A previous blog discussed the difficulties I have experienced in developing prayer habits and rituals suitable to both my physical and intellectual needs. This is a continuation, a sequel, a follow up, of sorts to the previous blog.
Reading portions of the blog during a rake rather than memorizing brought increasing familiarization, growing knowledge of the Holy Word. It is not only my belief but reveals knowledge that there is something for everyone in the book revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) so many centuries ago. Contrary the known scholastic knowledge of the e the Bible, the New Testament in particular, no one and nothing has altered the revelations I was awarded a Master’s in Humanities from Dominican University, in San Rafael, California. Biblical studies were a requirement, At that time, during my sixties I leaned of the altering, the sometimes defacement of the earliest texts. The earliest New Testament texts were not written until one hundred years after the death of Jesus. New Testament accounts of Jesus’ life and miracles are legends passed down verbally through generations.
This definition of the Quran is taken from The Revealed Path, a publication given to me by the Zayhed Center in Abu Dhabi. “ The Quran, the Holy Book of Islam , the words of god dictated by to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) by through the Angel Gabriel. The Quran is true to its word, it has not been altered or changed. It has been translated from the Arabic but it remains exactly the same. It is both simple and complex – depending upon the level of understanding of its readers.
By the way, during my Dominican Days I also took a additional supplemental graduate level course in Buddhism. I, therefore, have academic knowledge of Buddhism. All of my Islamic studies have been self initiated and self taught. This was also true of Aisha, the beloved wife of the Prophet (PBUH)
Back to the Quran. I discovered within its pages a chapter with immense meaning for me. I have managed to memorize the chapter, using it when I particularly need the inspiration of its words. It is Chapter 87 The Most High
In the Name of God –
The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
The Mater Creator
- Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High. 2. Who created and ‘perfectly’ fashioned ‘all’
3. And Who ordered precisely and inspired accordingly, 4. And Who brings forth ‘green’ pasture, 5. Then reduces it to withered chaff.
The Quran and the Way of Ease
6. We will have you recite ‘the Quran, O Prophet,’ so you will not forget ‘any of it’ 7. Unless God wills otherwise. He surely knows what is one and what is hidden. 8. We will facilitate for you the Way of Ease. 9. So ‘always’ remind with the Quran—-‘even’ if the reminder is beneficial ‘only to some’. 10. Those in awe ‘of God’ will be mindful ‘of it’. 11. But it will be shunned by the most wretched, 12. Who will burn in the greatest Fire, 13. Where they will not ‘be able olive or die.
The Way to Success
14. Successful indeed are those who purify themselves. 15. Remember the Name of their Lord and pray. 16. But you ‘deniers only’ refer the life of this world, 17 even though the Hereafter is far Bette and more lasting. 18. This is certainly ‘mentioned’ in the earlier Scriptures—19. The Scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
Discerning readers will have noticed the YouTube addition to the blog menu. I have been gifted with Elephant Man’s editing knowledge and abilities, taking my amateur reels, condensing them and then posting them to my YouTube channel Our first collaborative effort took place last night. He was able to merge two Medina Prophet’s Mosque selfies to one. The first selfie soliloquy reel was posted near the time of its inception in December of 2023, receiving almost almost 800 views. But it stopped too soon. subsequent selfies spoke f the real message I was attempting to get across. It is a faith that makes it possible to worship according to one’s unique circumstances, possible to worship in one’s way. At the time of the heart-felt selfie soliloquy I was not aware, possibly not even read Chapter 87. You can imagine my joy in reading, and now, memorizing it. Ponder these words, (and others which will be mentioned in subsequent blogs.) “Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High. 2. Who created and ‘perfectly’ fashioned ‘all’ 3. And Who ordered precisely and inspired accordingly.
You may see the new revised reel on my YouTube channel.
Back to my present prayer practices which are enhanced by a gift I received from my stay at the Oberio Hotel. Sometime during the beginning days of my stay Mr. Ali, a second (or third) in command manager (the soul of the place) gifted me with a small book, which shall be pictured. It is a beautifully illustrated small book: The Beautiful Names of Allah. My prayer practices include reading one name, both in Arabic and English, in addition the meaning and evidence. There is a website: www.allahsnames.net. Five times a day, read the description of one of the beautiful names.
I suddenly remembered that Mr. Ali had also given me a tour of the opulent Oberio Royal Suite so used the search engine of the blog to discover that the tour had taken place approximately a year ago, July 24, 2023. It seems ages, even eons ago. The title and perhaps a link to the blog. I Have Been Afforded Great Privileges on This,My Saudi Sojourn; Sojourn, Tact, Blessings, Beneficent Defined; A Tour of the Royal Suite; Ali Book Reveals More Coincidences; Sudden Insight; It is Blessings Not Privilege; Tabuk Discussed With Photos.
July 30, 2024
This evening was reading the Quran during Isha prayer. Randomly was reading from Chapter 21 Prophets. 21:37 Man is a creature of haste.. This struck me as fundamentally true. Decided to look further into the meaning of haste: excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry. Used in a sentence: I write in haste. (I do not, by the way) Some of the synonyms describe why this is a problem for mankind: hurriedness, briskness, immediateness; impetuosity, precipitateness, expeditiousness. How can one do anything worthwhile if one is governed by impetuosity, expeditiousness, briskness, immediateness?
The chapter goes on to say, in my language: Just wait and see what is going to happen to you disbelievers. I do not have to punish you immediately, you are going to get it in the end. Personally, when I read this I get the message, I listen, learn and believe. Back to the Quran 21: 39 If only the disbelievers would know that a time will come when they will not be able to keep off the Fire off their faces or backs nor will they be helped. 40. In fact the Hour will take them by surprise, leaving them shunned. So they will not be able to avert it, nor will it be delayed from them.
Back to the benefits and blessings of my present existence (please remember there have been many hardships) I am immensely enjoying my new room, I was moved to a thoroughly cleaned room with a view of the sunrise instead of my treasured sunset view. Yesterday I was gifted with a sunrise of astounding beauty, so breathtaking I forgot to memorialize the moment with a photo. I have ‘moved in’ – creating order in this immense suite with ample storage space. Rejoiced in a bubble bath in the huge tub, enjoying the view. I shall include a photo of the view, not me in the bubbles.
The courtesies and attention paid to guests in this hotel is nothing short of astounding. The other evening, in the middle of the night. woke to discover I had no electricity, the phones were not working so it was impossible to alert reception. Electricity was restored at the time of Fajr prayer. After breakfast went down to reception telling them about the power outage. Discovered it was the fault of the local power utility company who had, without alerting customers, turned off the power to perform necessary maintenance. Later that evening, heard a knock on the door, opened it to find staff gifting guests with three chocolate chip cookies, chocolates and a note. A copy of the note is attached. The chocolates and the cookies are in my tummy.
Photos of the bath tub view, the cover and one page of Allah’s Beautiful Names and the Lexis Suites note.