The last blog left off with my deserting the Australia retirement scheme, deciding instead to make Malaysia my second home. Actually, technically, I do not have a first home as neither US or Canada is a safe place for me to live. This change of heart was made step in slow incremental steps. by step, slow incremental steps. Australia is not my destiny; Australia is amiss.
These are the steps leading to this realization.
I was feeling extremely “foot loose and fancy free’. ‘Footloose and fancy-free’ is an expression that means someone is free to do what they want and go where they want because they have no serious commitments or responsibilities. They can go where they please and do as they please. The term is often associated with young people who don’t have serious responsibilities in their lives. I am not young; I am 81 years old.
In perhaps what was, a sense of desperation, I thought a world cruise might be the answer – an interim solution but at least it was a plan, offering stable housing and the chance to see the world. I put in great effort, the travel agency very helpful, the rules were relaxed and for a ‘mere’ $100 thousand USA dollars I could sail away. Yet again, I put in a great deal of effort to get money transferred from various accounts in the US and Canada. There were many obstacles in my path, but I was clearing them My October 25th blog explained what happened next
The Afternoon My Whole World Fell Apart; Future Plans and Portions of Blog Disappeared; Bouncebackability Found by Following the Truths of Tawakkul; Messages Sent to MBS May Bring Solution to Gaza; A GIF With a Blinking Joke Sent; An Instagram Reel Announced Cruise Cancellation; An Immediate Response from a Muslim Sister; Our Photo from Medina.
The rise reservation was cancelled. Although most distressed at first, I get happier with each passing day. Remembering the qualms I had about beginning Ramadan while on the cruise. Also the relief of having no major money concerns. The onerous outlay would have bled me dry. Had no idea what I might do when the cruise was over but was thinking of a return to Penang doing a ninety day visa run between there and Australia – indefinitely.
Peace of mind returned so I went shopping with my Malaysian Sister Noor at Penang’s Queensbury Mall. Spied two women shopping in Sinma’s. Began a conversation.
Me: Are you from Australia? I detect a slight accent. I am planning to retire there, perhaps in Melbourne.
They: Do not do that!! It is expensive and cold. Do what we did! We retired here in Malaysia. Do the Malaysia is my second home program. There are newly enacted regulations – you do not need to buy real estate – instead put money in trust for the length of your visa. There is an agency that can help you with that. We will give you the name. They did.
We also discussed marriage,
They: Don’t get married again!Just go window shopping.
Me: Great idea! Love the analogy, look, savor, but do not touch. I am very good at window shopping.
Noor and I went for a fabulous lunch at TGIF’s – great Mexican good. Best ever and I lived in California for fifty years.
Me: This food is delicious. Best ever and I lived in California for 50 years. California is next door to Mexico, as you might know.
The windows of the restaurant overlooked a bustling street with amenities: traffic lights, sidewalks, shops – not like the rather primitive conditions surrounding this hotel. Noor said she would help me find a condo to rent, we could shop at IKEA (I love IKEA furniture.)
She: I am here for you. We will have fun.
Me: You got me here in the first place. You better be. Hahaha I want to live in a Muslim majority country, be around other Muslims who practice the faith in a manner I admire and prefer. I have the money to invest because of the cancellation of the cruise.
She: It was meant to be. That is what Allah (SWT) is saying.
Me: It definitely seems that way. Out of hardship comes ease. I have experienced hardship and was put through many tests since becoming a Muslim – but then so ease and blessing.
Other dreams may be realizable. My living expenses here will be manageable. My dream of Scotland, my ancestral home, is a possibility. I just might be able to use my Canadian funds as downpayment on a place in West Wemyss, a coastal village in Scotland. The churchyard where my great grandfather Robert Baxter is buried. It does not look like it but Wemyss rhymes with dreams. First I must get settled here.
I wrote to a man with aspirations to retire in Australia.
Me: So bye bye Australia. Hope you enjoy it but it will be even more expensive when you retire.
No response. He is the man of many nicknames. The most recent is NMMM which stands for Not My Mine Man. Window shopping can be such fun. There is always another store. Did major shopping at Sephora. I have my doctor’s permission to now wear blue eyeliner.
I did send an email with the requested information to the agency recommended by the two Australian speaking women. You will hear about it when I get a reply.
Back to Instagram. I was waiting until I got 1K likes to my response about humor in the face of the Gaza atrocities. I am now at 967.
Me: Excellent!! Humour is so important in these times. Laughing at Israel’s absurdities is a weapon, rarely used and must be deployed.
This was a response I made closer to home, so to speak. Fewer Likes but for me most heartfelt.
Me; Thank you for this essential reminder. It is the only way, to respect yourself. The person who disrespects you never will. You can only respect someone else if you first respect yourself. As a retired lawyer I used to fight back. It is useless and most demoralizing to them if you simply walk away..
Dr. Raniaawaad posted an inspiring reel to which I responded,
Me: I totally agree with what you say. Me a revert of four years today, I am 81. So blessed to be of this faith. You inspire me. I hope always to make a difference as you have. Alhamdulillah.
One hundred and fourteen people liked my comment. I am so grateful to them Alhamdulillah.
I read the Quran daily Have promised myself that I will include a verse that I find compelling as I look for guidance and inspiration. This the title from my August 1, 2024 blog New Prayer Practices Have Led to Greater Knowledge and Appreciation of the Quran; Chapter 87 Most Enlightened and Meaningful to Me: New Improved Selfies Found on YouTube; Man is a Creature of Haste; Beautiful Names Book; Power Outage Brings Cookies and Chocolates: View From Bathtub in New Room, Note and Illustration of Beautiful Names
This verse from Chapter 87 speaks most powerfully of a believer’s adherence the Quran and the repercussions for those who shun it,
6) “We will have you recite ‘the Quran, O Prophet,’ so you will not forget ‘any of it’ 7). Unless God wills otherwise. He surely knows what is one and what is hidden. 8. We will facilitate for you the Way of Ease. 9. So ‘always’ remind with the Quran—‘even’ if the reminder is beneficial ‘only to some’. 10). Those in awe ‘of God’ will be mindful ‘of it’. 11). But it will be shunned by the most wretched, 12). Who will burn in the greatest Fire, 13). Where they will not ‘be able to live or die. (87: 6-13)
This has special meaning for me for two very divergent reasons. A SF Pakistani Muslim taxi driver (nickname was Personal Driver0 deems himself responsible for bringing me to the faith. He, In his late forties, prided himself on never reading the Quran, insisting he never was going to. . He believed in the point system – if he contributed money on Friday he would receive extra credit. He contributed to mosque building funds with others money. Thought because of my conversion he would be living in a Jannah castle. He shall surely be surprised on Judgment Day.
He: But I did not read the Quean, I shunned it. How was I to know?
Answer: It is the same as criminal law. Ignorance of the law is no defense.
The other dissimilar situation: the Quran is the constitution of Saudi Arabia. One looks at the practices that are encouraged in that country – many forbidden by the Quran. Greed, corruption, the desecration of Holy Sights. The Quran says the Ruler will be held responsible. I am /was in text conversation with someone or something that says he/she/it is MBS. Will bring you up to date on that conversation later.
By the way, things are looking good. I now have an appointment with the Malaysia is my second home agency. They immediately responded to my email.
I ate in my room this morning, avoiding the massive crowding. You shall see photos of the breakfast and its surroundings. Following the example of a woman met two days ago at Lexis Suites I posted the photos sent to music. Hum or sing What a Wonderful Life or go to Alexis_Alaa-McBride on Instagram. The caption reads: “Scenes from my Breakfast this morn. I am truly blessed. I could be freezing in Canada or stressed and unsafe in the USA, Instead in Malaysia at an incredible cost savings. How did this happen to me? I became a Muslim four years ago.”