I do admit that as the world’s chaos worsens I am drawn to its events trying to understand, in some small measure, why in the world I am living through all this. Admittedly living in safety but as an empathetic individual it is not troubling. I turn to the Internet, not television for clues. I am now reporting on my findings.
The irrationality of Israel’s massive attacks on Gaza’s infrastructure, not just its entire population was brought out in one sentence from Al Jazeera:
If Israel wants to occupy and annex Gaza, presumably it would want to inherit something more than a blast zone.
The Opinion article, authored by Elias Khoury continues, discussing not only is Israel irrational attacks but the e United States unprecedented and total support of Israel.
And while Israel’s conduct appears irrational, so does the unconditional support its closest ally – the United States – has extended. Washington’s “ironclad” backing of the genocide Israel is conducting has eroded its international authority and claim to uphold the international rules-based system.
Many ascribe Israel’s gross irrationality to the feeling of humiliation stirred by Hamas’s October 7 attack. That hyperemotionality accelerated the rightwards shift of Israeli politics, which now openly celebrates genocidal exploits. Gone is the rhetoric of “peaceful coexistence” and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promises instead “total victory”.
History can give a clue as to what he might mean by that phrase. It is eerily similar to the German word Endsieg, which literally translates to “final victory” and described the full realisation of the Nazi regime’s genocidal ambitions. The parallels are chilling.”
Khoury cites some possible reasons for Israeli irrationality but none apply to the USA whose blanket support has been equally and horribly irrational.
“The US has unequivocally supported every step of Israel’s destructive campaign in Gaza, even as it has rhetorically called for “restraint” or “ceasefire”.
Washington’s fealty is striking. Ever since the offensive began, President Joe Biden has fully supported Israel at every turn. But the US and Israel are distinct societies with interests that often diverge. Surely the American and Israeli positions on the war must differ at least slightly?”
Looking at the situation with rational eyes, seeing that USA has nothing to gain by the whole scale attack, the author does a So What If? I do love “so what ifs “ – they can introduce an entirely different line of thinking.
So what if American support for Israel’s genocide isn’t about Gaza at all? What if the US is merely trying to show who is the boss?
Instances of the USAs weakening superpower authority are cited with China coming to the forefront. Khoury,, coming to the following conclusion, challenging BRICS+, to take a stronger stand.
“In short, America seemed to be on the back foot, with its position as the dominant global superpower looking increasingly shaky. In Gaza, it sees a chance to reassert itself.
These are Elias Khoury’s credentials. Law student at the University of Michigan. He holds a graduate degree in public policy from the London School of Economics.
Despite the crisis we are facing I was determined to write of today of the Malaysian people. Unfortunately an email from blog master Chris is preventing the publication of my thoughts. I am sorry. But the Malaysian people are always on my mind and the more we think, the more we know. This I do admit is not a profound saying. This quote true but and not true and rather depressing. “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. “ Then found this quote which is positive, encouraging and does incorporate principles of the Islamic Faith.
Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.” ― Roy T.
Quran Chapter 87: 8 We will facilitate for you the Way of Ease. The footnote (1291) explains. The Islamic way of life which brings about ease in this life and salvation in the next.
This actually says it all as the Islamic way of life necessarily includes belief, effort, knowledge and gratitude. One has to look at world events coupled with belief in the wisdom and power of knowledge, put in some effort to place things in perceptive, look at history and read the Quran to increase one’s knowledge and be grateful that you are not living in Gaza or Israel or the UK with all of the rioting, or in Bangladesh where there is a worker’s revolt etc etc etc.
I hope this served to cheer readers. Perhaps not the ones in the USA which may be a problem Alter Ego: Why is that?
Me: You shall soon see. It has everything to do with my statistics.
Yesterday emailed Computer Guru Chris. I am having difficulty accessing funds to pay him
Me: I can get access to my funds someday, The money is not going anywhere as I cannot get at it. Hahaha. Maybe my statistics by country please. Wondering what is happening. Do not know if it is good for me to know. But whatever.
Computer Guru immediately sent the statistics, which will be included as an attachment to this blog.
He: I agree, anyhow. I do still wonder who you know in the Netherlands. Small country and it has always ranked high in readership.
Me: Thank luv!! It is SO funny about me and the Netherlands. I have been meeting families from there staying in this hotel. I tell them about my fatal attraction to their countrymen so it will only get worse. Hahaha. Much love.
The statistics brought great joy – as they usually do. The United States remains in the forefront. Now that might be a problem as I make no secret of my disdain for what is going on there as witnessed by my inclusion of Khoury’s wisdoms. Next is Canada, not occupying much space in my heart and mind. Very seldom do I mention it or concern myself with its politics – just report the occasional wildfire or two or three. The real joy was, of course, number 3 which is MALAYSIA. It edged out Saudi Arabia – perhaps the Instagram reel Hello Malaysia, Goodbye Saudi Arabia had something to do with it. Who knows, who will ever know. The numbers begin to decrease but Netherlands remains strong at number 4. Then the UK number five then finally number 6 is Saudi Arabia. (How the mighty have fallen. Hahaha) Singapore used to be a strong contender now at number 7 despite my meeting many from Singapore during my 81 days of Lexis Suites Residency.
More analysis at another time, but comments on two Arab countries. The UAE had 12 readers that day making 24 visits. That was a surprise as I thought my blog had been banned in the UAE. Then Qatar with 7 viewers making 19 visits. I was in ‘conversation’ with a Qatar acquaintance.
Me: By the way I get my blog statistics done according to country. Qatar is an immense disappointment. I have more views in Cyprus even. Neither of you in the top ten. Malaysia has soared to number 3. And look what I do for you guys quoting Al Jazeera. Oh well. Hahaha
No response as yet but there was this statement, in writing, therefore enforceable. (Once a lawyer, always a lawyer)
She: Once you visit Qatar let us know. (Two hearts)
Turned to legalese, taking a lawyer stance.
Me: All was said is ‘let us know’ – did not invite me over for tea, say her family would love to see me – nothing like that.
Alter Ego: I guess you are right. But there were two hearts.
Me: Thank you for that.
Jumping to the joys of today. Returned to my room after breakfast to find four WhatsApp messages from Amy of Lex Spa.
She: I found this amazing template in Cap Cut. Tap the link to try it out.
Following this were four templates, Two starring me which shall be attached to this blog.
I sent it off to friends and acquaintances with this caption.
Me: Made by a dear friend and sent this morning. Mashallah
Some responses already received.
He: Just keep shining like you do.
She: Alhamduillah U r doing fine.
Me: Better than just fine. I am doing great!!!
Then Elephant Man said: Mashallah with four emoji.
Three days ago Amy and Mira of Lex Spa gave me five Malaysian scarves. I take great delight in color coordinating them to my clothes. I shall include colorful photographs of me in Malaysian covered hijabs. One photo of Nurul of Lex Spa who elaborately tied the beautiful scarf for me. Black is simply boring – serving only to downplay the joys of the Islamic Faith.