The world has, in my eyes, turned topsy-turvy, in ways that may fundamentally effect me. Learned of two rather earth-shaking things two days ago. It was my own fault! I decided to catch up on world events. Do not do it – it is a mistake. You do not need to bother as I am going to share the news with you. Good news (or is it bad news) travels fast. Cannot remember which one it is so I will look it up, along with topsy-turvy.
It is bad news that travels fast.
Something that is topsy-turvy is in a confused or disorganized state, upside down. . No one can argue about that. Some synonyms are: chaotic confused, disarranged, cockeyed, jumbled pellmell disordered muddled. l) in a state in which nothing is certain and everything is very confused.
The first of the two earth-shaking stories, presented to me in the July 21. 2024 Al Jazeera. Title: Has the next pandemic already started?New cases of avian flu are raising alarm of a possible new pandemic. The world urgently needs to prepare. This article was written by an extremely qualified woman, Ayoade Alakija Special Envoy for the Access to COVID19 Tools Accelerator. Alaina expertly urges world leaders to cooperate and without the cooperation of rich and poor nations there will be severe problems. The gist of the article is found in this paragraph.
This unequal situation not only threatens national health security but also hinders the world’s ability to prevent an H5N1 pandemic if it is to emerge. Global leaders must acknowledge the interconnectedness of health systems and commit to distributing resources fairly. Alaina concludes: .
If H5N1 starts spreading from human to human and we are not prepared for it, we will pay an unimaginable heavy price in terms of human lives and livelihoods.
Needless to say this is alarming as I consider it absolutely impossible for world leaders to get together to do anything except allow and support the genocide in Gaza. I am old and therefore vulnerable, have no health plan, my travel will be limited, lived through the first pandemic in San Francisco under inhumane conditions surrounded by anti-vaccinate supporters and dogs which certainly spread the disease etc etc etc etc. Not eager to do all that over again.
Oops another health warning on Al Jazeera, from a podcast. There is a growing resistance to antibiotics that could cause ten million deaths a year, from 2050. That according to the United Nations. Listening to the podcast will explain. But why listen? Most likely I shall be already dead in 2050, so do not care why.
The second Il Jazeera article concerned Biden’s stepping aside and anointing Kamala Harris. This at first the unlikelihood of a black woman president a sense of joy, accompanied by disbelief.
Me: I cannot believe this!! A black woman president of the United States. Not only that she was a California woman lawyer, and incidentally a stepmother. I was a California lawyer, and once a stepmother. I will never forget, eons ago, an evening when when Geraldine Ferraro was named the vice presidential candidate. The song Celebration still resonates. Do admit that Sarah Palin did not bring that same sense of joy.
Alter Ego: Why was that?
Me: Do not want to get overly negative. Let me just say – happily her running mate did not win that election.
Thought of claiming my American citizenship, volunteering to be the ambassador to Malaysia, or the UAE, Bahrain, or even Saudi Arabia. Thought of doing a two for one. I could serve as both USA and Canadian ambassador. Although unlikely that Pierre would appoint me as I have recently brought attention to his failure to preform promises in a recent blog.
More reading brought instant disillusionment which is a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be: Harris is staunchly supporting Israel, meeting with the Israeli mass murderer Netanyha that very day in Washington. Nothing is going to change – all of this is window dressing. My July 24,2024 blog speaks the harsh truth, nothing is going to change nothing at all
Everything is the same – only perhaps worse.
It was depressing, but I managed to resurrect my sense of optimism, of hope.
Alter Ego: How did you do that?
Me: If worse came to worse decided this. I get covid and die there is a strong possibility that I shall go to Jannah. Not a guarantee of course, but it is my ambition
Alter Ego: And the US – what about the chaos and misery there? There is no hope coming from there.
Me: I don’t live there and have no plans to return. No safety there with no gun control, the violence and rampant islamaphobia. If Harris does nothing to halt the Gaza genocide the tax revolt will continue in full force, the IRS is ill equipped to prosecute millions of people. Harris is supported by billionaire donors who control the economy. The rich will get rich and the poor will get poorer. My defined benefit retirement program invests wisely with the rich. The MCERA billion dollar retirement fund will continue to pay me for not working.
During the moments of sheer despair I realized that everything was beyond my control. At that moment had an epiphany.
Alter Ego: What is an epiphany?
Me: Two definitions. Either a manifestation of a divine being or a moment of sudden revelation or insight.
Alter Ego: Tell me? What was the revelation? .
Me: The one thing the only thing I am in control of is my worship of Allah (SWT). I am in good hands, He is All-Powerful and All-Knowing and has absolutely everything under control. So I shall trust, concentrate on my worship, not world events and not worry. .
Alter Ego: Sounds like a good plan.
Me: It is an excellent plan. Moreover, I will surround myself with other believers and we will persevere. I have finally succeeded in shunning the hypocrites that contaminated my life. .
I shall end with a measure of frivolity. This is written on the morning of July 24, 2024. Admittedly yesterday was a bit of a downer. Actually reminds me of a joke, one from my childhood actually. Noah looks up, holds up his hand and says:
Noah: Hmmm. Looks like we are having a small drizzle today.
In case some of you do not know the word, a drizzle is an intermittent light rain falling in very fine drops.
To say the day was a bit of a downer is akin to saying that the floods which required an arc for survival is merely a light drizzle. Nonetheless I was able to persevere, to overcome. Went to the Shoppe on the Lobby level intending to purchase a legal nonalcoholic beer. Glanced upward to see coveted item, one that I had been begging Elephant Man to acquire for me. It is a red baseball hat emblazoned with Lexis Suites. Ten US dollars later I was the proud owner of a red baseball hat.
Went to my room, took a selfie sending it to close friends. The day progressed, did some intense writing which did improve my mood. One reason I wanted the red hat was to replace my red Canada hat purchased at a dollar store. I gave it away or left it behind – either way, it is history. I possess a blazing red scarf which can be used to drape around the hat hiding my ‘sinful’ hair. After Asr prayer put on the hat, draped the scarf, climbed on the elevator going to Skyview Terrace. Posted photos to Instagram, one swipes to see me in black and white, color and one before scarf. The post, set to music, has received 24 and 153 views. (Never can quite understand why some people are too lazy to poke a Like button, but whatever.) Then photo of me in scarf draped hat to dearest Muslim friends.
Me: Covered with a scarf. Please show Adam and Mya. .
Reel from Mya and Adam: Waving and saying. You look gorgeous with the scarf.
Me: Love you so much. You add joy to my life.
They: we love u too.
Me: So much love. It comes from Allah (SWT) I know it does.
They: Alhamdulillah Are you in your room?
Me: Up on Skyview Terrace. Did you ever come up here?
They: Yes. Once or twice.
Me: Here is a photo from there. Also a photo of free cookies they just gave to me. Would share with Adam and Mya but they are not here. So they are going in my tummy. Hahaha
Sent the reel of Adam and Mya to another.
Me: My real joys My Dubai grandchildren Alhamdulillah
He: ASWT Bless you all. Where are you now?
Me: Skyview Terrace Lexis Suites. Soon Alexis Suites. Hahaha Now getting two free chocolate chip cookies.
By the end of the day I had persevered, bringing happiness to Muslims. If Allah gives you a gift you are supposed to use it. I have two gifts, seemingly incompatible. Writing and bringing cheerfulness and joy.
I was able to use both of them, even in the midst of adversity.
Word definition time again.
Incompatible: (of two things) so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together. In other words: Worlds apart, like day and night.
Adversity: difficulties; misfortune, hardship.
“So, surely with hardship comes ease” – with this Quranic verse 94:5 the muftiyat consoled Muslims throughout the country to accept the pandemic as a test from Allah and to remain patient, even in the face of continuing restrictions.
Simply stated: There is always ease and happiness after hardship, so I try to be grateful.
I am grateful.
Photos of red baseball cap with before and after scarf shots, View from Skyview Terrace. I accidentally deleted the photo of free chocolate chip cookies.