Dateline: August 11, 2024
This trip is a must do – gotta do it. Must leave Malaysia as my ninety days are up, the tourist visa time ticked by so quickly. This feels like the exact opposite of a jail sentence with the prisoner anticipates the release date with excitement, with hope, with a sense impending freedom. This is a chore, a form of punishment.
Dateline: August 12, 2024
The beginning of my travels were not altogether fun, Wrote from the SUV taking me to the airport.” I write from a cab as I travel toward the Penang ag Airport. It is pouring rain, not just a drizzle but a downpour. I am dressed modestly in a long white dress and black abaya. However, as I checked out I removed my headscarf – it was getting in the way. I wore a hat to protect me from the sun. Rather unnecessary at the moment as it is not even day day break, and as I said, it I raining. Getting packed is a pain, an enormous task but it is done again.”
After arriving at the airport, wrote further.
Traveling is never fun, nonetheless that is the most enjoyable punishment I have ever experienced. Got to the Penang Airport very early – three hours before flight time, therefore not at all stressful. Malaysia has a fabulous internet infrastructure – so WiFi at the airport, on the plane, everywhere. This meant I received one message that made my day (and then another). This from my second cousin Garry.
He: Hi Alexis you are looking fabulous. The current life suits you as you look so much younger.
Me: I love you for saying that. I love Malaysia and its people I meet so many Australians who are visiting here. I often brag telling them I have relatives living in Australia and tell them of the successes of your family in Australia. I promise to visit one day. I am thinking of getting a PhD from Monash University which has a campus here and in Australia. We shall see. Of course I recommend a vacation for you and your family in Penang Lexis Suites.
Then a message.
He: Good norming Alexis Have a safe flight and enjoy your trip to Bali. I will see you on the weekend.
Me: WOW! A message from you, It made my day but that is not saying much because I am traveling. I am in KL. The flight to Bali has been delayed. I am starving. Please send me food. Hahaha I know you cannot. You are having competition making my day – this message from my second cousin (which I repeated word for word). I will tell you a secret when I see you on the weekend.
I have protected the identity of both men. The second cousin’s first name is Garry- his last name is not McBride. I gave second man a nickname for a first name – it is King. I might tell you his last name if I get his permission this weekend. It is funny.
Lots of messages and reels from the folks left behind. You will get to view one or two if there are no copyright restrictions. One is a fabulous version of You Are My Sunshine,
Amy sent them – I so LOVEd them . They were sent after my manicure – you shall see photos of my nails professionally photographed by Ansel Adams (my nickname for a Lex Spa employee) He is a talented photographer. The send off from Lexis Suites was spectacular – not one, not two, not three but FIVE handsome Lexis Suites employees came to collect my luggage last night. I just took a small bag for my short trip to Bali. Many missing you messages received.
The wonder of it all. One year ago, at the end of August, I left Edmonton thinking to myself.
Me:I do not think anyone will miss me when I am gone.
You know what? I do not think anyone did, if so it was fleeting feeling on their behalf and mine. Fleeting means lasting for a very short time. One must remember that when I left Edmonton, thought I would be back, living both KSA and Edmonton – the Islamaphobia following October 7, 2023 made this impossible. That for me ended up being a win/win. Did not see that at the time, admittedly I do not have to pay $30.000 in Canadian taxes which funds chopping off a man’s penis and giving him a useless void between his/her legs. Besides what did I have to go hone to??? I am deeply grateful, praising Allah (SWT). I am basically the same person this year that I was last year. Those surrounding me are different. I live near and around people who appreciate me, as much as I appreciate them. I was wasted in Canada – hardly any Muslims to cheer up for another thing. It would also be difficult for me to function breathing toxic air. Here I breathe in sea breezes.
The flight from Penang to KL went very well. I was most pleased with Malaysian Airline. There is a calm and caring efficiency about the airlines, making travel almost effortless. Their staff stylishly and colorfully dressed – their uniforms made of Malaysian fabric. I require a wheelchair when traveling as vast airport distances makes it difficult as I move in a slow and hesitant fashion.
I write ahead, sometimes without posting so I am taking you back three days. It was called Wonderful Day.
I can not imagine waking up to a more beautiful morning, a more beautiful sight. The sun rose, spreading pink along the peaceful waters, the occasional fishing boat set out to sea, birds chirped, there was peace – a feeling of timelessness. I do not want to go anywhere, I want this setting of this morning for the rest of my life. Sitting on a chair on my private patio I planned my day, making a list, then prioritizing the list.
- Read and absorb Quran 35, verses found randomly during morning Fajr prayer. These verses spoke to a conflict, perhaps a test given me by Allah (SWT). I responded to an Instagram post in the following manner. This test, I hope, will make me grow tall in the Faith. The Quran provided a plan of action. I shall not speak of it publicly as it concerns private individuals in my life.
- The next task was, believe this or not – decide what to wear. I did, my purple dress, pink shirt with matching scarf has been laid out on the ‘spare ‘bed, as I call it.
- The third task was to ‘check out the UK riots.” You get to join in on that one.
I went to my primary source Al Jazeera, was not disappointed. A fresh, knowledgable perspective, quite different from the sensationalism found on TV or Instagram. Most proud to say a woman, Shiasta Aziz wrote:
“Thousands of anti-racists took to the streets across the north and south of England on Wednesday evening, reclaiming our towns and cities back from the far-right rioters who have been terrorising British Muslims, people of colour, refugees and migrants over the past eight devastating days.
In doing so, anti-racists have also reclaimed the narrative back from the politicians and media operatives who have emboldened these violent racists with their inflammatory rhetoric on migration, making it clear that the majority in Britain does not buy into their hate mongering and that our multiracial neighbourhoods and communities are “no go zones” for the far-right.”
The writing so eloquent, hate mongering racists with their inflammatory rhetoric have no place in multiracial neighborhoods – they are ‘no go zones for the far right. Victory has been achieved, but the war is not over.
“While this victory against racists and fascists, this reclamation of Britain’s identity, should undoubtedly be celebrated, there is also an urgent need to ask: How did we end up with far-right riots on our streets, and what can we do to prevent the repeat of this atrocity?
Aziz speaks of the ‘central role of social media but probes deeper into her search for the cause of these atrocities.
“Nonetheless, British Muslims and those belonging to other ethnic minorities in this country know for a fact that the hate that led to the events of this past week is much older than social media. Aziz spoke of the past where elders, youth and women were urged to hide, not go on the streets fearing attack. Then along came 9/11.
This past week has also reminded us that the especially potent anti-Muslim hate and bigotry that was unleashed in the aftermath of 9/11 did not go anywhere despite years of anti-racist efforts to curtail it.”
An in-depth analysis of the effects of the 9/11 aftermath and the so-called ‘war on terror’ is followed by the this terribly true state of affairs.
“Post-9/11, in most of Europe, Islamophobia became state policy. States started banning the niqab, the hijab, the building of mosques and the call to prayer.
Some ‘corrective measures’ came into place but these were effectively dismantled after the reactions October 7, 2023.and the ensuring war on Gaza. Where must we go from now becomes the next topic. So how can we prevent the repeat of this horrific explosion of hate against Muslim and other minority communities? The only way to ensure the UK never sees such racist riots again, the only way that our communities can feel fully safe and secure in this country, is for the government to embark on a war against dangerous far-right ideologies.”
Aziz provides the answer, although I am known for my optimism I do not see it happening soon, if ever.
The government must take the far right and its Islamophobic bigotry head on, defend and uphold the internationally recognised rights of asylum seekers and migrants. It must create a new asylum and immigration system that is aligned with international law and respectful of the dignity and humanity of all people. Further, it must make its stance on Islamophobia clear.
So where does this leave me? I remember the day of 9/11 clearly, can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the word. I had no idea whatsoever how it would impact my life. I am actually joyous I was kept in the dark. I recently read where and when I was when I heard of the events of October 7, 2023. On the steps of Medina Prophet’s Mosque learned of this – as happy that finally Palestinians were fighting back. Little did I know, but I was soon to find out, that I could not, in safety return to my then home in Canada. Terminated my apartment lease at great personal and financial expense from afar learning, from the Edmonton Mosque of the rampant Islamophobia. I became a refugee. But how can I complain? The air is fresh and clean – I can breathe – no wild fires making breathing impossible.
I am leaving for a few days – ‘vacationing’ in a Muslim majority country, Indonesia. However, I researched the province in which I will be staying – Bali is Hindu not Muslim. What will this mean to me? Not sure. Here I dress and cover in the Malaysian Muslim fashion. What there? I actually thought of a solution. I have an appointment with Amy of Lex Spa, she has been to Bali. I will ask her. PHEW.
Now you are caught up. Photos: my beautiful nails.and reels sent by Amy which were so needed and so well received. You Are My Sunshine is MY song. I guess I am the sunshine to Penang Lexis Suites. The sun shall shine again soon.