noticed recently that nine people Liked my comment.
Me: Margaret Atwood has been my hero and my role model since I can remember and I am 81. Ouch though. She appears to know nothing of the Islamic Faith. I reverted to the faith only three years ago. It is knowledge and faith combined, complete with a hereafter. A blessing at our age.
The story of my mentor’s fall from grace did not end there. I became distracted, but an now ready to close the door, graphically showing how mistaken she is. This shall be done quite simply, a photograph of an index page of my Quran, showing scientific references in the Quran. It shall be attached as a photograph.
I suddenly thought of the idiom: kiss of death which seemed to dramatic. After some research realize it is perfect as its definition is an action or relationship that is ultimately ruinous. For example, Some regard a royal divorce as a kiss of death to the monarchy . This term alludes to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, who kissed him as a way of identifying him to the soldiers who came to arrest him (Matthew 26: 47–49 If you say that a particular event is the kiss of death for something, you mean that it is certain to make it fail or be a disaster.
This quote makes it applicable to Margaret Atwood’s demise in my eyes. “Knowledge is strength. Ignorance is the kiss of death.” Suzy Kassem Her statement that knowledge and faith are irreconcilable is surprisingly ignorant.
Then I came across another quote of poet Suzy Kassem which put it all into focus. “THE KEY TO A WONDERFUL LIFE The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder. Because to live a predictable life, only fills a person with strife, And such a person will always be wondering: ‘What a limitless life could be lived beyond the lines?’ Such is a question a curious spirit would never sit and ponder. So always pursue new ventures in your life, And be willing to open doors to different light; This is the only way to keep it magical and always filled with wonder. Days will feel shorter, but your happiness will grow stronger –Because living a life without curiosity and adventure is a stale life where days only feel longer and Longer.Poetry by Suzy Kassem”
Perhaps Margaret Atwood stopped wandering into wonder and began living a stale life? Perhaps she became unwilling to open doors to a different life.
This is the wonder I am experiencing at this moment. I had written that my plans for the immediate future included the three Ws. Worship, Write and Wonder. It is all coming together.